Sainsbury’s binge drinking solution? Cut the price of beer, wine and mixer cans

Sean Poulter

Last updated at 9:43 AM on 6th January 2012

Sainsbury’s found itself under fire yesterday after it launched a drive to encourage responsible drinking – by cutting the price of alcohol.

The store giant said its reductions on so-called lighter wines, bottles of beer and mixer cans of spirit, would inspire people to switch to lower alcohol products or choose smaller measures.

Campaigners, however, dismissed the move as a cynical marketing stunt. They argue that low prices encourage higher consumption.

Sainsbury's has cut the cost of some its wines by a quarter

Sainsbury’s has cut the cost of some its wines by a quarter

The promotion, which is supported by health minister Paul Burstow, runs until January 24.

It is part of a joint initiative between Sainsbury’s, Diageo, Heineken and Drinkaware, which was set up by the alcohol industry to promote responsible drinking.

Sainsbury’s said it was trying to encourage a shift away from the typical wine choice of most Britons, which is normally 12-14 per cent alcohol.

It has set a target to double its sales of lighter wines – with an alcohol content of 10.5 per cent or less – by 2020. In this deal, the price of those wines will be cut by 25 per cent. 

Sainsbury's has also cut the costs of its beers and mixer cans

Sainsbury’s has also cut the costs of its beers and mixer cans

There will also be a 25 per cent reduction on Diageo’s alcopop-style cans of mixer drinks, such as Smirnoff and diet cola and Morgan’s spiced rum and cola.

The store will also be selling four- packs of 330ml bottles of lager, such as Heineken, for £4.

Sainsbury’s claims that encouraging people to drink spirits in a standard quantity, as in a can, helps individuals control their consumption. It also says promoting lager in 330ml bottles, rather than larger 440ml cans, encourages people to drink less.

However, it is also running price cut promotions on large packs. For example, a pack of four Stella Artois 440ml cans has been cut by 50p to £4, while a Foster’s lager pack of 15 440ml cans is one third off at just £9.19.

Sainsbury's is promoting bottle beers as a way to reduce alcohol consumption, yet is it running promotions on large packs of cans

Sainsbury’s is promoting bottle beers as a way to reduce alcohol consumption, yet is it running promotions on large packs of cans

Alcohol Concern chief executive Eric Appleby said the campaign ‘rather cynically uses the trappings of responsibility as a promotional hook in what is really just product marketing’.

‘The campaign is essentially a seasonal one, using the traditional January respite after the festive season to promote lines that are marginally lower in alcohol content.’

The British Medical Association said offering cheap prices on low alcohol drinks was not enough. It has called for a minimum price on units of alcohol, a move supported by Prime Minister David Cameron who is said to want to see the level set at between 40p-50p per unit.

A BMA spokesman said: ‘Alcohol misuse leads to serious ill-health, premature death and is linked to violence and anti-social behaviour.  It also costs the NHS billions of pounds every year.’

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being drunk in a public place should be an automatic fine – Agent Smith, S.Yorks So I could be fined waiting for a bus home from the pub? Yeah, that’d work.
– John , Newcastle, UK, 06/1/2012 11:10—————————————————————————————————————————————————————-
Yes you should be. As a copper with 29 years service, it stills makes my blood boil when gobby obnoxious drunks cause problems to bus drivers and passengers, using insulting obscene language, and violence. Vomiting and generally making decent passenger users lives a miser. It happens every weekend and most weeknights.

Quadruple the tax!

“I just rang Alcohol Concern. Told them I was worried I didn’t have enough beer in the fridge. They’re quite rude, aren’t they?
– Karl, Spain, 6/1/2012 9:37″……………………… You are a GENIUS!!!! Just cleaning the coffee off my screen ……..

Nice free advert for Sainsburys.


The only way to reduce binge drinking is to change our culture and our views on drinking. Sainsburys should be allowed to lower there prices if they want to. There is too much blame in this country. Everyone knows the health consequences of drinking too much. We don’t need higher prices to tell us that. People need to be responsible for themselves and to not pass the blame onto businesses

It’s illegal to serve alcohol to a drunk person…. so why not enforce that law, the pubs would be a bit more picky who they served if they faced a fine for drunks rolling out of their doors.

So, a good reason to vote with my feet, then, and to shop elsewhere in future. Bye bye Sainsburys!
– Carol, Whatthehellhappenedhere?, 6/1/2012 11:03
———– Yeah right!! Seems like the price of bacon is rising

You will not stop people binge drinking….its in our culture these days, just make them pay for the any medical treatment required due to alcohol related injuries…….

why should responsible people suffer because of the binge drinking of a majority of people who by day act like they spin gold in their sleep? if people cannot handle their drink and choose to fight and act like animals on the streeet then build more prisons, have more police and let their be far tougher sentences on binge drinkers who behave badly, increase on the spot fines, name and shame them let their employers know about them, deal with them as the country dealt with the rioters, who caused only a tiny fraction of damage to the economy. Throw them in prison with tough sentences and let the responsible law abiding drinkers enjoy the deals at supermarkets just like any other product.

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