SA premier calls for high parly standards


South Australia’s new premier Jay Weatherill has urged all MPs to put aside the “braying and catcalling” and strive for higher standards in state parliament.

On his first day in the House of Assembly as premier on Tuesday, Mr Weatherill said it was regrettable that politicians were not held in high regard.

He welcomed robust debate but called on MPs on both sides to avoid political pointscoring to focus on policies that really mattered.

“If we want genuine debate in the interests of South Australia, then we should be debating policy, not descending to the personal denigration that too often marks our politics,” Mr Weatherill said.

“I will not tolerate that conduct from members of my government and I hope that the leader of the opposition will take a similar approach.”

Mr Weatherill said MPs should strive to be civil and courteous, to set the tone for the community on how differences should be dealt with.

“Too often in this chamber the braying and catcalling drown out any discussion,” he said.

The premier’s comments appeared to resonate with most MPs, although interjections grew steadily during question time.

The opposition directed most of its questions at Mr Weatherill, who deflected some to other ministers.

Former premier Mike Rann, who stepped down last month, did not take up his seat on the back bench on Tuesday.

Mr Rann had earlier indicated he would be absent from parliament all this week while on a private overseas trip.

Former deputy premier and long-serving minister Kevin Foley did attend question time and sit on the back bench after quitting the cabinet on the same day as Mr Rann.

However, Mr Foley was notable for his absence during Mr Weatherill’s opening remarks, arriving almost 30 minutes late for question time.

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