Rothschild Zionists, Putin & Geopolitics aka Synagogue of Satan Vs Christianity

Comment: U.S. is on the side of Synagogue of Satan while Russia is clearly the Christian country.

Putin Foils The Rothschild Zionists In Syria: Stopping Rothschild’s Central Banking Scheme For NWO!

Posted by truther on December 26, 2014, filed in: FeaturedIlluminati DajjalLatest NewsNew World OrderStrangeUnknown History2

Israel was founded by, and has always been controlled by, the Rothschilds and the rest of the Elite. The “Jewish homeland” scam is just a smokescreen and Jewish people are pawns in the game.

Rothschild founded and funded the Zionist movement to further a New World Order agenda. At the first Zionist conference Theodor Herzl, a Rothschild agent (Ragent) makes it clear Rothschildism (RothIsm) is not about saving Jews,

Putin Foils The Rothschild Zionists In Syria Stopping Rothschild’s Central Banking Scheme For NWO

It is essential that the sufferings of Jews….become worse….this will assist in realization of our plans….I have an excellent idea….I shall induce anti-Semites to liquidate Jewish wealth….The anti-Semites will assist us thereby in that they will strengthen the persecution and oppression of Jews. The anti-Semites shall be our best friends.

National Socialism (common English short form Nazism, German: Nationalsozialismus) was the ideology of the Nazi Party and Nazi Germany.[1][2][3][4] It is a variety of fascism that incorporates biological racism and antisemitism.

According to a book by a psychoanalyst, Walter Langer, called The Mind of Hitler, not only was Hitler supported by the Rothschild’s, he WAS a Rothschild. This revelation fits like a glove with the actions of the Rothschild’s and other Illuminati bloodlines in Germany who brought Hitler to the fore as dictator of that nation.

He was also supported by the British Royal Family, the House of Windsor (in truth the German House of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha), and these included the British royal “war hero”, Lord Mountbatten, a Rothschild and a Satanist. Their royal relatives in Germany, who you would never have thought would normally support an apparent guy from the street like Hitler, were among his most enthusiastic supporters.

Rothschild Tolkien Lord Of The Rings

Rothschild with “eternal vigilance” attempts to pre-empt true history with a manipulated marketing version of history that sows “chaos”. This modus is utilized for banking maneuvers to produce accelerated profits. This is known as absconding human tradition for marketing greed.

The Rothschilds control a vast portion of the world’s wealth and are the hidden hand behind all the social-cataclysms: the French, Russian and American Revolutions; Communism, Capitalism, World Wars and the Modern State of Israel. The Rothschilds are not the Jews of the bible and do not practice Judaism.

With considerable contribution from Moses Hess known as the philosophical father of Zionism, Marx produced material that worked on 2 levels. On the face of it “Das Capital” promises the ‘worker’ a utopian equality through Communism.

However, on a deeper level what he is offering is reduction to the lowest common denominator, because only then can a mass be the same. Of course this comes at a price, since true ‘equality’ does not exist in nature. Thus it was necessary for Communism to formulate mechanisms to “enforce” ‘equality’.

For the Nationalist modern ‘multicult’ policy alive in Europe should provide some insight into the inner workings.

It was during the 19th century that Karl Marx developed Rothschild Zionism’s most dangerous tool of deception-Communism.

In 1917 Rothschild financed Vladimir Lenin in the over throw of The Russian Monarchy, To Establish Communism and thus centralize the finances to the Rothschild Banking Empire.

1948: In the Spring of this year, the Rothschilds bribe President Harry S. Truman (33rd President of the United States 1945 – 1953) to recognise Israel (Rothschild owned Zionist not Jewish territory) as a sovereign state with $2,000,000 which they give to him on his campaign train.

They then declare Israel to be a sovereign Jewish state in Palestine and within half an hour President Truman declared the United States to be the first foreign nation to recognise it.

The Flag of Israel is unveiled. Despite tremendous opposition the emblem on the flag is a blue coloured version of the Rothschild, “Red Hexagram or Sign.”

1743: Mayer Amschel Bauer, an Ashkenazi Jew, is born in Frankfurt, Germany, the son of Moses Amschel Bauer, a money lender and the proprietor of a counting house.

Khazar Rothschild
Khazar Rothschild

Ashke (nazi) Jew vs. Judaism’s Jew

By conservative and orthodox philosophies, a person can be considered a Jew only if his or her mother was Jewish (meaning, more specifically, either matrilineal descent from a female believed to be present at Mt. Sinai when the ten commandments were given, or else descent from a female who was converted to Judaism before the birth of her children), or if he or she has personally converted to Judaism. This means that a person can be Ashke(nazi) but NOT considered a Jew by some of those within the Jewish communities,

Moses Amschel Bauer places a red sign above the entrance door to his counting house. This sign is a red hexagram (which geometrically and numerically translates into the number 666) which under Rothschild instruction will end up on the Israeli flag some two centuries later.

