Should Hoto Abraham Lincoln’s Statue of Him Demanding a Blowjob From an African American Be Removed From Sodom & Gomorrah on the Potomac?

Should Lincoln’s statue of him telling a African American to give him a blowjob be removed from Sodom and Gomorrah on the Potomac?

Everything you were indoctrinated with about Lincoln is a damned lie.
He was a horrible manic depressive rabidly racist against Africans communist atheist closet queer

who killed the American Revolutionaries’s Volunteer Union

replacing it with a Soviet styled Mandatory Marxist Military Dictatorship thinly disguised as a constitutional republic.

He was so sorry his own family would not vote for him.

When he started the illegal unjust war against the Confederacy, he offered his brother in laws high commissions in the Marxist USA army.
They told him to go have sex with himself and became officers in the Confederate Army.

He told African Americans to their face he considered them sub human, they should never be allowed to vote, marry a “white”, live where “whites” lived.
He told them they were a burden and a bad influence on the “white” race if they were allowed to live where “whites lived”.

He belonged to an organization which collected funds to ship all Africans out of America “so they would not contaminate white society”.

Remember we were talking about the USA lies they indoctrinated your ass with?

When asked why he did not allow the Southern counties to go in peace instead of starting a war, he replied, “Then who would pay for the [USA] government?”.

He said he would free some of the slaves, all of the slaves, none of the slaves to get the Southern states and their tax revenues back under his control.

The “Emancipation Proclamation” declared free slaves in the Confederacy where he had no jurisdiction to free them but did not free slaves in yankeeland where he could have.

It was an attempt to start a slave revolt in the Confederacy which if he had been able to make it happen would have led to a slaughter of both European Americans and African Americans in the South.

It was an attempt to cause a revolt so front line Confederate troops would be pulled from the battlefield to deal with so the Communist yankee terrorist

1938 red Russian Commie USA presidential Convention, where Lincoln was recognized as the Father of American Communism.

could have a chance to beat the Southern troops on the battlefield.

When he issued the proclamation his own generals warned he better be damn sure the yankee terrorist troops knew it was just trying to start a slave revolt and not to really free “nig@rs” because if the yankee troops thought they were fighting and dying to free “nig@rs” the generals were afraid the troops would desert and go home.
Many did.

Lincoln’s Communist Terrorist troops gang raped children, pregnant women, minister’s daughters, often to death, black and white.

They holocausted whole cities filled with innocent civilians, women, children and old unarmed men.

They burned seminaries, convents, churches, hospitals, court houses, farm houses (often with people alive in them) and outhouses,

The song ‘GLORY-GLORY-Hallelujah’ was writing by a communist atheist bitch who proudly proclaimed her disbelief in God.

So what “god” were the yankee communist terrorist praising as they gang raped children to death?

Now Elenor Norton, Washington D.C.’s non-voting Congressional representative, reintroduced legislation to remove the statue of Lincoln from public display in DC.

Hell NO!!!

I do not want this despicable sorry excuse for a human, this terrorist, this queer communist, this war criminal’s memory whitewashed from history.

Hell no!

You damned yankees LOOK at it!
Remember the cries of all the innocent women and children as you gang raped them to death, burned them alive, starved them to death!

You DAMN WELL REMEMBER the evil you did to an innocent better people than your Cromwellian “witch” burning self righteous asses!

I would say all “US History” books should be burned and true ones written which actually tells the true history of the evil of USA/DC, but HELL NO!!

No hiding this evil piece of shit from public view or public memory!

The Ole Dog!


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