Scotland referendum: Scots warned of high price they’ll pay for supporting independence

  • Warning came as Labour pledged to join forces with the Coalition to save the 300-year-old Union with England
  • Scottish government furious at PM David Cameron’s attempts to wrestle
    control back from First Minister Alex Salmond

James Chapman

Last updated at 8:02 AM on 10th January 2012

Scots will be told that a vote for independence will mean them being forced to ditch the pound and join the faltering euro.

The warning came as Labour pledged to join forces with the Coalition to save the 300-year-old Union with England.

As senior Labour figures signalled their backing for David Cameron’s high-risk attempt to force Holyrood to hold an independence referendum quickly, Government sources said Scotland’s future in the EU would be a central issue.

Government sources said Scotland¿s future in the EU would be a central issue.

Government sources said Scotland¿s future in the EU would be a central issue.

The Scottish National party and its leader Alex Salmond, pictured right accused Mr Cameron, pictured left, of dictating the terms of a referendum to Scotland

Constitutional experts believe an independent Scotland would be forced to reapply for EU membership – and, like all new members, would have to commit to joining the ill-fated single currency.

Scotland’s nationalist government reacted with fury yesterday to the Prime Minister’s attempts to wrestle control back from First Minister Alex Salmond.

The SNP claimed Mr Cameron was attempting to dictate to Scotland the terms of a referendum – a strategy that would only increase support for leaving the UK.

Tensions also emerged last night in the Coalition over the idea of imposing an 18-month deadline for a legally binding referendum.

Government legal advice published today will confirm an independence referendum can only be legally valid if both Westminster and Holyrood parliaments agree to it going ahead.

Scotland's nationalist government reacted with fury yesterday to the Prime Minister's attempts to wrestle control back from First Minister Alex Salmond (pictured right)

Scotland’s nationalist government reacted with fury yesterday to the Prime Minister’s attempts to wrestle control back from First Minister Alex Salmond (pictured right)

Mr Salmond is thought to want to conduct the poll in 2014 to coincide with the 700th anniversary of the Battle of Bannockburn, Scotland’s most famous military victory over England.

It is understood he hopes resentment over Government austerity measures will be at a peak then.

A senior Government source last night said the offer to the SNP will include four key requirements – a ‘sunset clause’, to ensure the referendum is held sooner rather  than later; a simple ‘yes/no’ question to ensure Mr Salmond does not attempt a second question on ‘independence lite’; oversight by the independent Electoral Commission; and no vote for anyone aged 16 and 17.

The source suggested that the Government may order a referendum itself if Mr  Salmond drags his feet and refuses to hold a ballot.  

Scottish Labour leader Johann Lamont, pictured said a referendum should be held a in Scotland

Scottish Labour leader Johann Lamont, pictured said a referendum should be held a in Scotland

Mr Cameron, who has ordered Chancellor George Osborne to take charge of the campaign to save the Union, said he was not trying to ‘dictate’ to Scotland. 

But he insisted the current uncertainty was damaging Scotland’s economy, with businesses unsure whether to invest because of the question marks over its future. 

‘I think it is at least rational to put to the Scottish people, would it be better to have a more fair and decisive question put earlier?’ the Prime Minister said. 

Scottish Labour leader Johann Lamont said last night: ‘We want the referendum to be held as quickly as possible and we want it to be run in Scotland. If these proposals help there to be a quick, clear and decisive result we would welcome them.’

A spokesman for Mr Salmond  said: ‘The days of Tory governments at Westminster determining what happens in Scotland on the basis of one MP – one fewer than pandas in Scotland – are over.’

But Dr Jo Murkens, senior lecturer in law at the London School of Economics, said claims the country could remain in the EU and keep the pound were ‘bizarre’.

‘Continued membership would only be possible with the approval of all 27 member states,’ she said. ‘An independent Scotland would have to join the EU as a new accession state, which could take years.

‘All the new member states are legally obliged to adopt the euro at some future point.’

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I do not particularly want to have anything to do with the EU, and the SNP is a pain in the backside. Scotland would not survive if it became independent
…………. I cannot understand the antagonism between the Scots and English. I served in the British Royal Navy, when we had one, joining as a Boy on WW2 armistice day, and the majority of my shipmates were Englishmen – we got along just fine. On leaving the RN, my Wife, children and I lived in England for ten years and only came back to Scotland when English Electric was taken over by the asset stripper, Arnold Swinestock, who destroyed it just as he had already destroyed Associated Electric Industry – in each company he made around 17,000 employees redundant. Margaret Thatcher then gave him a knighthood – I think she was a German – she certainly had no love for the Scots. If she had been honest with herself, she would not have become the BRITISH Prime Minister.

