Seeds of sectarian conflict

Spiraling violence wracks Syria and the foot dragging by the West and Arab League to find a resolution to the conflict looks set to continue. Also, the appearance of al-Qaeda on the scene triggers worries the unrest could take on a sectarian nature.

A video of al-Qaeda leader, Ayman al-Zawahri urging followers to overthrow President Assad’s regime fanned the flames of building religious friction.

“Fears of sectarian tension being further exploited have been stoked by the emergence of an Al-Qaeda video calling for jihad to overthrow the Assad regime,” RT correspondent Sara Firth reported from Syria.

During the General Assembly meeting on Monday to discuss the escalating conflict and the continuing government crackdowns, UN Human Rights Chief Navi Pillay highlighted her concerns. She spoke of the genuine possibility of the conflict descending into civil war as a result of deliberate stirring of sectarian pressures.

Syria is a veritable melting pot of ethnic groups that have co-existed peacefully for many years, however RT’s Sara says signs of “the polarizing conflict tearing apart much of the country” are opening cracks in this peaceful coexistence.

“Until this crisis broke out the country was religiously diverse and tolerant has now become increasingly polarized and there are genuine fears about where those divisions might lead,” she said.

Sara Firth says there is the possibility of a growing conflict between ruling President Assad’s Alawite sect that make up 12% of the population and the majority Muslim Sunni sect. She suggested the groups may come to loggerheads due to long-standing Sunni resentment of the Alawites’ elite positions in Syria’s government.

The West has been so fixated on Syrian political rifts and reports of the Assad government’s brutal crackdowns that it has virtually ignored the rising pressures that have the potential to transform it into a sectarian conflict.

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