The old Kremlin bear manipulated the world, and he and his media mocked the US, its politicians, intelligence and media who promote Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, claiming that it is a Hollywood movie. He stated that he would not invade Ukraine and hinted at withdrawing his troops from the borders with Ukraine. However, he manoeuvred and tricked, going further than that by recognising the independence of the two territories separated from Ukraine, the republics of Donetsk and Luhansk and, then, he suddenly invades Ukraine overnight!
The West stood and watched as the tanks and fighter jets entered Ukraine and the sky turned it into flames of fire. The missiles were launching their bombs, destroying everything. The West was content with issuing statements of condemnation and denunciation, and if it was not for the weak economic sanctions imposed by the West, we would have mistaken the EU’s statement for one issued by the Arab League and thought it was delivered by its Secretary-General, Ahmed Aboul Gheit, and not by Ursula von der Leyen, the President of the European Commission!
Ironically, US President Joe Biden said that he would not engage in any military action in Ukraine, but if Putin invaded the neighbouring countries, he would intervene militarily.
The West has failed their ally, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, who unfollowed the Twitter accounts of world leaders and said his country was left alone to face the Russians.
Yes, he believed the American promises to protect his country, so he slept, reassured; then, a nightmare shook the earth from under his feet. I found the description of Ukraine’s situation as “going down a well with the American and Western rope, but they fled and threw the rope in the well, leaving Ukraine alone in the well”.
READ: Putin rejects Israel’s offer to mediate between Russia and Ukraine
I wrote in my article two weeks ago, before the Russian invasion: “If the West yields to Russian blackmail and Ukraine is the price this time, future prospects could be worse than giving up Ukraine, and Putin will become greedier. He will pursue the same strategy with other geographically-close countries. Their people await an unknown fate with trepidation, so if the US wants to retain its credibility in front of its allies, Washington must be firm and decisive towards Russia. The saying that “those covered by the US are exposed” rings true; Putin must be reined in.” Who knows, the situation could develop and advance towards Romania, Bulgaria and Poland. These countries are currently living in a state of terror and fear over their unknown fate if Ukraine falls into the dark Russian orbit. Therefore, the US and West, in general, must take a firm and decisive stance towards Russia, otherwise it will lose its credibility in front of its allies. The saying “those covered by the US are bare” is true, and the old Kremlin bear, who wants to turn back the clock, must be reined in.
Unfortunately, the US did not take a firm position to deter this thug, who actually set the clock back and put forward a new draft he came up with for the history of Ukraine, claiming that it was never a state in the true sense, and that the leader of the Bolshevik Revolution and founder of the Soviet Union, Vladimir Lenin, caused the division of the country through the federal structure that he established on the ruins of the Russian Empire. He also claimed that Lenin caused the loss of Russian lands that turned into separate states over time, and that he erred when he granted the Ukrainians independence within the Soviet Union and abandoned the lands of Russia inhabited by the Russian people and gave them to Ukraine. He added that those who seized power in it were the neo-Nazis, whose grandfathers and fathers were fighting with Hitler and killing their people.
The new Tsar of Russia is trying to gain the sympathy of his people with his emotional and influential language, to the extent that he almost cried while reviewing history and talking about how the disintegration of the Soviet Union was a black day for humanity. He also said that the republics of the Soviet Union would not have become independent if it were not for the failure of the Soviet leadership at the time to nurture the spirit of patriotism and stir up nationalism in their souls.
He wanted to create justifications to the world to justify his invasion of Ukraine by using history, although he does not consider this an invasion, but rather the correction of the wrong course followed by Lenin.
It is undoubtedly a twisted logic, as based on Putin’s logic, every country in the world has the right to invade a neighbouring country in order to return to the borders before World War I, as all countries that existed after World War I have border problems with neighbouring countries.
The Russian fox knew that the West would not confront it militarily and that its response would not go beyond economic sanctions, and this is nothing new for Russia. It experienced this in 2008, when it invaded Georgia and in 2014, when it occupied the Crimea and areas of eastern Ukraine. These sanctions will not deter Moscow. Perhaps, only the oppressed Russian people will be affected by it, as the people are always the victims, and they pay the price for the arrogance and stupidity of the rulers. The Russians had already suffered from famine in 1921, killing five million people, and the Russian government did not even take the time to issue a statement expressing the tragedy of its people, until the Russian writer, Maxim Gorge, made an appeal to the honourable people of the West to seek help to save his people, so they answered the call and rushed and saved what could be saved.
The fox of Russia has hit two birds with one stone. He realises that the US’s failure to respond to it militarily will undermine its stature in the world and expose it to the countries friendly with it as being a losing bet for them. They will turn away from the US and begin looking for an alternative that is ready to receive them immediately.
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Ukraine gained its independence from the former Soviet Union in 1991, and this brings to mind several questions: Why did the West not embrace it immediately, especially since it is a country with a large area and fertile land with high efficiency in agriculture, especially wheat cultivation, and rich in natural resources as, at the time, Russia was weak under former Russian President, Boris Yeltsin? Why did it not immediately include it in the European Union and NATO, as it did with the rest of the independent Soviet republics? Why did America pressure it to give up its nuclear weapons inherited from the Soviet Union under an agreement signed in Budapest on December 5, 1994, in which Russia, the US, and Britain pledged to respect Ukraine’s independence, its sovereignty and borders in exchange for Kyiv giving up its atomic weapons?
Putin abandoned that agreement in 2014, by occupying the Crimea and areas in eastern Ukraine, including the port of Sebastopol, which Russia was paying Ukraine a modest fee for its use. Why did they not confront it firmly and make it turn back to where it came from?
Why, after occupying Crimea, did Ukraine reiterate its demand to join NATO? The Ukrainian President said that he had gone to all European countries to accept membership and wondered why they tempted him with the possibility of accepting, knowing full well that, according to NATO, “States which have ethnic disputes or external territorial disputes, including irredentist claims, or internal jurisdictional disputes must settle those disputes by peaceful means in accordance with OSCE principles. Resolution of such disputes would be a factor in determining whether to invite a State to join the Alliance.”
Conspiracy theorists say that there is an implicit agreement between Russia and the West, at Ukraine’s expense, and they use this condition of acceptance as the basis for it not being accepted.
However, on the other hand, was their purpose to implicate Russia in a long war of attrition? Especially since a week has passed since the beginning of the war and, despite the huge military arsenal owned by the new Tsar of Russia, he was not able to resolve the battle yet and swallow Ukraine, to return it to the Russian Empire as it was during the rule of Tsars, as he wants to restore its glory and be crowned on its throne.
The views expressed in this article belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect the editorial policy of Middle East Monitor.
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