Rock the Vote Using QR Code T-Shirts to Register 1.5 Million Voters

Rock the Vote has a lofty goal this year: register 1.5 million new voters before Election Day.

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The plan? Roll out an aggressive digital-first campaign aimed at getting American youth — a group which may be disengaging since turning out to vote in droves in 2008 — more involved in politics.

At the centerpiece of the nationwide voter registration drive is Rock the Vote’s new t-shirt design, which includes a QR code that, when scanned, takes smartphone owners to a the Rock the Vote website where they can register to vote via the web.

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The idea is simple: Put the t-shirt on, and you automatically become a mobile hotspot for voter registration.

There’s a social element as well: voters are encouraged to tweet and post to Facebook after they’ve registered. The campaign’s organizers are also hoping to get the Twitter hashtag #ScanToVote trending nationwide between now and November.

Online registration will work differently in every state. Ten states allow voters to register online, but in the other 40, Rock the Vote’s website will automatically fill out a paper form based on the user’s entry, which is then emailed to each user. The form then has to be signed and mailed to the appropriate office.

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Heather Smith, president of Rock the Vote, told Mashable the campaign is a direct response to laws that make it more difficult for young people to vote.

“The timing of it is tied into voter discrimination,” said Smith. “All these attempts to make voting harder are happening at a time when we should be making the system more modern and encourage participation. What I tell young people is this: If you think your vote isn’t powerful, why are they working to take that away from you?”

Rock the Vote worked with social media marketing firm PromoJam to develop the QR code campaign.

“QR codes can do fun things like gamification,” said PromoJam co-founder Amanda MacNaughton. “They also cut down on loss of conversion and increase convenience. QR codes haven’t moved mainstream with all demographics, but Generation Y knows what they are and they use them.”

According to comScore, 14 million Americans used QR codes in June of 2011. 16.6% of them were aged 18-24.

The QR code-equipped Rock the Vote t-shirts will be sold online and at Whole Foods locations nationwide. Rock the Vote and PromoJam worked with RedLaser, a QR code scanning app with 19 million downloads, to develop the code.

Can QR codes help Rock the Vote meet its goal of 1.5 million new voters? Share your opinion in the comments below.

This story originally published on Mashable here.

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