Talk about TMI.
Late last week, Imgur user shannonbtweet posted a photo of the car decal she spotted on the back of one very, very busy single mom’s car. Take a look:
Yikes. We don’t need to know that much about your family, lady.
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Also on HuffPost:
Republican Or Just Special
Clearly these are the only two options. (via <a href=”” target=”_hplink”>Passive Aggressive Notes</a>)
From A Ford Employee Perhaps?
She seems to care more about the car than the bad parking job. (via <a href=”” target=”_hplink”>Passive Aggressive Notes</a>)
Dear Penis
Simple, to-the-point and with a touch of smarm. Perfect parking note. (Via <a href=”” target=”_hplink”>Buzzfeed</a>)
Next Time Bring A Can Opener
Or better yet, just learn how to park. (Via <a href=”” target=”_hplink”>The Angered</a>)
Bad Park You
This person takes major issue with two things: bad parking and complete sentences. (Via <a href=”” target=”_hplink”>Buzzfeed</a>)
Arrogant Much?
… And we’re sure he got a call. (via <a href=”” target=”_hplink”>Funnyphotos</a>)
The Rich Guy Killed Grandma!
For shame. (Via <a href=”” target=”_hplink”>The Angered</a>)
From A Concerned Party
They’re just trying to help! (Via <a href=”” target=”_hplink”>Buzzfeed</a>)
Good One
Bad parker or not, they probably weren’t expecting to be called an “ass bag” that day. (Via <a href=”” target=”_hplink”>Pictures And Jokes</a>)
Nice car…
<a href=””><img style=”float:left;padding-right:6px !important;” src=”” /></a><a href=””>Molena Mompoint</a>:<br />
3 Stooges…
<a href=””><img style=”float:left;padding-right:6px !important;” src=”″ /></a><a href=””>patrick w henry</a>:<br />
I just called to say….
<a href=””><img style=”float:left;padding-right:6px !important;” src=”” /></a><a href=””>bajanreporter</a>:<br />This note came all the way from Barbados in the Caribbean (
Citizen Parking Violation
<a href=””><img style=”float:left;padding-right:6px !important;” src=”” /></a><a href=””>Boulderbabe</a>:<br />
The Worst? Really?
<a href=”″><img style=”float:left;padding-right:6px !important;” src=”” /></a><a href=”″>ninavt682</a>:<br />Left on my sister’s car, typed in bold orange font, printed and delivered. Quite the feat to make a point.
Bad Park Job @ Kroger
<a href=””><img style=”float:left;padding-right:6px !important;” src=”” /></a><a href=””>Jon Scott Bender</a>:<br />Yeah, I suck, I parked in the ‘Pregnant Moms Only’ Zone @ Kroger . . . this little note was left on my car when I got back to leave . .
Dear Asshole
<a href=”″><img style=”float:left;padding-right:6px !important;” src=”” /></a><a href=”″>lindalangan1215</a>:<br />
Why Is Everyone Hatin’ on Cali?
<a href=””><img style=”float:left;padding-right:6px !important;” src=”″ /></a><a href=””>laurenmodery</a>:<br />Somebody in Austin did not like my parking job or the fact that I once lived in Los Angeles. I guess I don’t like it either…
After days of repeated parking abuse, I left this note…
<a href=”″><img style=”float:left;padding-right:6px !important;” src=”” /></a><a href=”″>britainm3</a>:<br />”If you are so concerned about your car getting scratched, pay two reserved parking spaces and stop parking like an asshole.”
size matters.. so does distance
<a href=””><img style=”float:left;padding-right:6px !important;” src=”” /></a><a href=””>CyndiexLou</a>:<br />a 16 year old wicked skatewear employee left this note, kids these days.. (:
Ram This!!!!
<a href=”″><img style=”float:left;padding-right:6px !important;” src=”” /></a><a href=”″>cplsmiley00</a>:<br />note the phone number, it is too a driving school. AHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!
Ram This!!!!
<a href=”″><img style=”float:left;padding-right:6px !important;” src=”” /></a><a href=”″>cplsmiley00</a>:<br />note the phone number, it is too a driving school. AHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!
Ram This!!!!
