Renegade Editor’s Note: This article assumes that Greater Israel is the ultimate goal of the Rothschilds, which does often appear to be the case, but it should also be considered that they might be willing to sacrifice Israel (like another Shoah) in order to maintain and strengthen their world domination. After all, Henry Kissinger said that Israel would not exist by 2022.
So here we all are 200 plus years into absolute Jewish rule of the planet under the helm of the Rothschild Dynasty and one thing really has not changed. These Jewish leaders, who are the absolute masters of other races through terror and economic wizardry, really do not have even the slightest control over their own Jewish people, who are so spoiled and content that the actual experience of hardship and suffering does not exist, no matter how reinforced the victim mentality is through their extensive holohoax education and indoctrination.
Consider that to get even a few hundred thousand Jews to occupy Palestine the Rothschilds had to force two world wars in Europe and even then the only Jews who actually ended up in Israel were transferred there by the Germans in the Havaara Agreement. The rest snuck into the United States, giving the Rothschilds and their Zionist underlings absolute fits of frustration.
No matter what threats the Rothschilds make to destroy the white human cattle farms of the Jews living abroad if they don’t move to Israel, the Jews simply pay no mind and go about farming goyim in the promised lands of the white nations for shekels with absolutely no desire or interest in living in a shithole in the desert among nothing but Jews, who they know they are not allowed to scam and steal from.
These ruthless rulers who strike fear in the hearts of the Goyim are viewed as impotent figureheads to the Jews at large, who know they will not be harmed because the only thing that matters to the Rothschilds, aside from world domination is Jewish life, Jewish prosperity and the State of Israel. With no risk of capital punishment for such total insubordination directly against the Jews themselves from their Rothschild would-be rulers, the only tool the Rothschilds really have is to take away their toys and salt their fields in the form of creating all kinds of conflict within the white nations in the form of open borders and uncontrolled illegal and legal immigration of savages, who will make the Jews favorite farming grounds undesirable and create hatred towards the Jews living in these white nations from their white European hosts, in the hopes that the goyim will throw the Jews out and make them move to Israel or at least scare the Jews into moving to the Rothschild shithole in the desert.
The problem is the Jews know all these tricks because they are not idiots like the goyim, who will fall for every trick in the book and do whatever the Rothschilds want, with one exception. It has been shown that no matter how outrageous and violent and evil the Jews are to the point that they have committed genocides against the goyim, the morality of the goyim makes them incapable of genociding the Jews through either fear or a sense of empathy or code of honor.
This has become an embarrassing problem for the Rothschilds because the Germans and Hitler were supposed to follow Rothschild’s plan and actually holocaust the Jews who did not leave Europe for Palestine and make an example of them. Instead they tucked the Jews safely away from the cities, which were being firebombed and holocausted and put them in work camps, paid them German currency to build war materials even though 86% of the Jews in these camps opted out of working with no reprisals. The Germans were clearly not onboard with the Jewish extermination program that Rothschilds and the Zionists had designed and agitated for even before the March 1933 Jewish declaration of war on Germany. Fortunately for the Rothschilds, their allied minions did a better job of killing everyone, including the Jews, with total destruction of all logistics and the onset of starvation and disease across all of Europe, including the work camps that contained Jews where the losses to disease and starvation were reported by the Red Cross presence in all the camps.
With the Second World War coming to an end and still no actual holocaust of Jews being committed by the Germans, the Rothschilds set their Jewish Bolsheviks to task in Eastern Europe to frame up the Germans with the extermination of 6 million Jews. Naturally the Jewish Bolshevik commanders ordered the Russians under their boot to strip bunkers and build chimneys in places like Auschwitz as proof of German genocide of Jews.
For some strange reason they abstained from suggesting the simple starvation method that was so effective in all the Jewish orchestrated genocides of goyim throughout the ages. Instead, for this fantasy, they reached deep into their imagination for the most terrifying weapon from the first world war and chose gas for its emotional impact with zero account for its impracticality. And thus the legend of the gas chambers was created.
The Russians probably knew what was going on and what their Jewish Bolshevik enforcers were making them do when they were refurbishing Auschwitz after the war to make it look like a death camp. The Russians had the courtesy to build the brick chimney quite some distance from anything without any opening or access thus rendering it obviously a prop consisting of nothing but a large pile of bricks to anyone who saw it.
In spite of all the monetary and psychological success of the holohoax propaganda in terms of maintaining a victim complex in the Jews, extracting wealth from the goyim and giving the goyim a guilt complex for something their ancestors didn’t do, there was one small problem.
Rothschilds had exposed to the Jews themselves that they were, in spite of everything, absolutely invulnerable to reprisal from the Rothschilds or the Goyim, and with a shithole in the desert to escape to if things ever really got bad, it made the Jews living abroad even more comfortable and complacent than ever after World War Two, even with the holohoax legend being promoted endlessly.
And in the midst of the desert the Rothschilds’ grand project of Israel languished in spite of all the wealth being poured into it. Israel sat there as a ghost town with a skeleton crew.