1753: Gutle Schnaper, an Ashkenazi Jew (future wife of Mayer Amschel Bauer), born to respected merchant, Wolf Salomon Schnaper.

1760: During this decade Mayer Amschel Bauer works for a bank owned by the Oppenheimers’ in Hanover, Germany.  He is highly successful and becomes a junior partner. Whilst working at the bank he becomes acquainted with General von Estorff.

Following his father’s death, Bauer returns to Frankfurt to take over his father’s business. Bauer recognises the significance of the red hexagram and changes his name from Bauer to Rothschild, after the red hexagram or sign signifying 666 hanging over the entrance door (“Rot,” is German for, “Red,” “Schild,” is German for, “Sign”). Read More Here

This angers many Jews who realise this Hexagram was used in the ancient mystery religions as the symbol of, “Moloch,” (described as a demon of unwilling sacrifice and is also interestingly the name of the stone owl the elite worship at Bohemian Grove), and, “Astaroth,” (described as the Lord Treasurer of Hell).

The Hexagram was also used to represent Saturn, which has been identified as the esoteric name for, “Satan.” This indicates that anyone killed in the name of Israel is actually a sacrifice to Satan. These dissenting Jews believe the, “Menorah,” the oldest Jewish symbol should be used and pointed out that the Hexagram is not even a Jewish symbol, but of course as the Rothschild Zionists use it that is what ends up on the Rothschild, I mean Zionist, I mean Israeli flag.

In 2006 Putin had paid off Russia’s debt to the Rothschilds. Russia’s financial dependence on the Rothschild financiers was now over. Putin could then establish what became his Russian Unity Party’s 2007 campaign slogan: Putin’s Plan Means Victory For Russia!

This slogan continues to make the New World Order Rothschilds very nervous…Here

Now That Russia has kicked out Rothschilds – Rothschild’s Military influence through Rhode Scholars and embedded within the White House has unleashed NATO confrontation with Vladimir Putin.

The most diabolic deception of the secular Zionist Congress is true yet today, the claim they wanted to unite all of Jewish people within a Jewish nation where all would find security and safety, when in fact during the Holocaust they turned their back on most of the Jewish people.

These elite few secular Zionist leadership desired a political nation to stage their own global ambitions, they immediately began terrorism to immigrating by force Jewish settlements of surrounding Arab nations to flee into Palestine.

This was done using terrorist bombings of these Jewish settlements, the Zionist blaming it as anti-Semitism of the Arab peoples. This evil of Rothschild Zionist leaders was discovered during the holocaust, resulting in many Jews un-necessarily suffering the horror’s of death, the Jewish survivors later published their charges against the Rothschild Zionists entitled “We Accuse”.

It would be well worth your time reading this truth concerning devout Jewish charges against the Zionist.

JERUSALEM, ISRAEL - JULY 24: In this handout photo provided by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA), presumptive Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) places a note between the ancient stones of the Western Wall, as the rabbi of the holy place Shmuel Rabinowitz looks on, before dawn July 24, 2008 in Jerusalem's Old City. Obama visited Judaism holiest site after a day in Israel and the West Bank and before taking off for Germany. (Photo by Avi Hayon/MFA via Getty Images) *** Local Caption *** Barack Obama;Shmuel Rabinowitz
JERUSALEM, ISRAEL – JULY 24: In this handout photo provided by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA), presumptive Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) places a note between the ancient stones of the Western Wall, as the rabbi of the holy place Shmuel Rabinowitz looks on, before dawn July 24, 2008 in Jerusalem’s Old City. Obama visited Judaism holiest site after a day in Israel and the West Bank and before taking off for Germany. (Photo by Avi Hayon/MFA via Getty Images) *** Local Caption *** Barack Obama; Shmuel Rabinowitz

If you make people think they’re thinking, they’ll love you; but if you really make them think, they’ll hate you.”– Don Marquis

The following Glossary, abbreviations and essay will help the reader understand how Theodor Herzl on August 29, 1897 predicted that within fifty years there would be a Jewish state.

Zionism: an organization of Jews who believed the Jewish people needed a nation of their own to escape persecution.

Judaism: Jews collectively who practice a religion based on the Torah and the Talmud.

