RSPCA neglect calls as more animals keep dying.

Foal dies in Faversham field despite calls to RSPCA

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Friday, February 03, 2012

Profile image for Faversham TimesFaversham Times


AN EIGHT-month-old foal left to fend for itself died despite a flurry of calls to the RSPCA.

Neighbours alerted the animal charity on at least six different occasions after realising the pony, and seven other horses, had been left in a field without food or water.

  1. An eight-month-old foal abandoned in a Faversham field has died

    An eight-month-old foal abandoned in a Faversham field has died

They say the animals, in a field off Straight Hill, Faversham Road, had no water for four days and no food for two.

Although an RSPCA inspector visited the site, the foal was found dead in the field on Wednesday.

One resident, who refused to be named for fear of reprisals, said: “We are appalled and angry.

“The death was entirely preventable had it been cared for properly or received help in time.

“People who pass the field regularly on the Newnham Valley road see what is going on and have reported the situation on many occasions to the RSPCA and local police but nothing has been done to help the animals.

“Up until now, they have somehow managed to survive but, on this occasion, one had become so weak it collapsed before being let out and died the following day.”

The owners had shut the horses in another part of the field following a motorbike-racing weekend held on the land.

Similar events are held in the field every winter.

Residents said they had expressed concerns to the RSPCA over the animals’ access to hay, straw, food and water during the motorbike weekends for the past two years.

RSPCA spokesman Klare Kennett said: “We received complaints about the lack of water and an inspector had gone out and dealt with that.

“You can tell people to improve conditions but, at the end of the day, if they are not breaking the law and causing animals to suffer, there’s not a lot we can do.

Ms Kennett added: “The difficulty now is that the owner is denying responsibility for the foal, but we certainly aren’t giving up on this incident.”

The remaining animals have food and water and are thought to be healthy.

There was no sign of the owners on the site when a reporter from the Times visited.

Under the Animal Welfare Act, anyone found guilty of abandoning or neglecting an animal can face a fine of up to £20,000 or six months in prison.

To report a mistreated, neglected, injured or distressed animal, call the RSPCA’s 24-hour cruelty line on 0300 1234 999


  • Profile image for TazMage

    by TazMage

    Sunday, February 05 2012, 12:43AM

    “Also, all of you people saying folks should “go on to the property and feed and water the animals instead of complaining, ect.” Well I don’t know about you folks in the U.K., but over here in the USA, if you go onto someone’s property, regardless of your intentions, then you’re liable to get shot for your trouble. The owner might think you’re their to STEAL their stuff…or their animals…

    I know it’s hard to blame an owner for neglect, (apparently) but if you don’t hold the owner’s of these animals responsible, then why have laws to protect animals in the first place? Sounds like a waste of time and tax dollars coming up with laws that won’t be enforced, to me anyway.”

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  • Profile image for TazMage

    by TazMage

    Sunday, February 05 2012, 12:31AM

    Ms Kennett added: “The difficulty now is that the owner is denying responsibility for the foal, but we certainly aren’t giving up on this incident.”

    Ok, so the OWNER is denying responsibility for the foal. Tell me please, if you can, just WHO is responsible if the OWNER isn’t?? Sounds to me like you’ve given up before you’ve even started. I have a question, is this “OWNER” someone who is also a DONOR to your organization? Just wondering since you seem to be making a TON of EXCUSES for the s.o.b….”

    Click to rate     Rating   4


  • Profile image for TazMage

    by TazMage

    Sunday, February 05 2012, 12:24AM

    “”You can tell people to improve conditions but, at the end of the day, if they are not breaking the law and causing animals to suffer, there’s not a lot we can do.” – RSPCA spokesperson Klare Kennett said.

    Well geeee. If a foal DYING because it doesn’t have food and water isn’t SUFFERING, then WHAT THE HELL IS??? Keep taking donations and feeding b.s. to the donators, I WON’T be one of them…”

    Click to rate     Rating   10


  • Profile image for freakntalyn

    by freakntalyn

    Saturday, February 04 2012, 9:58PM

    “The RSPCA ore chuffing useless unless Rolf Harris or the tv cameras are there. Waste of time maybe if they put more money into the actual helping of animals instead of all the tug ya heart tv adverts and swanky new buildings they might be more effective, but then again probably not. Could i urge everyone to ring the British Horse Society or the World Horse Welfare if you see a horse/pony in trouble. They are much more likely to attend ad actually DO something.”

    Click to rate     Rating   17


  • Profile image for Poohbearz

    by Poohbearz

    Saturday, February 04 2012, 1:09PM

    “agrees with fjordlover… why didnt those who reported feed the foal????? understaffed?? so what!!!! how much staff does it take to go pick some grass and carry a bottle of water????? LAME EXCUSES!!!! they were there to view… plently of chances to sort this out :0((( this is happening far to often to say the least..lots of people do fundraising./ donating to this charity..some charities are far worse off (money wise) and yet they still and always will put animals first!! regardless!! its about time the so called RSPCA changed its way and views before people change theirs and consider more worthy charities to step in!! the only innocent one in all this is the one who died via stupid protocols!!! dissapointed is an understatement :0(((”

    Click to rate     Rating   6

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