Angry Birds Space, the long-awaited sequel to the award-winning, best selling iOS game of all time, is set to launch later this month. In preparation for the event, Angry Birds developer Rovio has been doing a lot of promotion with NASA, including sending a pair of iPads up to the International Space Station. Their latest marketing effort: A zero-gravity live demonstration aboard the International Space Station.
Astronaut Don Petit stars in the video. After shooting a plush angry bird across the length of the station, Petit explains the concept behind weightlessness, and how planets affect trajectories. That discussion then transitions into shots of actual Angry Birds Space gameplay. In the game, the motion of the angry bird projectiles will change based on the location of gravitational bodies.
We’re not sure if the folks on the ISS will be able to spare the bandwidth to get the new game when it comes out, though we’re sure they’d be glad to have something new to play with to pass the time. For those of us who are Earthbound, Angry Birds Space will be available for download March 22 on PC, Mac, iOS, and Android devices.
This article was written by Fox Van Allen and originally appeared on Tecca
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