RothIsm or Rothschildism: abbreviation for The Zionist movement corrupted and co-opted by The House of Rothschild and their agents to advance a New World Order agenda. In 1871 Albert Pike Grand Master of the Luciferian group known as the Order of the Palladium, received a vision, which he described in a letter dated August 15, 1871 that graphically outlined plans for three world wars that were seen as necessary to bring about the One World Order.

The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the “agentur” of the “Illuminati” between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other.

Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion…We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm …

Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. [1]

RBZJ: The Rothschild Backed Zionist Jews, acronym used when referring to anyone connected to or related to the House of Rothschild.

RAGENT: Abbreviation for a Rothschild Agent

The House of Rothschild (the Rothschilds): Global financial empire founded in the late 18th century by a dynasty of Khazars, an ancient people from Georgia. [2]

The Rothschilds control a vast portion of the world’s wealth and are the hidden hand behind all the social-cataclysms: the French, Russian and American Revolutions; Communism, Capitalism, World Wars and the Modern State of Israel. The Rothschilds are not the Jews of the bible and do not practice Judaism.

Mel Gibson would have been correct if he had claimed, The Rothschilds are responsible for all the wars in the world. The “Labour Leader” newspaper of Britain on December 19, 1891 referred to the Rothschilds when they wrote:

This blood-sucking crew has been the cause of untold mischief and misery in Europe during the present century, and has piled up its prodigious wealth chiefly through fomenting wars between States which ought never to have quarreled.

Wherever there is trouble in Europe, wherever rumors of war circulate and men’s minds are distraught with fear of change and calamity you may be sure that a hook-nosed Rothschild is at his games somewhere near the region of the disturbance (ibid, p. 12).

In “Imperialism,” writer J. A. Hobson wrote: “No Great War could be undertaken by any European State…if the house of Rothschild and its connections set their face against it” (ibid, p, 25).

The “Labour Leader” did not use the term Jew because the Rothschilds are the descendants of Khazars; they are not of Abraham’s Seed.

Rothschild founded and funded the Zionist movement to further a New World Order agenda. At the first Zionist conference Theodor Herzl, a Rothschild agent (Ragent) makes it clear Rothschildism (RothIsm) is not about saving Jews,

It is essential that the sufferings of Jews….become worse….this will assist in realization of our plans….I have an excellent idea….I shall induce anti-Semites to liquidate Jewish wealth….The anti-Semites will assist us thereby in that they will strengthen the persecution and oppression of Jews. The anti-Semites shall be our best friends. [3]

UN Resolution (GA 181)

August 29, 1897 Theodor Herzl, the founder of RothIsm at the First Zionist Congress predicted that within fifty years there would be a Jewish state. UN Resolution (GA 181) partitioned Palestine in 1947.

RothIsm is a political movement to encourage, force if necessary, Jews to move to Palestine. All Jews were encouraged; it didn’t matter if you were of Abraham’s seed, you left for Palestine or else.

Herzl picking 1947 as the end of the Diaspora and the return of the Jews to the “Holy Land” is either one of those “bizarre coincidences”, like the same person winning the lottery three weeks in a row, or the partition of Palestine, finalized in 1947, was part of Rothschilds plan for a New World Order, “to effect complete and total control over every human being on the planet and to dramatically reduce the world’s population by two thirds.”


Rothschild’s secret societies, The Bavarian Illuminati, Order of Perfectibilists, the Skull and Bones are no longer classified as prehistoric science fiction and have their origins in the ancient religions and the occult: Rosicrucians, Freemasons and the Kabbalah.

In 2003, 60 Minutes aired a segment about Alexandra Robbins, staff member at the New Yorker. Robbins, a Yale graduate, penetrated the wall of silence around the Skull and Bones, the American branch of Rothschild’s secret society and authored the best seller Secrets of the Tomb: Skull and Bones, the Ivy League, and the Hidden Paths of Power.

Members of the Skull and Bones include some of the most powerful men of the 20th century.

J.P. Morgan, John D. Rockefeller, Abraham Kuhn and Solomon Loeb are all connected to the Rothschilds Global financial empire and secret societies. They are members of the Federal Reserve, the Bank of England, France, and Germany or, for that matter, any central bank anywhere in the world.

