Shark attack: the deadliest beach in the world

In South Africa, one in five attacks by sharks ends in the death but every
single attack at Second Beach has proved fatal.

Zambezi or bull sharks, known as the “pitbulls of the ocean” for
their ferocity, have been blamed for most of the incidents. Until recently,
only surfers and lifeguards who swam further out were attacked but Mr
Msungubana was just waist-deep when he was taken.

Experts from the nearby KwaZulu Natal Sharks Board have been brought in to tag
and track the predators in the hope of putting a stop to the deadly trend
and the town authorities have closed the beach to swimmers until the team
can find some answers.

But in a recent interview with the Daily Telegraph, Geremy Cliff, who is
leading the study, was not optimistic.

“We are also looking for clues as to what might have changed in terms of
human behaviour and environmental factors, but I don’t know that we are ever
going to be able to successfully explain what is happening,” he said. “Often
it’s just a case of keeping your fingers crossed and hoping the problem goes

Mr Msungubana was killed exactly a year to the day as the previous victim of
Port St Johns’ sharks.

Zama Ndamase, 16, together with his brother Avuyile, were picked to compete
for their provincial surfing team and the boys were notching up a steady
stream of competition wins.

Then Zama was dragged underwater as they waited for a wave one morning.

Michael Gatcke, who runs a guesthouse above the beach was on his veranda,
talking to some new arrivals when he heard the screams.

He taught Zama and Avuyile at the local surf school before it closed following
three fatal attacks in 2009.

“A lot of times the guys from the surf school used to pull each other off
their surfboards and try to dunk each other under,” he said.

“That’s initially what I thought was happening. I saw Avuyile paddling
away and Zama roll off his board. He got back on and tried to get onto a
wave. That’s when I saw the water behind him was all red.”

Zama managed to bodysurf halfway back to the beach before he was pulled to
shore by lifeguards.

By the time his mother Nodumo reached the beach, he was already dead, having
lost too much blood from a femoral artery.

To this day, Avuyile, 17, struggles to talk about what happened to his
brother. “I try not to think about it. We were waiting for a wave and
then it just happened, in a split second, he was gone,” he says.

With few concrete explanations for the spate of attacks, every guesthouse
owner, surfer and restaurant manager has a different theory.

One is that local sangomas, or witchdoctors, who sacrifice animals on the
beach and throw their entrails into the sea, are to blame for drawing the
sharks in.

Some believe that pollution from the Umzimvubu River which meets the sea at
Port St Johns is attracting the predators. Others think the rotting carcase
of a whale shark, washed up on the beach 10 years ago and later buried
underneath it, could be to blame for the sharks’ aggression.

Rod Hastier, a Port St Johns resident who worked with the Natal Sharks Board
for 16 years, said Zambezi sharks, which can grow to 13 feet long and live
in fresh or salt water, were notoriously pugnacious. “Great Whites are
pussycats in comparison,” he added.

But he said that the way sharks were attacking in Port St Johns was different.
Beachgoers have reported swimming with Zambezis at the beach as little as
six years ago without problems.

“Sharks will normally take a bite then spit you out,” he said. “Here,
people are actually being eaten. In one case, they just found a foot. It’s
very unusual.”

When the Daily Telegraph visited Second Beach before Christmas there was
little indication of the danger lurking metres away, with safety information
boards warning more about the strong currents in the azure waters than any
risk of sharks.

It remained the duty of lifeguards to warn potential bathers of the risk.

With no proper equipment such as boats or jet skis, they have to go into the
sea each time someone is attacked, and did so to bring back Mr Msungubana’s
body last week.

But even after his attack, people were reportedly still trying to swim when
lifeguards’ backs were turned.

Mr Hastier said the only solution was for the local authorities to permanently
close the beach to swimmers and instead, promote the area as a
spark-spotting site.

“There’s nothing that can be done in terms of protection so it’s better
to say people shouldn’t go swimming during the summer months when sharks are
here,” he said.

“From a marketing point of view, they just need to leave swimming out of
it and promote what else we have to offer instead, and we have plenty to

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