World War One, with all its bluster of the Balfour Declaration, had been a failure for Rothschilds, with barely 80,000 Jews in Palestine surrounded by 600,000 Muslims and 70,000 Christians in the 1922 British census.
World War Two was an improvement for the Rothschilds, with the 1947 census showing 540,000 Jews surrounded by 1 million Muslims and 200,000 Christians, but Rothschild was expecting 6 million Jews, from all their efforts and expenditures, to be colonizing Palestine. Things were clearly not going to plan as all the Jews had escaped to the United States in spite of all the Rothschilds’ efforts to block them and force them to Palestine before and during World War Two. Even worse the United States had become the land of milk and honey after the war. However, the Jewish population did increase to 1 million as of 1950 due to Russian Jews, so gains in colonization were made, but still 5 million Jews were missing from the target of 6 million, which would not be reached until the end of the 20th century. This time period also showed 3 million Palestinians in what had officially become Israel.
The goyim of the United States and the Jews farming these goyim were in a state of such prosperity that the very idea of leaving this paradise was considered insanity and Jews all over the world, including those in Palestine, were clamoring to get to the new Promised Land with endless fields of prosperous goyim to farm for unlimited wealth and prosperity.
As of 2014 6.1 million Jews live in Israel but they are becoming outnumbered by Palestinians who have 4.4 million in Israel and an additional 5.5 million in refugee camps and surrounding countries, wanting to get back into Israel when they have the power to do so.
Immigration contributed greatly to the rapid growth of Israel’s Jewish population, but today it is estimated that more than half — about 58 percent — of the world’s Jewish population lives outside Israel, mainly in the US, at about 40 percent, followed by France, Canada and Britain, each under 4 percent. As large-scale Jewish emigration from these developed countries to Israel is considered unlikely, most of Israel’s current and future demographic growth will be the result of natural increase. (Source)
The Palestinian population is outgrowing the Jewish population and has been for quite some time. Projections indicate the Jewish population in Israel/Palestine will drop to 46% by 2035 from its 75% level of 2014.
Coincidentally the white population of the United States is expected to be under 50% by 2040, at which point many legacy aspects of the United States will have become unsustainable and undesirable to Jews, as the alien non white population and blacks takeover all major areas and cities and force white flight to occur en masse. It is quite possible the stage will be set for Israel to look very enticing to Jews in the U.S.A. right when Israel will need an infusion of Jews the most.
If we study history with a close eye on the demographics of Israel, we will find the chance of bad things happening to the Jews’ favorite human cattle farmlands (the white nations) has a very large chance of increasing the more dire Israel’s Jewish population problem becomes, so the coincidence factors of this combined demographic data are very likely not a coincidence.
What is also significant is that the Rothschilds are most likely the actual Learned Elders of Zion and have a reputation for planning ahead in terms of not only decades but centuries, so this would indicate this plan has been in progress for a very long time already with the 1960’s being a likely starting point for this phase of a world population terraforming project by the Learned Elders of Zion aka the Rothschilds.
The only real question is what gimmick will the Rothschilds employ to get the Jews to move to Israel when they are loath to do so? The world wars were not terribly effective for the amount of effort involved, so it seems that the current favorite is pouring vinegar in the milk in the promised land of milk and honey in the form of the 1965 immigration act, civil rights, drugs and every other effort the Rothschilds can devise to coax the Jews to Israel.
The migrant and refugee epidemic in Europe stemming from the 9/11 False Flag 17 year War on Terror may be an impetus to get Jews to Israel, while at the same time annexing and balkanizing Arab territory in the Middle East for the final Greater Israel expansion plan. Continued weakening of their Arab enemies will make escalated military action and genocide of the Palestinians a viable military solution to their monolithic Jewish-only goals for the population of Israel.
It would seem that the Rothschilds are trying to corner the Jews like rats in a maze and force Israel to look like appetizing cheese by poisoning every white country simultaneously to the point of it becoming unsuitable for Jewish human cattle farming.
It might sound strange to think that all this suffering being inflicted on the goyim might actually have very little to do with the goyim at this point, as the Rothschilds seem quite confident in their absolute mastery over all the world’s races with one exception – the Rothschilds’ complete inability to get the Jews to move to Israel.
If you keep the principle in mind that to the Jews all that matters is the Jews and everything that happens in the world that is caused by the Jews is all about the Jews, then this point of view of why all this nonsense is happening comes into a degree of focus that is very compelling.
There are certainly age-old Rothschild and Jewish rivalries with the goyim and shows of dominance to maintain world control over all nations that are occurring and always have been. It is possible some Luciferian plot to end the world does exist, but again think of the logic of all that matters to the Rothschilds’ dynasty is the Jewish people, Jewish prosperity, Israel and continued world domination and all other concerns are likely trivial.
The Rothschilds may be psychopaths willing to watch the world burn, and history would indicate that they are, but they have a code that says they cannot harm their Jewish brothers directly and they want these Jews in Israel.
Would they decide to destroy all European white nations, the middle east and anywhere else necessary to achieve these goals?
It would not be the first or second time, but the third time they have tried if so.
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