Ricky Gervais in Twitter spat with Christians after saying he doesn’t believe in God

  • Poses in Jesus style on New Humanist cover

Daniel Bates

Last updated at 9:48 PM on 23rd December 2011

Ricky Gervais has provoked the rage of fundamentalist Christians after getting into a row about God on Twitter.

The spat began when a user called GodsWordIsLaw tweeted: ‘Thank God for Christopher Hitchens’ death.’

The writer and committed atheist had died a day earlier.

Gervais replied with a sarcastic ‘Perfect’, adding: ‘This is in the world at the moment people. Can we change it a bit?’ – suggesting that intolerance was rife and  that people should adopt a less extreme stance.

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Controversial: Ricky spoke to the New Humanist magazine about his views

Controversial: Ricky Gervais spoke to New Humanist magazine about his views

The seemingly innocuous comment was met with a barrage of abuse from GodsWordIsLaw, who wrote: ‘Atheism is poison, may God have mercy on your soul before he dropkicks you into HELL.’

He added: ‘Ultimately it will lead to your eternal damnation. Enjoy this life because it goes fast. Next one is for ever.’

The fundamentalist’s attention was then drawn to the cover of the September/October 2011 edition of New Humanist magazine, which featured Gervais in a Christ-like pose with a microphone stand and the word atheist across his chest.

The tweeter was so angry that he filmed himself burning a copy of the magazine – the kind of treatment usually reserved for the American flag by radical Muslims in the Middle East.

Twitter debate: The Office star insists he is not anti-Christian, just anti-bigot

Twitter debate: The Office star insists he is not anti-Christian, just anti-bigot

He uploaded the video to YouTube, where it has been viewed more than 300 times. Others then joined in the abuse.

Over eight days, the writer and star
of The Office was branded ‘as evil as they get’ and accused of using his
celebrity to ‘indoctrinate thousands of lost souls into a Godless

His attackers included a Twitter user called MargieJPhelps, from extremist Christian website godhatesfags.com.

This is run by the Westboro Baptist Church in Kansas, which blames gay people for the deaths of U.S. servicemen.

Abuse: Ricky has been targeted by Christian fundamentalists because of his views on religion

Abuse: Ricky has been targeted by Christian fundamentalists because of his views on religion

of the group’s members tweeted: ‘Any you ask why did God harden
Hitchens in his sins? Read: “…to show his wrath, and to make his power
known…” Romans 9:22.’

In an interview with the magazine, Gervais said that he had stopped believing in God by the age of eight.

He also discussed his new project, called Afterlife, in which he plays God

reveals he plays the religious leader as ‘an arrogant, wisecracking son
of a b****, who thinks he’s the best thing since sliced bread’ in the
new show.

And he says despite the touchy subject, the programme isn’t meant to be taken seriously.

Unapologetic: Ricky Gervais out and about in Primrose Hill in jeans and donkey jacket today

Unapologetic: Ricky Gervais out and about in Primrose Hill, north-west London, in jeans and donkey jacket yesterday

‘He (God in the show) also loves
welcoming atheists to heaven with a smug grin on his face. He likes
atheists deep down though. Or rather he likes good atheists,’ Ricky

‘He admires the
fact that they were moral people even though they didn’t believe they
would ever be rewarded with everlasting life. It’s not anti-religion,
it’s just fun.’

In his Twitter responses, he flipped between provoking his critics and calling for peace.

In one tweet aimed at GodsWordIsLaw, who represents ‘Minnesota’s Christians for a Moral World’ and has called for a boycott of The Hobbit film because it features gay actor Sir Ian McKellen, he said he was not anti-Christian but that he was ‘anti-bigot’.

He wrote: ‘I don’t believe in ANY god. I treat all religions equally. And all good people.’

He added: ‘To all sane Christians. I know you’re not all like these evil fundamentalists. I don’t believe in your God but I believe in your kindness.’

Gervais was involved in a previous Twitter row when he used the word ‘mong’ – a derogatory term for people with learning difficulties.

He was forced to apologise after coming in for a string of criticism.

The comedian also landed himself in trouble after hosting the last two Golden Globes award ceremonies, during which he mocked a number of A-list celebrities including John Travolta.

His performances met with a huge backlash. But despite this, he has been called back to host the ceremony for a third time on January 15 next year.

Here’s what other readers have said. Why not add your thoughts,
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Remember atheists :- he who laughs last, laughs longest.

Do we really care what his beliefs are?

Everyone has a right to believe in what they want. I believe in God, but don’t expect everyone to think the same. I also liked what he said about god liking ‘good atheists’, as he is right, we should be good because we want to, not because god says we should. .

I’m a Christian, not because I’m scared of death or because I’m insecure or because I need a big book or “sky-pilot” to tell me how to behave. It’s just because thats what I believe. And lets face it, whether you’re atheist or have faith, it is belief – nobody can claim their belief is 100% fact.
– Nick, Wiltshire, 23/12/2011 23:29___ Atheism requires evidence of the supernatural before it accepts the claims made by religion. Religion requires acceptance of the supernatural as indisputable fact for it to deny atheism! The celestial tea pot argument.

What Gervais is doing is just as bad as religious zealots trying to shove their own beliefs down our throats. You’re a non believer Ricky – we get it, now shut the f*** up!!!

Perhaps he has a point, I have not heard of any atheist who has killed thousands of people at the head of an Army in the so called name of Christianity!!!!!!!!

To ALL the devout pious Christians who will be SAVED ! PLEASE ! Just WHAT are you being SAVED from ???

He is entitled to his own opinion however I dislike the way he disrespects and belittles those of faith. BTW Big bang theory is a load of nonsense as it explains nothing. So Ricky, how did we all come into being? Suppose we all came from nothing quite by accident?? Even if you’re not religious its ludicrous to believe that fallacy. Surely you must not be that daft, well maybe..

@Martin, Lutterworth, Leicestershire
Quantum physics says that matter can be both “there and not there” at the same time. Its complicated, and partially down to how time works, how matter moves and that there are some things the scientists are still figuring out. Theres even some maths to suggest that super-miniture worm holes can open up and subatomic particles can travel through them.
…….The point is – it would be an extraordinary act of arrogance to assume something exists without evidence. Eventually scientists acquire evidence, which is then peer reviewed and retested. There has yet to be anything like this happen with any religious text or assumption.
……lastly rightwing Christian groups are now citing “theories” on creationalism. It sadly shows that they do not understand the meaning of the word “theory” (..a provable and scientifically validated hypothesis or set of ideas..)

i don’t see what the big deal about it is. Just because he stands up for what he believes in, religion shouldn’t be forced upon people and people should be free to choose what ever kind of path they choose. I chose the evolution path which makes more sense than some god creating the world then creating man and woman.If Christians want to believe in that then that’s their choice however think of this if god created man and woman and the woman only ever had male sons then how the the population grown so rapidly. Like i say i believe in the evolution path.

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