You may have read a dozen informative articles with solid, practical advice on what your rights are and how to exercise them. Yet, when a cop approaches you with a belt full of weapons, restraints and a self-righteous, cocky attitude, it is easy to forget all of that. The best chance of remembering your rights when it matters most is to commit them to memory by practicing them. You want to make your responses instinctual, second nature, muscle memory; so when the time comes you are quick to the draw with the right replies.
Here are a few everyday scenarios in which you can practice your rights, while confusing people and entertaining yourself.
Cashier: Can I see an i.d.?
You: Can I see a warrant?
Teacher: Your child has been having some troubles recently. Do you mind coming in to talk so we can get to the bottom of this?
You: Not without a lawyer present.
Mormon missionaries at your door: Did you know Jesus used to live in Arkansas?
You: Am I being detained?
Bus driver: Have a great day!
You: Am I free to go?
Cashier: Are you a Rewards Club Member?
You: I don’t answer questions.
*Bonus points for fake accents, celebrity impersonations and breaking into song during your practice exercises.*
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