Saudis urged to end dealing with G4S

The G4S security company has long been involved in violation of human rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territories by the Israeli regime through supplying torture equipment and security tools.

According to the BDS Committee, G4S has been granted a contract by the Saudi regime to provide security to Muslim pilgrims in Mecca for the next year.

The Committee said the British security company has long been helping the Zionist regime promote and maintain its occupation of the Palestinian territories.

Israeli regime’s troops and investigators use G4S-supplied equipment to torture Palestinian prisoners in jails, including children, according to the BDS committee.

Multiple evidences provided by Palestinian and international human rights organisations confirm G4S’s involvement in violating and abusing the rights of Palestinians by supplying the Israeli occupation authorities and illegal Jewish settlers with equipment used in furthering their atrocities.

The Saudi regime’s authorities were also called by other organisations lobbying for justice for the Palestinians, including Britain’s Friends of Al-Aqsa, to cancel the G4S contract.

G4S has been heavily criticized for its cooperation with the Israeli regime, including providing equipment and services to Israeli checkpoints, illegal settlements, the apartheid wall and jails where Palestinian political prisoners, including children, are held in violation of international law and subjected to mistreatment and torture.


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