Six years after the tragic events, commemorations began Thursday to the victims of the 2015 Islamist attacks in Paris against the Charlie Hebdo magazine, on Jan. 7, and the Hyper Cacher kosher supermarket two days later.
“This morning, 6 years later, we remember. The President of Crif @FrancisKalifat goes to the tribute ceremonies to the victims of #AttentatsJanvier2015,” tweeted CRIF, the communal organization representing French Jews. “The first tribute takes place in front of the former premises of #CharlieHebdo.”
#Hommage – Ce matin, 6 ans après, nous nous souvenons. Le Président du Crif @FrancisKalifat se rend aux cérémonies d’hommage aux victimes des #AttentatsJanvier2015.
Le premier hommage a lieu devant les anciens locaux de #CharlieHebdo.— CRIF (@Le_CRIF) January 7, 2021
Seventeen people were murdered in the attacks, including 12 staff of the satirical publication in the Paris office on Jan. 7, police officer Clarissa Jean-Philippe on Jan. 8, and four hostages at the kosher market in the city’s suburbs on Jan. 9. All three perpetrators were killed in separate gun battles with French police.
Last month, 14 people were convicted in a French court of various crimes in connection with the attacks, including the financing of terrorism and membership in a criminal gang.
Thursday’s procession also stopped at the Hyper Cacher supermarket, laying flowers beneath a plaque commemorating the four victims killed there: Philippe Braham, Yohan Cohen, Yoav Hattab, and François-Michel Saada.
“In memory of the victims of the Hyper Cacher attack, cowardly murdered because they were Jewish,” tweeted French Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin. “France will never forget.”
À la mémoire des victimes de l’attentat de l’Hyper Cacher, lâchement assassinées parce que juives.
La France n’oubliera jamais.
— Gérald DARMANIN (@GDarmanin) January 7, 2021
Other Jewish groups also commemorated the attacks this week, including the European Jewish Congress and the American Jewish Committee’s Central Europe office.
OTD 6y ago, Islamist terrorists killed 12 people who worked for “Charlie Hebdo” setting off a chain of attacks in the following days. Four Jews were murdered at the Hypercacher kosher supermarket.
We remember them.#JeSuisCharlie— AJC Central Europe (@AJC_CE) January 7, 2021
On Sunday — the day after the Hyper Cacher attack anniversary, which falls on Shabbat — CRIF will broadcast a tribute ceremony to the four victims.
#Hommage #HyperCacher – Quelques semaines après le procès des attentats de janvier 2015, le Crif rendra hommage aux victimes de l’HyperCacher dimanche 10 janvier à 15h devant l’HyperCacher de Vincennes.
La cérémonie sera retransmise en direct sur la page Facebook du Crif
— CRIF (@Le_CRIF) January 5, 2021
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