RothIsm was not-so-secretly funded when Baron Edmond (Binyamin) de Rothschild purchased 90,000 acres in Palestine launching Israel’s future initially as an agricultural society. After the early settlers arrived, they wanted Rothschild to “take his hands from it.” Baron Edmond responded, “I created the Yishuv, I alone. Therefore no men, neither colonists nor organisations have the right to interfere in my plans”

Lord Moyne, the British Secretary of State in Cairo, in 1942 tried to interfere in Baron Edmond’s plan when he declared “the Jews were not the descendants of the ancient Hebrews and that they had no “legitimate claim” on the Holy Land. In favor of limiting Jewish immigration into Palestine, he was accused of being “an implacable enemy of Hebrew independence,” and on November 6, 1944 Lord Moyne was murdered by two members of the Stern Gang (Yitzhak Shamir’s group). [4]

A Jewish State, a sacrilege, can be found in the Bible

A Jewish state can be found in the book of Revelation. John, an Apostle of Jesus on the Isle of Patmos in 90 A.D., was told to “Write the things which thou hast seen, and the things which are, and the things which shall be hereafter.” John wrote:

And they will tread the holy city underfoot for forty-two months (1279 days). And I will give power to my two witnesses, and they will prophesy one thousand two hundred and sixty days, clothed in Sackcloth. Revelation 11:2&3

Herzl predicted the 1947 UN partition but John, in the spirit, was taken up into heaven and saw that theholy city would be underfoot for forty-two months given over to non-Jewish people until 1967 (688 A.D. + 1279 years), when in the first hours of the Six-day war Jews took control of East Jerusalem and the prophesy in Sackcloth ended when they had their own state on May 14th 1948 (688 A.D. + 1260 years). [5]

The charity and work of Pope Pius XII during World War II so impressed the Chief Rabbi of Rome, Israel Zolli, that in 1944 he was open to the grace of God which led him into the Catholic faith. As his baptismal name, he took the same one Pius had, Eugenio, as his own. Later Israel Eugenio Zolli wrote a book entitled, Why I Became a Catholic.

Grand Rabbi Joel Teitelbaum, believed RothIsm is “the work of Satan, a sacrilege, a blasphemy” and The Holocaust, he wept, “was a direct result of RothIsm, a punishment from G-d.”

Rothschild Waddeson Manor
Rothschild Waddeson Manor

Rothschild was well aware of Jewish history and Jews, according to the Christian New Testament, persecuted and crucified Jesus Christ and most of his early followers. America’s traditional churches in the 19th Century would never stand for a Jewish occupation of Jesus’ homeland.

Rothschild Backed Zionist Jews (RBZJ) and a con artist Cyrus Scofield were used to change America and its religious orientation by the use of the Scofield Reference Bible from Oxford University Press.

Scofield, after being released from prison was introduced to Samuel Untermeyer, the President of the Koren Hayesod, and the RothIsm movement in America.

Untermeyer, an attorney, was instrumental in preparing the Federal Reserve Banking law in 1910, and the financing of Scofield’s Reference bible.

The Scofield bible has hundreds of easy-to-read footnotes in the margins and at the bottom of the pages that misleadingly weave parts of the Old and New Testaments together as though the same people wrote them at the same time. The most convincing evidence of RothIsm influence on Scofield are the notes themselves, below are examples taken from the revised 1967 Edition:

For a nation to commit the sin of anti-semitism brings inevitable judgment.

God made an unconditional promise of blessings through Abram’s seed to the nation of Israel to inherit a specific territory forever.

In fact there is no sin of anti-semitism in the bible and Abraham did not bequeath a “specific territory” to his descendants.

Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell weave Scofield’s “Jews” into Genesis 12:3, “And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed” and falsely conclude:

God has blessed America because America has blessed the Jew. If this nation wants her fields to remain white with grain, her scientific achievements to remain notable, and her freedom to remain intact, America must continue to stand with Israel.

In 1913 Jacob Schiff sets up the Anti Defamation League (ADL) in the United States.  This organisation is formed to slander anyone who questions or challenges the Rothschild global conspiracy as, “anti-semitic.”

In 1913 Sun Yat Sen was beginning Socialism In China Which culminated into its ugly brother Communism Under Mao Tse Tung. Remember Sun Yat Sen escaped China With A Price On His Head And Received A COLB Just Like Barry Soetoro aka; Obama.

In 1917 Vladimir Lenin With Rothschild over throws The Russian Monarchy starting socialism/communism’s USSR.

John McArthur, author, pastor at Grace Community Mega-Church came up with a “Just War” explanation for the Iraq War because of Scofields “specific territory” note. On CNN he told Larry King, “Iraq is ‘a just war’ because Iraq has not only rejected the Gospel of Jesus Christ, but has done everything it can possibly do to stamp out the people of God, namely Israel.”

Robertson, Falwell and McArthur because of Scofield, ignore the central tenets of Christianity: Seeking peace and loving one’s enemies, “Peace be with you, that the meek and those who work for peace — rather than the powerful and violent — are blessed by God.”