<a href=”″><img style=”float:left;padding-right:6px !important;” src=”” /></a><a href=”″>cplsmiley00</a>:<br />note the phone number, it is too a driving school. AHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!
Ram This!!!!
<a href=”″><img style=”float:left;padding-right:6px !important;” src=”” /></a><a href=”″>cplsmiley00</a>:<br />note the phone number, it is too a driving school. AHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!
Ram This!!!!
<a href=”″><img style=”float:left;padding-right:6px !important;” src=”” /></a><a href=”″>cplsmiley00</a>:<br />note the phone number, it is too a driving school. AHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!
Ram This!!!!
<a href=”″><img style=”float:left;padding-right:6px !important;” src=”” /></a><a href=”″>cplsmiley00</a>:<br />note the phone number, it is too a driving school. AHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!
Ram This!!!!
<a href=”″><img style=”float:left;padding-right:6px !important;” src=”” /></a><a href=”″>cplsmiley00</a>:<br />note the phone number, it is too a driving school. AHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!
Ram This!!!!
<a href=”″><img style=”float:left;padding-right:6px !important;” src=”” /></a><a href=”″>cplsmiley00</a>:<br />note the phone number, its a working driving school… AAAHHHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!
Ram This!!!!
<a href=”″><img style=”float:left;padding-right:6px !important;” src=”” /></a><a href=”″>cplsmiley00</a>:<br />note the phone number, its a working driving school… AAAHHHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!
Ram This!!!!
<a href=”″><img style=”float:left;padding-right:6px !important;” src=”” /></a><a href=”″>cplsmiley00</a>:<br />note the phone number, its a working driving school… AAAHHHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!
Ram This!!!!
<a href=”″><img style=”float:left;padding-right:6px !important;” src=”” /></a><a href=”″>cplsmiley00</a>:<br />note the phone number, its a working driving school… AAAHHHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!
Ram This!!!!
<a href=”″><img style=”float:left;padding-right:6px !important;” src=”” /></a><a href=”″>cplsmiley00</a>:<br />note the phone number, its a working driving school… AAAHHHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!
Ram This!!!!
<a href=”″><img style=”float:left;padding-right:6px !important;” src=”” /></a><a href=”″>cplsmiley00</a>:<br />note the phone number, its a working driving school… AAAHHHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!
Ram This!!!!
<a href=”″><img style=”float:left;padding-right:6px !important;” src=”” /></a><a href=”″>cplsmiley00</a>:<br />note the phone number, its a working driving school… AAAHHHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!
Ram This!!!!
<a href=”″><img style=”float:left;padding-right:6px !important;” src=”” /></a><a href=”″>cplsmiley00</a>:<br />note the phone number, its a working driving school… AAAHHHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!
Ram This!!!!
<a href=”″><img style=”float:left;padding-right:6px !important;” src=”” /></a><a href=”″>cplsmiley00</a>:<br />note the phone number, its a working driving school… AAAHHHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!
Ram This!!!!
<a href=”″><img style=”float:left;padding-right:6px !important;” src=”” /></a><a href=”″>cplsmiley00</a>:<br />note the phone number, its a working driving school… AAAHHHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!
Ram This!!!!
<a href=”″><img style=”float:left;padding-right:6px !important;” src=”” /></a><a href=”″>cplsmiley00</a>:<br />note the phone number, its a working driving school… AAAHHHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!
Ram This!!!!
<a href=”″><img style=”float:left;padding-right:6px !important;” src=”” /></a><a href=”″>cplsmiley00</a>:<br />this guy is not going too be happy!
Ram This!!!!
<a href=”″><img style=”float:left;padding-right:6px !important;” src=”” /></a><a href=”″>cplsmiley00</a>:<br />this guy is not going too be happy!
Ram This!!!!
<a href=”″><img style=”float:left;padding-right:6px !important;” src=”” /></a><a href=”″>cplsmiley00</a>:<br />this guy is not going too be happy!
Spreading LA cheer in Seattle…
<a href=”″><img style=”float:left;padding-right:6px !important;” src=”” /></a><a href=”″>Sea123</a>:<br />
This POS needs a note
<a href=””><img style=”float:left;padding-right:6px !important;” src=”” /></a><a href=””>AlyssaD</a>:<br />
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