I missed this until KP shared, so here’s our next installment, a little late. Perfect Sunday reading.
The author reminds us… “I am not allowed to tell you that what is disclosed in this article is true beyond any shadow of a doubt. But just like me you are allowed to believe anything you want about the information which is presented in this article based on what seems plausible to you in light of numerous prior public testimonies during Dr. Greer’s Disclosure Project.”
Many of my readers know that most—if not all—of the following IS true.
In addition to The Disclosure Project, of course, there was the Citizens’ Disclosure Hearing (click to see a clip) at the National Press Club in Washington in April/May 2013, which was brilliant.
For ten days a panel comprising former members of US Congress, among others, heard the testimony of countless pilots, military men, UFO researchers, witnesses and insiders from multiple countries who told us in plain language that various extraterrestrial races are indeed here and have been visiting our planet for decades. (millennia, actually)
Various Galactics are currently engaging Humanity in both positive and negative ways. There is no question in millions of minds that we are not alone. We’re just waiting for the rest of Humanity to catch up.
It’s maddening to think that we dumbed-down humans are the only race who aren’t zipping around in space and from dimension to dimension. We’ve been grounded by the selfish, evil races who have controlled our fake reality for eons.
Reality is NOTHING like what we have been told. It’s time we realized who we really are and made our initial forays into the stars, whence we came.
So let’s get with the program, grow up, assume our true identities and join the rest of the cosmos. Many of us are yearning to go home. May The Force be with you. ~ BP
July 7, 2014
by Preston James
You are not allowed to know what goes on at the new secret NSA Super-spy Center at Bluffdale, Utah, or what goes on at the Secret Deep Underground Base it is connected to.
Nor are you allowed to know who is behind the New Beyond-Black NSA, who actually runs it, or what their Secret Agenda is.
And neither are you allowed to know who runs the secret Deep Underground Base it is connected to at Richfield, Utah, or what their Beyond-black Secret Agenda is.
If you do not have some basic knowledge of the Secret Space War that is ongoing now and the basic, real facts that have already been released proving its existence, you are probably wasting your valuable time reading this article because it will seem far too incredulous to you.
The actual facts about these matters may be so astounding and so disturbing that unless they were proved by major Mass Media public displays of actual facts such that folks were confident they were true, most that read this article without any background or actual experience in Secret Space War matters are unlikely to believe much of it.
The only way the public at large would ever be able to process this information is if the Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM), the USG’s secret but official Propaganda Dispenser, covered this story as fact after USG ordered it to do so and released a major supporting set of facts publicly to many witnesses, and live on camera, facts that were indisputable.
There is alleged to be a major Split in the Top Echelon of the Secret Shadow Government (SSG).
It has been alleged by insiders that the Top Policy-makers who run the Secret Shadow Government (SSG) are split in their beliefs about what the effect would be on the public if there was complete disclosure of the Secret Space War phenomena and the numerous groups of Alien ETs.
It is alleged that there has also been a deep split in the Top Policy-Makers of the SSG about what would happen if the public ever found out for certain about the true Agenda of the new Bluffdale NSA base and the attached deep underground base at Richfield Utah.
Allegedly the “Oldest Ones” believe that disclosure would create complete distrust of the USG forever. And allegedly the “Younger Ones” believe that the public already completely distrusts the USG and coming clean with full disclosure would help restore confidence and trust in the USG if it was done properly.
Perhaps you may want to assume that there are some very high officials in the Secret Shadow Government (SSG) that want these facts to be disclosed to the public in successive steps that are slow enough to allow systematic acceptance in small steps without creating public panic.
And perhaps you would be correct if you assume that this type of disclosure is already in process.
You may be correct if you perhaps assume that the information being presented in this article is due to this split in the SSG and has been provided by the “Younger Ones” of the SSG, but I cannot assure you of that at this time.
But here is the kicker, there may be another off-planet based party that is pressuring the “Younger Ones” to disclose within a certain time limit or they have promised to take direct action themselves in public displays which will create immediate full disclosure.
And it may be that this particular off-planet entity tends to be peaceful and benevolent to humans while being an age-old arch enemy of another previously off-planet entity that is anti-human which has invaded, infiltrated and hijacked Planet Earth by use of a secret worldwide Occult Network of Luciferians that call themselves “Illuminati.”
If this information is in fact correct, be certain that at this time under ordinary circumstances you would never be allowed to have access to this kind of disclosure information because it is still completely forbidden by operative policies of the SSG still in place.
I am not allowed to tell you that what is disclosed in this article is true beyond any shadow of a doubt. But just like me you are allowed to believe anything you want about the information which is presented in this article based on what seems plausible to you in light of numerous prior public testimonies during Dr. Greer’s Disclosure Project.
Certainly it is very interesting that so many recent history channel programs on Alien ETs visiting Planet Earth and some living in Deep Underground Bases.
Up until several years ago any leakage or sharing of this information would result in an immediate and lethal sanction, referred to by insiders as “Termination with Extreme Prejudice” (which means final with no appeal possible aka a visit from DOD “wetboys” or from real Alien ETs, also known as the “Men in Black”).
This deep split in the SSG has occurred because the “Old Ones” are now approaching death and their previously immense power is waning. New SSG coalitions are being formed and junior members are now organizing to fill the void.
Many of the worldwide systems of control these Senior SSG Members instituted are eroding fast, and more effective new ones must be created to replace them if they are going to be able to maintain control. It has been suggested that the “Younger Ones” do not share the same NWO Luciferian plans of the “Old Ones” or their memberships in a world wide occult Luciferian Network.
Read the rest of this lengthy article and watch the video on the NDAA…
Source Article from http://2012thebigpicture.wordpress.com/2014/07/13/secret-space-war-xvii-who-runs-the-new-nsa-facility-at-bluffdale-ut/
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