Revealed, the 6,000 council house tenants who earn £100,000

James Chapman

Last updated at 12:13 AM on 7th February 2012

Thousands of tenants living on six-figure incomes in council houses subsidised by the taxpayer are to be thrown out unless they agree to pay far higher rents.

A Whitehall analysis leaked to the Daily Mail suggests there are 15,000 tenants in social housing even though they have household incomes of more than £80,000 – with 6,000 earning more than £100,000.

Ministers are to target those who could afford to buy a house privately but instead choose to continue living in council homes at a vastly reduced rent.

Sitting pretty: As a minister Frank Dobson lived in a three-bedroom flat in the council block pictured right of his London constituency

Sitting pretty: As a minister Frank Dobson lived in a three-bedroom flat in the council block pictured right of his London constituency

Sitting pretty: As a minister Frank Dobson lived in a three-bedroom flat in his London constituency in the council block pictured right

Under plans being drawn up, they are to be hit with demands to pay the market rate or move out – a change which would save the taxpayer more than £100million.

Most are expected to decide to leave their properties rather than agree to massive increases in what they pay, since they could probably expect to live in better areas if they were paying the market rate.

Almost a fifth of council households – some 720,000 – earn more than the national average wage. For some London properties, tenants would have to pay £70,000 a year more than they are charged  at the moment if they were renting their homes on the open market.

Ministers believe voters will be ‘staggered’ to learn that people on such high incomes enjoy council homes subsidised by the taxpayer.

The Conservatives have suggested they want to end the principle of council housing for life, but measures have been resisted by their Liberal Democrat Coalition partners. Under the current system, once granted tenancy, a resident can keep hold of a council house for life, regardless of whether their financial circumstances change.

Ministers are now understood to be considering introducing a ‘pay to stay’ policy which would apply to any households earning more than £80,000.

Anyone not prepared to pay the full market rent would be evicted.  The money saved would be ploughed back into housing those on waiting lists, which doubled under Labour.

Housing minister Grant Shapps said higher earners on six-figure salaries can keep their social home as long as they pay market rent

Housing minister Grant Shapps said higher earners on six-figure salaries can keep their social home as long as they pay market rent

It is expected that the policy will apply to the two top earners in a house – in other words, either where one earner is on £80,000 or two are each on £40,000.

Tories highlight the example of Frank Dobson, the Labour MP who was still living in his council home, despite becoming a Cabinet minister under Tony Blair and drawing a six-figure salary.

Mr Dobson became a minister while living in a council flat in his London constituency. The three-bedroom flat is in a mansion block where properties once belonging to the council sell for between £900,000 and £1million.

Though he still earns an MP’s salary of £66,000 a year, he claimed last year that he could not afford to rent privately.

‘Market rents in our area are phenomenal,’ he said. ‘I wouldn’t be able to afford it.’

He added: ‘Very large numbers of people, who in any other part of the country would be regarded as reasonably well off, are not comfortably off in London because of house prices and rents, which are insane.’

Housing minister Grant Shapps said: ‘For higher earners on six-figure salaries we’re introducing “pay to stay” with a simple message: “You can keep your social home as long as you pay a market rent so that we can use your cash to build homes for the most vulnerable people on the waiting list”.’

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Yet another legacy of the ‘Lady Bountiful Party’. No wonder we’re skint!

And in other news, large families (who have never contributed to society) are living in mansions costing £100,000 in rent to private landlords in the heart of London. Presumably those people earning in excess of £100,000 are paying income tax and council tax. I know who I would prefer as neighbours.

Somewhere they lost the purpose of public housing

As a tenant income wouldn’t be disclosed or known, unless Housing Benefit was claimed, these figures are not ‘facts’.
The government, yet again, is making guesses, and then presenting them as facts.
Perhaps we could also have a list of all the subsidies our wealthy politicans get?

UK is more communism than communismChina, we do not even have this sort of luxury benefit here.

The sheer greed of these pigs with their noses in the trough is beyond belief!!

About flaming time!

This is no news what about the thousands of council houses that have been let by the former inhabitants , plus the people who owe rent to councils

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