This week our guest is: FixedByDoc
Panel Members include: Along with our regular members Rhonda Fairman, ProfessorDoom1, John leBon along with our usual members Brian Roberts, UpNorthOfThe49th and Our Host: UpNorthOfThe49th and ZeeRoeThree
Fixed by Doc has degrees up the ying yang. He’s a military medic and used to assist in setting up protocols on disaster relief with FEMA, yes lol we know…. But Doc is one of us now.
We covered the protocols for Ebola when he was on and it was enlightening. Also he trains field personnel to survive off grid and in the wild for Maitia groups and everyday people. He is trying to help everyone prepare if SHTF and be self reliant. He just went on a (walk out the door) walkabout to hone his skill with only a backpack and his dog in the hills and mountains around his area.
Ryan Lipinski aka +FixedByDoc OffGrid
– 1st BS community health education :focused on health, nutrition, fitness
Minor in EMS
-2nd BS outdoor recreation leadership and management
Both from Northern Michigan University
Also graduated from Military Academy of Health & Sciences as a medical specialist in Ft Sam Huston TX
-Combat medic in army
-Taught CERT teams for FEMA and Red Cross
-Community Emergency Response Teams
-Developed NREP Neighborhood Risk Education Program
-Teaches all levels first aid and wilderness first aid and cpr
-Teaches blood-borne pathogens prevention
-Teaches Chain of Infection Models and how to break them
-As well as wilderness survival
-Featured on a Double Header of “America Unplugged” on the Sportsman Channel Season 1 Episode 4.
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Music: Fran Soto
Epic Soul Factory Vol.2
Sun Feb 13, 2011
Instrumentals : Film Music “Titan”
» free license:
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