Skinner: Red Ed’s new beast friend

Black Dog

Last updated at 2:19 AM on 19th February 2012

Ed Miliband is being groomed by Dennis Skinner to become a more effective parliamentary performer.

Dennis Skinner

Ed Miliband

Dennis Skinner is grooming Ed Miliband to become more effective in parliament

The Labour leader’s limp-wristed Dispatch Box turns have received better reviews since the Beast of Bolsover started paying visits to give him advice on Commons technique. Coincidence?

Ex-miner Skinner has just turned 80, but still has the power to rattle the Tory front bench with his ferocious one-liners.

Michael Gove already has to endure seeing accounts of his  domestic life appear in a newspaper column written by his wife Sarah.

Highlights have included hiding the Education Secretary’s underpants and limiting his access to marital pleasure.

Now Mrs Gove is posting more frequent updates on her Twitter site.

To ensure maximum embarrassment for hubby, the page is headlined: ‘All views expressed are naturally those of her husband.’

David Cameron and George Osborne may see eye to eye on most things but on one burning issue they’re poles apart – whether Ed Miliband will survive as Labour leader.

‘Dave reckons he will cling on and fight the next Election as party leader. Well, I don’t,’ the Chancellor was overheard revealing to a colleague.

Sam Cam was away skiing for Valentine's Day

Sam Cam was away skiing for Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day  came and went without  a romantic, candle-lit dinner for David Cameron and wife Samantha, left.

‘Sam Cam’ was away skiing, leaving the PM to dine à trois with Energy Minister  Lord Marland and Tory Party co-chairman Andrew Feldman.

Hardly an occasion for whispering sweet nothings.

Ed Miliband’s preferred candidate to be new chairman of the Parliamentary Labour Party, Merseyside MP Dave Watts, faces whispering from rivals over his Liverpool accent.

One senior Labour MP mocks: ‘Dave’s a lovely bloke but do we want someone speaking thick Scouse every time he’s wheeled out to defend Ed?

It’s the aural equivalent of having your hub-caps stolen.’

Luciana Berger may be the most ‘fanciable’ female in the Commons, according to a poll by Sky News, but it has been a bittersweet accolade for the Labour MP.

Ms Berger has developed  a fierce allergy to the broadcaster’s make-up, leaving her with a sore-looking black eye whenever she is put under  their hot studio lights.

Nick Clegg could at least make an effort to hide his zealous pro-European views from more sceptical colleagues.

The half-Dutch Deputy Prime Minister kicks off Whitehall meetings with a cheery ‘Bonjour!’ But shouldn’t it be ‘Goedemorgen’?

The Commons Tearoom is still serving ‘festive’ mince pies eight weeks after Christmas.

‘The staff ordering them pressed the wrong button so we have thousands left over,’ sighed one MP.

‘They’ll soon be past their sell-by date.’
Like half the Commons chamber.

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