Sex and Violent Invader Attacks in Saxony

The wave of nonwhite refugee-criminal violence continues to spread across Germany, with two of the latest attacks being a mass sex attack in Leipzig and a vicious unprovoked assault in Chemnitz.


In the town of Chemnitz, local media reported, five nonwhite invaders were arrested after an unprovoked brutal assault on two 19-year-old Germans, one of whom suffered severe facial injuries, including having his front teeth smashed out.

According to police, a group of young Germans were on their way to a party shortly before midnight when one of the 19-year-olds felt ill. Getting out of their car, he was suddenly attacked by the nonwhites who literally stormed out of the bushes, and one started beating him around the face.

“As his companions rushed to his aid, they were pelted with stones by three other men,” a police spokesman said, adding that the victim and his friends identified the attackers as from “North Africa and the Arab world.”

It was during this stoning that the second 19-year-old suffered a head injury. The two were later admitted to the hospital for treatment.

The nonwhites also stole their cell phones and other valuables.


The most severely injured victim of the nonwhite attack in Chemnitz.

* News of the attack quickly spread throughout the local area, and the next day (Sunday, January 10, 2016) a group of local Germans gathered in a spontaneous demonstration against the nonwhite attack.

According to local media, the mass sex attack in Leipzig took place eight days after the New Year’s Eve attacks in Cologne.

The Leipzig incident occurred at the city’s central railway station and was, according to the report, a “sexual attack by a mostly North African group on a passerby.”

The police arrested at least two of the attackers, and confirmed that they were all “asylum seekers.”

The incident occurred shortly after midnight when a 31-year-old woman from Leipzig was attacked by the mob of 15 nonwhites in the middle of the railway station. She described her attackers as “Arabs and North Africans” and said she was surrounded and grabbed around the groin by the mob of nonwhites.

Several of them pinned her down and pushed their genitals between her legs, she continued. She was just able to break loose in time before she was gang raped, and fled to the police station located on the main railway station concourse.

Police confirmed that they were in fact already looking for the mob of nonwhites after they had physically attacked, punched, and robbed a male passerby earlier in the evening.

The railway station is covered by CCTV surveillance, and this allowed the police to identify some of the individuals in the crowd. Two of them, a Libyan (24), and a Tunisian (31), were arrested at a nearby “asylum center.”

* Once charges were laid, a local prosecutor in the town ordered the two nonwhite invaders released on warning to appear in court.

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