May 4, 2012
Take Your Money Out of the Bank Now!
People don’t understand
they are fleeced through interest
on fictional debt.
by Anthony Migchels
The current austerity program is an assault by the Money Power.
What is worse: even without the credit crunch,
we are paying trillions per year in interest for absolutely nothing.
The solution is simple: quit their banks.
The Money Power’s goals are obvious. It is not just the
massive multi trillion wealth transfer that is under way. It is about
bringing the West down a few notches. The US seems strong with a nominal
$30,000 per capita GDP, but when the dollar devalues against the
Brazilian Real and the Chinese Yuan, things will quickly look different.
It will also be the end cheap raw materials.
The reason this crisis exists is because the banks, politicians, the
media and economists are colluding in fooling the many into believing
we need banks for our money supply. Most of them probably even believe
this is true themselves.
They say we need the banks, because otherwise the real economy would have no money to trade with.
All this is complete and utter rubbish, of course. If banks can create credit, then anybody can. That’s just common sense.
imagine: we are led to believe that we need to cough up trillions just
to have a means of exchange that is completely paper/computer
based. I.e., almost free of cost.
Banking is part of the Babylon Mystery and bankers believe we are
still enthralled with their ‘fractional reserve banking’ sleight of
And they are right. Although people are waking up, they still
don’t get it.
A good example of this is the ‘take your money out of Bank of
America’ of last October. Bank of America decides to rake in an extra $60 per year with a silly fee. This upsets people.
While they are paying $300k interest over 30 years on their $200k mortgage. Which the bank created out of nothing the moment they borrowed it.
Meanwhile, 45% of our disposable income is lost to pay for capital included in the prices we pay for our daily needs.
In other words: Penny wise, pound foolish.
People still don’t
understand how they are fleeced through interest on fictional debt.
Of course, it was good to see people finally showing some teeth.
Boycotting the banks is the blindingly obvious approach. If somebody
is enslaving you with interest and fractional reserve banking while
destroying the economy by not lending why would you patronize his
To say this is irresponsible as it will worsen the crunch is
ridiculous: propping up a system that only exists to enslave us is
irresponsible, not disconnecting from it.
But only few even within the Free Media are willing to accept this simple conclusion.
The fact of the matter is: many are still enthralled with the
‘magnificent edifice of international finance’, as Rothschild mouthpiece
the Economist once called it.
It is unfortunate that there is still widespread misunderstanding about both money and our real problem with it.
People do not yet understand how pervasive the enslavement through interest really is.
That’s why they fall for the notion that Gold will solve our
problems. But what does it matter whether we pay all this interest for
Gold or for paper based credit? The Money Power owns both and all the
interest will end up in the same place.
The mind control of the rich, the social conditioning to accept the
current order and its despicable ‘morality’, to defend it at the cost of
oneself and one’s loved ones is very profound and pervasive in our
beliefs. They are not easily uprooted, not even by the ‘Internet
In the mean time we are ignoring the real solution: interest free
money. Either debt free, in the form of Social Credit, which would work
out like a ‘Citizens Dividend‘.
Or interest free credit, through Mutual Credit.
These solutions are real and we can implement them today.
We would no longer pay interest on a mortgage, which would also mean much lower rent.
We would pay 45% less for what we need, because there would be no capital cost included in prices. World Government would
be dead and Big Business would face the competition of well funded small
Washington and Brussels are owned by the Money Power in the City of London. But the main reason we are not doing this is the people don’t understand the problem and therefore the solution.
We don’t need to wait for reform on a national level. We can create our own currencies. High powered currencies, not just the simple barter units that are now starting to float everywhere in the world.
We can create extremely effective, interest free credit based units,
convertible to dollar or euro providing us with a printing
press with which we can back the world interest free.
But these will take time to build up. Meanwhile, the obvious thing to do is pull our money out of the banks.
We should not have one dime in that system. Every dollar we put in
the banking system gives them a dollar income per year. Remember that.
The system, through fractional reserve banking, multiplies your dollar
by ten and takes interest over each of them.
Real interest (including
credit cards) are probably close to 10% and that means they make a
dollar per year over every dollar you have in your account.
And you can maintain an account for monthly payments, just keep its
balance at almost zero. Pay your bills and take out the rest.
Force the FED and ECB to print ever more for bailouts.
Pay cash only. Don’t support their cashless society. Liquidate all
your paper assets, both to blow up the system and to minimize your own
exposure to the implosion.
Let them squirm and lie ever more
transparently with every new bailout that they need to force upon us.
Let them show their hand. We’re not going to ‘repay’ odious debt.
We’re not afraid. We don’t need them.
Let them eat cake.
The Swiss WIR, or: How to Defeat the Money Power
Mutual Credit, the Astonishingly Simple Truth about Money Creation
Understand that the Banking System is One
Makow comment: If the government represented us, it would take over the national bank and spend the money into existence or loan it interest free.
Henry Makow is the author of A Long Way to go for a Date. He received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto. He welcomes your feedback and ideas at
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