Published in 1984
“Jack Bernstein questioned Zionism when he noticed all the street names and memorials for Bolshevik Jews – like Jabotinsky. That’s when he discovered the International Judenstaat that controls the Communist East and the Zionist West and Israel.
In his work, he set out to document his experience of the Moscow – Tel Aviv – New York Triangle…His book is virtually a workbook for ‘thinking it through’.
Jack Bernstein revealed that Israel is nothing but a front for the Rothschild money printing cartel who manipulate Jews to advance their satanic agenda. Many believe the Mossad murdered Jack Bernstein for writing this book but details are hard to find.
Jack Bernstein, an American Jew emigrated from the U.S. to Israel following the Six-Day War in 1967. After six and one half years living there, now married, and much wiser, he moved back to America. Bernstein reveals the corruption, graft, persecutions and dangers forced upon all who claim to be “Jews”, but not “Zionist Jews”, who moved to Israel.
Amazon review–“I can see why this totally honest Jewish journalist was killed for writing too much about his experiences while living in Israel. His non-biased opinion and frank knowledge of just how things really are completely shed the myth and showed the real Israel not the counterfeit one as portrayed by the press and highly praised by the Zionist Christians. I doubt this book will be able to “survive” in the availability list of books easily purchased within the very near future. There is too much exposure and printed truth released to those who seek the truth.”
Online Here
by Savvy Granny
You ask: What is the significance of Bernstein’s book exactly?
I speak only for myself as a Counter Revolutionary.
The Christian, Western Counter Revolution is at present under individual rules of engagement. It is scattered, divided and leaderless.
It needs heroes of agency – not anti-heroes of alienation and Judeo-Freemasonic / Gramscian subversion of Modern Lang & Lit. It needs nationalist heroes and above all Christian nationalist heroes.
With the American nationalists, I think there is definitely a place on the honour role of the CWCR for the life and work of Jack Bernstein as a Jewish hero of America.
Bernstein went to live, work and marry in Israel.
And it was in Israel that his American nationality and Mosaic precepts confronted Zionist Judaism and Israel, especially as to the state discrimination against his wife, a Shephardic Jewess, all the Shephardic Jews – indeed all the non-Ashkhenazi Jews.
This is like a microcosm of the larger Israeli conflict with Palestine where American founding principles and Mosaic precepts are in conflict with Zionist Judaism and Israel. In personal life, Bernstein had to think about his experience of racial, religious, ethnic / national and caste conflict. His book is virtually a workbook for ‘thinking it through’.
He seriously begain to question Zionism when he began to notice all the street names and memorials for Bolshevik Jews – like Jabotinsky. That is when he discovered the International Judenstaat that controls the Communist East and the Zionist West and Israel. In his work, he set out to document his experience of the Moscow – Tel Aviv – New York Triangle.
Israel, as the nationalist Judenstaat, is enabled by the International Judenstaat as a geo-political fulcrum of both East and West. This definitely is a Big Macher vs ‘lesser brethern’ conflict. In the robust Christianity of Western Civilisation , the dialogues of Jesus with the Big Machers are definitely prized. He comes down heavy against ‘those who make void the Law of Moses’ and set aside the Top Ten with pedantic and political legalisms.
In his life’s mission Jack Berstein, as an American Jew, stands with the Top Ten. This makes him a mensch, a great American and a Jew who stood for Moses. And he was supremely honoured by an assassination from the Mossad. He made the right set of enemies. He is someone the Christian American nationalists can honour as a hero of the Counter Revolution.
And just as the actions of the International Judenstaat created Zionism through pogroms in Eastern Europe, Russia, the rise of Hitler through their central banks UK, US and Stalin and treatment of Jewish refugees by the Western ZOGs, so the International Judenstaat finances and directs the anti-zionist movement principally through the KGB. That is why the SIG wars were fought for Eurasian integration in the 1990s and 1st decade of the 21 century [General Wesley Clark’s 7 nations in 5 years regime change wars]. Sionistskiye Gosudarstva or Zionist Governmets which would be controlled by the KGB/FSB and direct the Red Jihad against Israel and the West. This makes of Zionism one of the “pincers of the Great Revolution”, one of the axes.
Tim Fitzpatrick has a whole file on this.
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