Then he will say to those on his left (Robertson et all), ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.’

“They will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?’ “He will reply, ‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’ MT 25:41

Pre-millennialism, Dispensationalism, Judeo-Christianity and “Christian Zionism” all rely on the Scofield footnote “A Curse Laid Upon Those Who Persecute The Jews” to justify the Iraq war and Israel’s human rights violations in Gaza and the West Bank. [6]

It is impossible to overstate the influence of Cyrus Scofield and the Oxford Press on twentieth-century Christian and Jewish sectarian beliefs. With limitless advertising and promotion, the Scofield Bible became the most important instrument for spreading the message of Christian Zionism: that the Modern State of Israel is the fulfillment of biblical prophecy.

Colonial Secretary Joseph Chamberlain was an enthusiastic British imperialist
Colonial Secretary Joseph Chamberlain was an enthusiastic British imperialist

Uganda is not Jerusalem

In 1903, Joseph Chamberlain, the British Colonial Secretary, brought the “Uganda Project”, a Jewish settlement in East Africa, to Theodore Herzl. Herzl initially rejected the idea but the April 1903 Kishinev pogrom, the Medieval Outbreak where 49 Russian Jews were killed, 92 severely wounded, 500 slightly wounded changed his mind and he recommended the controversial solution as a temporary measure.

Herzl did not live to see the rejection of the Uganda Plan in 1905. He, and further discussion of a homeland other than Palestine, died unexpectedly when Herzl was 44.

David Wolfson succeeded Herzl but he failed to convince the Young Turks to give up Palestine after the Ottoman Empire collapsed. Dr. Otto Warburg (related to Paul and Max, Rothschild’s agents) was put in charge and the movement was moved to Berlin.

WWII is over but not for the Palestinians

The war ended in 1945 and after the bitterest episode in Jewish history the refugees were moved from Concentration to Displaced Persons camps until the world was willing to give the Holocaust survivors the Palestinian’s Land.

As the United Nations debated a resolution to divide the Palestinian land, the UN- appointed mediator Count Folke Bernadotte thought the resolution offended

Basic principles to prevent these innocent victims of the conflict [Palestinians were not to blame for the Holocaust] from returning to their homes, while Jewish immigrants flood into Palestine and, what’s more, threatening to permanently replace the dispossessed Arab refugees who have been here for centuries.”

He described, “Zionist pillage on a grand scale and the destruction of [Palestinian] villages without apparent military need.

His report (U.N. Document A. 648) was filed on September 16, 1948. The next day Count Bernadotte and his assistant were assassinated in the part of Jerusalem occupied by the Zionists. [7]

Finally the British navy attacked the 4,500 Holocaust survivors (“Exodus 1947”) on their way to Palestine and a Rothschild Homeland was a fait accomplis.

On May 14, 1948, the British Mandate over Palestine expired and Rothschild had established the Jewish State, located in the only place in the world that could have a clash of civilizations, Jerusalem.

Jesus Rome Color Center

For Catholics, Armageddon is simply an ancient road located in the present named State of Israel. 

What is Armageddon? Thereis a road running through the middle of Israel to the sea. About 15 miles before it reaches the sea lie the ruins of a city called Megiddo. Its strategic location made it the scene of colossal battles going back 6000 years. When speaking of any great conflict, people often spoke of it as Megiddo or Armageddon, Hebrew words referring to the area around this city. Some go to great lengths in speculating about a final battle of Armageddon between the forces of good and evil preceding the end of the world (see Rv 16:14-16).

There is no reason to believe that the city or plain of Armageddon has any connection with the end of the world. It is imply an image, not unlike saying, —Well, next Tuesday is D day.— If someone overheard this and started watching for something to happen next Tuesday on the beaches of Normandy (where the Allies began the invasion of France in World War II), we would think it strange.

The Jews return to the “Holy Land” portends Armageddon.

Armageddon, the final battle, will come when someone blows up the Dome of the Rock. That magnificent golden domed mosque built on the site of Solomon’s Temple (the abomination of desolation) is preventing the return of the messiah. Radical Christians and Jews believe Christ will not come back to earth until the Jews rebuild the Temple.

Should the Dome be demolished, then for the first time in history, thanks to Saddam Hussein when he destroyed 90 percent of Iraq’s Wetlands, 200 million people could cross the Euphrates for a holy war in Jerusalem.

A war that will rid the planet of millions of useless eaters.


The Rothschild New World Order only needs 500 million of us for slaves.

But here’s the clincher: All of us do not need any of his banks at all.

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