Should the private health insurance rebate be means-tested?


“Means testing will affect everyone.” Photo: Peter Braig

This contentious issue is shaping up as the next healthcare battleground.


LAST year private health insurance providers made a $1.2 billion profit, before tax. Yet the private insurance rebate is the fastest-growing component of Australian government health expenditure. While government funding for health must prioritise improving access to services and reducing inequalities in both access and outcomes, the private health insurance rebate does neither. On the contrary, there is overwhelming evidence that the rebate drives such inequities.

Affordability is one of the strongest predictors of taking out private health insurance. Not surprisingly, this leads to significantly higher rates of private health insurance for those on middle and higher incomes. Private health insurance is also significantly more common for residents of capital cities. Beyond affordability, the rebate does nothing to alleviate the structural barrier to affordable and timely health care in rural and regional areas with no or little access to GPs, specialists and after-hours care.

At the same time, and contrary to popular wisdom, the rebate has failed in its aims to relieve pressure on the public health system. Evidence shows that when people with private insurance have an acute injury or illness, they will attend a publicly funded hospital for care. While this is their right and is an entitlement that is built into our health system, it demonstrates the fallacy of the rebate as a mechanism for relieving pressure on the public health system. It has long been argued that if all government subsidies to the private health sector were redirected to public hospitals, millions of additional people would be able to be treated in these hospitals.

The extension of the rebate to ancillary services (beyond hospital care) is particularly hard to justify as this subsidy is even less likely to reduce the costs of providing public health care. It is also unfair that high-income earners are subsidised by the rebate arrangements for services such as dental care, when public oral health services for people on low incomes are in such a parlous state. This cost to revenue could be better spent with improved health outcomes, for instance by expanding capacity in public services or by better integrating the primary care sector to improve early detection of preventable conditions.

Means testing the rebate is part of a package that could save the government $2.4 billion over three years. Redistributing these savings, to those missing out on standards of health that others take for granted, is a key step towards reducing inequities and improving health outcomes in Australia.

Dr Cassandra Goldie is CEOof the Australian Council of Social Service.


MEANS TESTING the 30 per cent rebate would affect everyone requiring healthcare and would be bad for the public and the private health systems. The rebate makes cover affordable for many people. Means testing will force people out of the private healthcare system and into the public sector, increase pressure on the public hospital waiting lists, and force premiums to increase, disadvantaging lower-income earners who remain in private health insurance.

The government argues that only the wealthy will be affected. This is a false claim. Of the 12 million privately insured Australians, government figures show 5.6 million have an annual household income of less than $50,000 and, of those, 3.4 million have an annual household income of less than $35,000.

As people drop their health cover as a result of the means test, those who remain in private cover will have to pay more, no matter what their income. For many who are privately insured, the rebate is the only form of government assistance they receive.

An independent report by Deloitte on the impact of means testing the 30 per cent rebate, based on ANOP/Newspoll research into consumer behaviour early last year, found that:

Up to 1.6 million people would drop their hospital cover over five years (compared with Treasury’s estimate of 25,000);

Up to 4.3 million would downgrade their cover over five years;

Premiums would increase 10 per cent above what they otherwise would have; and

An extra 845,000 people would be admitted to public hospitals.

The government claims it has to wind back the 30 per cent rebate because it is the fastest growing area of health expenditure, and that means testing will save it $100 billion over 40 years. Both assertions are incorrect.

The rebate is a small component of total healthcare spending (8.1 per cent) and has only increased 0.2 per cent as a proportion over 10 years. In previous budgets, Treasury forecasts have varied by more than 25 per cent from the actual outcome when estimating two to three years out, so nobody should have any confidence in that prediction.

The government has failed to consider the impact of people downgrading their private health cover and has not taken into account the flow-on effects into the public hospital system of those who will drop or downgrade their cover.

The policy is flawed. It will not deliver better outcomes to the public, nor will it deliver a pot of gold to the government.