It would be nice if people, from both the pro/anti camps could stop being so quick to judge and sit back and give some real thought to the idea of Scottish independence.
Sorry to be boring but, like most things in life, there are both pro’s and cons.
What is so noticeable is that south of the border there is massive amounts of propagander going on to tarnish Alex Salmon and the SNP and north of the border, the reverse is true.
You can debate the pro’s and con’s of independence for years and sling mud at the other side, but in the end it just comes down to what the people of Scotland want.
Do they want to be independent or do they want to stay with the rest of the UK?
Having lived in Scotland for a long time, my gut feeling is that whenever Alex Salmon holds his referendum, the Scottish people will choose to stay part of the UK.

I don’t think most English people realize just how much the Scots hate them. Why would we not be happy to see the back of such a grudge-bearing, mean-minded, ungrateful mob? Let them pay their own taxes and fend for themselves in their freezing, rain-sodden country. Perhaps Salmond will cheer them up with free battered Mars bars for all.

I do not particularly want to have anything to do with the EU, and the SNP is a pain in the backside. Scotland would not survive if it became independent
…………. I cannot understand the antagonism between the Scots and English. I served in the British Royal Navy, when we had one, joining as a Boy on WW2 armistice day, and the majority of my shipmates were Englishmen – we got along just fine. On leaving the RN, my Wife, children and I lived in England for ten years and only came back to Scotland when English Electric was taken over by the asset stripper, Arnold Swinestock, who destroyed it just as he had already destroyed Associated Electric Industry – in each company he made around 17,000 employees redundant. Margaret Thatcher then gave him a knighthood – I think she was a German – she certainly had no love for the Scots. If she had been honest with herself, she would not have become the BRITISH Prime Minister.

Cut em loose and bring back the wall 🙂

I do not particularly want to have anything to do with the EU, and the SNP is a pain in the backside. Scotland would not survive if it became independent
…………. I cannot understand the antagonism between the Scots and English. I served in the British Royal Navy, when we had one, joining as a Boy on WW2 armistice day, and the majority of my shipmates were Englishmen – we got along just fine. On leaving the RN, my Wife, children and I lived in England for ten years and only came back to Scotland when English Electric was taken over by the asset stripper, Arnold Swinestock, who destroyed it just as he had already destroyed Associated Electric Industry – in each company he made around 17,000 employees redundant. Margaret Thatcher then gave him a knighthood – I think she was a German – she certainly had no love for the Scots. If she had been honest with herself, she would not have become the BRITISH Prime Minister.

If they do split, I want a North Korea – South Korea style border. Mine fields, watch towers, and lots of barbed wire. – Richard Hygiene, London, England, And people wonder why more and more Scots daily are thinking that a separate Scotland seems a good idea,I Would hope that Richards post would make many decent English people cringe.
– Bob, Edinburgh Scotland, 10/1/2012 11:21 On face value Richard’s post seems a little harsh but I have concerns and this is why. If a miracle happens and England/Wales manage to break away from the EU and the people of Scotland, for their own reasons, decide to join the EU then they would probably have to sign up to the EU’s Shengen Agreement i.e Open Borders with Europe.
The rhetoric being uttered by France and Scotland have both proved, without doubt, that they have little regard for the welfare of Little England so we probably would have to batten down the hatches to our very noisy, and ungrateful neighbours.

Tom, London – You are so far off the mark it’s unbelievable, I’m neither bitter or unlike yourself jingoistic. I just want the right to determine for myself and my countrymen what we think is best. Climb down from your soapbox and go back to your broken suburb and let me and my country decide if we want to live in a fair, reasonable society that isn’t being dictated to by London centric and southern based MP’s and the morally bankrupt businesses that work their.
– BPH, Glasgow, 10/1/2012 11:18 I recognise that sanctimonious leftist bulls*t anywhere, so you’re not a SNP supporter, just a leftist agitator troll

Why don’t these ingrates just GO

All this anti-English, or Anti-Scots rhetoric is so embarrassing! Have none of you any intellect? The people running the western world, who own and control ALL your politicians, Scots or English or Irish, are going to be the EXACT SAME people controlling you via their bought and paid-for political puppets from the new European superstate. Damn well grow up intellectually and see this New World Order for what it is you damn fools, and stop throwing insults at each other like infants! National identity and sovereignty is being deliberately destroyed throughout the world by the elites to bring about a despotic One World Government that will be a terrifying place, ruled by bankers, for the bankers, and enforced by militarized police. What a legacy our stupid fighting is leaving our children, I am ashamed my Irish, English and Scots brethren have become such intellectual buffoons in the face of this worldwide coup.

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