Shivering bus passenger forced to wait in -2C temperatures¿ while bus driver takes a SNOOZE on the back seat

Leon Watson

Last updated at 4:35 PM on 9th February 2012

A tired bus driver lay down for a nap on the back seats of his bus without realising that a woman passenger was waiting outside in the cold.

The driver grabbed the chance to have 40 winks as he had a few minutes to spare before starting his journey from Kessingland, Suffolk, to Great Yarmouth, Norfolk.

A woman was spotted standing at the bus stop in Kessingland and peering through a rear window to see the driver lying down in his fluorescent jacket.

Bedtime: An Anglian Bus at a bus stop in Kessingland, Suffolk with the driver fast asleep on the back seat as a passenger waits outside

Wakey wakey: The driver rises from his slumber

Wakey wakey: The driver catches 40 winks as the passenger peers through a window at him, before rising from his slumber

Waiting: The passenger (right) waits patiently as the Anglican Bus driver (left) has a nap

Waiting: The passenger (right) waits patiently as the Anglican Bus driver (left) has a nap

She waited outside for several minutes before eventually walking off, leaving the driver still flat out on the back seats of his Anglian Bus on Wednesday morning.

The driver who is thought to have dozed while listening to his portable radio woke up at 11.28am and got out of the number 601 single decker bus to stretch his legs.

He then got behind the wheel and set off without any passengers on board to start his 11.31am service to Great Yarmouth via Lowestoft exactly on time.

An onlooker said: ‘I couldn’t believe it when I saw him sound asleep on the back seats. He obviously had time to spare and decided to get some shut eye.’

‘This woman was standing at the bus stop in the freezing cold and looking at him through the windows.

‘I don’t know if she was waiting to get on board his bus – but after a few minutes she just wandered off.’

Eric Parker, operations manager of Anglian Bus which is based in Beccles, Suffolk, said: ‘This driver was on a 45 minute break at the time.

‘A lot of drivers grab the chance to have a lie down on the back seats. They use their mobile phones as an alarm clock. We can’t really stop them from doing it.

‘All our buses are monitored by sat-nav and I know that this one left exactly on time.’

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The guy was on his break, end of story. How he spends it is up to him. So what people were ‘forced to wait in the cold’? That is what you call ‘tough luck’
The bus wasn’t due to leave till 11:31 and it indeed left at 11:31 so what is the problem ?

The guy was on his break, end of story. How he spends it is up to him. So what people were ‘forced to wait in the cold’? That is what you call ‘tough luck’
The bus wasn’t due to leave till 11:31 and it indeed left at 11:31 so what is the problem ?

Busdrivers are one of the only jobs where you can be sacked for leaving the stop EARLY.
If he had driven off BEFORE the published time on the timetable he would have been sacked.

The law is the law,!!!!!
If he lets people on he is breaking the law, no work or related work is allowed, during 45 min break!!!
He would be fined, the company would have to answer to the traffic comissioners, and could losse their
operating permit for this bus!!!!!
He has to insert a credit size card into a recorder, which then logs the buses movements, which then can be
at a later date, accessed by the police, and any transport offical, and can be used against him in court!!!!!
You leave your desk for a chat/coffee/toilet/smoke, nobody cares, his every action is recorded, also on camera,

Up at 0530 to go to work? That’s late. Drove a bus my last job, alarm usually rang 0330. If I was lucky I got a full 8 hours sleep, not unusual to get only 6, travel to-and-from home not included in EU-regs. Add showering, ironing uniform, checking the cash-register, eating, and sleep was a luxury. Shift could start 0400, and end 2000, split duties often the norm. 10 hours behind the wheel legal and usual. Add working rolling shifts 24/7/365 and we didn’t know what day it was! We did get days off, of course, but we slept through those. Toughest job I ever had, glad to be an OAP now. Chronic fatigue is the norm for bus-drivers + the stress of driving amongst mad motorists, + ‘customer relations’, is the reason my hair didn’t go white – don’t have any anymore! Passengers here in Sweden have the right to board the bus max 2 mins before stated time-table. Prior to this the EU-regs demand the driver have assess to undisturbed rest. Try the job yourself, THEN moan at bus-drivers!

The driver was entitled to his rest, but years ago drivers took their breaks with the door open, so that waiting or arriving passengers could get on and sit down. That was when we had conductors of course and didn’t add to the driver’s workload and delay other road traffic by having buses sitting at stops while the driver takes payments as the passengers get on.

He was on a break, the passenger was early and the bus left left on time therefore I think the photographs and articles are a bit of an invasion of his privacy.

BREAKING NEWS – Passenger waits for bus at bus stop!! Slow news day DM?

I used to work on a mobile library. The van had a route to do each day and we had to take breaks parked up somewhere out of the way. It is virtually impossible to do this in a bus. Everyone is entitled to a break. He can’t really lock the bus up and go to the cafe at the shops, so he has to take his break in the bus at the side of the road. This is a non story. Soon the DM will be doing stories about lorries parked up in lay-bys.

He was on his break it’s no one business what he was doing and certainly not for some one to take photographs of.
Some of the buses around here have a sign on the front when the driver is on a break asking people not to disturb them but still someone will be banging on the door, sorry but I find the attitude that it’s someone’s right to get on a bus whilst the driver is having a break very selfish.

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