Michael Armitage is CEO of Private Healthcare Australia.


THESE reforms need to succeed. They are small adjustments and will affect only the highest-earning Australians. The rebate program costs more than $4 billion a year – about a third of private insurance revenue – and it is growing faster than any other health expenditure.

Medicare and public hospitals are funded by taxpayers, based on people’s capacity to pay. Private insurance premiums are a flat rate.

Fairness would therefore require that government subsidies follow the same principles as other government assistance – lower-income people should get more than richer ones. At the least, subsidies should be uniform. But the private health insurance rebate doesn’t work that way. The more you spend, the bigger the public subsidy you get.

Higher-income earners are more likely to have private insurance and a higher level of cover than those on low incomes, so their share of the rebate is disproportionately large. The rebate also covers ”extras”. Almost $750 million a year of public money goes to services not covered for the 55 per cent of Australians not privately insured.

The changes will not threaten the private health industry or public hospitals. The 30 per cent rebate was introduced in January 1999. Nothing else changed. Private insurance then covered 30.2 per cent of the population. In March 2000, it had risen to 32.2 per cent. A 2 per cent rise in membership for every 10 per cent reduction in price. So the system was changed again by penalising those who joined after age 30, with a large, government-funded publicity campaign to show private insurance was the only secure way to access hospital care. Within six months, that combination raised coverage to 45.8 per cent, almost exactly what it is now. But this was mainly due to the April 2000 campaign. The rebate alone had almost no effect.

There is no reason to believe the outcome would be any different now – a 2 per cent drop in membership for every 10 per cent price increase. But only a quarter of insured people would be affected and only 7 per cent (singles earning more than $140,000 and families more than $280,000 a year) would lose the rebate altogether. Singles earning more than $80,000 a year and families on more than $160,000 would get less than 30 per cent on a sliding scale.

Simple maths shows less than 40,000 people – 0.4 per cent – would leave private insurance. The effects on public hospital use would be equally trivial. About 12,000 extra admissions a year. There were more than five million admissions to public hospitals last year. A storm in a teacup.

John Deeble was principal adviser to the Whitlam and Hawke governments on the introduction of Medibank and Medicare.


MEANS testing the private health insurance rebate will affect everyone. If you have health insurance you will pay more, regardless of your income. If you rely on the public system you will wait longer for treatment and the increased cost to taxpayers will outweigh any savings the government makes.

Anyone who tells you that you won’t be affected doesn’t understand the full impact of the measure.

And maybe that is not surprising, as this government does not seem to understand the impact it will have on the health system.

Over the past 10 years, the rebate has seen an additional 8 million patients treated in private hospitals, taking pressure off the public system and saving taxpayers $26 billion.

Not only do private hospitals take pressure off the public system, but the Productivity Commission found private hospitals deal with more complex cases, costs are 30 per cent lower than public (for decades private hospitals have used activity based funding which is just being developed in the public system), and private hospitals perform better on available safety and quality indicators.

A KPMG report commissioned by the government shows there is rapid growth in insured patients using public hospitals. This follows a big jump in people downgrading to health insurance products with treatment exclusions following other government policy changes in 2008 (when people downgrade they rely on public hospitals for all “excluded” treatments). This downgrading impact will accelerate under means testing but has not even been modelled by the government so they do not understand, or even acknowledge, its impact.

We know that government-commissioned research indicates up to 2.5 million people will downgrade their cover in the first year of means testing. This would have a devastating impact on public hospital demand, with taxpayers picking up the bill for those lucky enough to get into hospital, with many more likely to be waiting for treatment. No wonder the government does not want to acknowledge it.

Those above the income threshold will face significant premium increases (between 14 per cent and 67 per cent depending on age) instantly. In subsequent years, as healthy members drop their cover, even low income earners on full rebates will be hit with price rises as the risk pool worsens.

Michael Roff is CEO of the Australian Private Hospitals Association.

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