Remember the Female Cop Who Shot a Man for “Walking With a Purpose”? She Was Just Cleared of Any Wrongdoing


Camryn K. Bolinger was born after her father’s untimely death. Her parents had big plans, they were supposed to get married, but her father, Ryan Bolinger, was shot dead before that.

It has now been announced that the cop was “cleared of any wrongdoing.”

The 28-year-old died at the hands of a seven year veteran of the police department in Des Moines , Iowa. Now, his grieving family has lodged a lawsuit against the city.

He was unarmed at the time, and the family claims that Officer Vanessa Miller was aware that he did not pose a deadly threat.

However, Police Chief Dana Wingert said the officer was had good reason to shoot Bolinger. This is despite the fact that she did not issue a warning before she fired her weapon.

A bizarre incident

Bolinger had a clean record. He had no criminal history and had never threatened to kill anyone.

Around 10 PM on June 9, the victim pulled up alongside a cop.

At the time Officer Ian Lawler was dealing with another motorist for a traffic violation.

Allegedly, Bolinger had pulled his car so close to the police vehicle that the cop could not even open his door.

Then, in a rather out of the ordinary move, he stepped outside his car and started dancing. Next, he got back into his car and started driving.

Lawler says he suspected that the man was either drunk or mentally ill. Either way, he was not a deadly threat to the police. He called for backup and Miller was the officer who responded.

The cop decided to follow him and a low-speed chase ensued at about 35 mph. Then, abruptly Bolinger decided to make a U-turn and stopped.

At this point Lawler’s vehicle was in front of him and Miller stopped behind the victim’s car.

Then, he started walking towards the latter’s vehicle.

It is noteworthy that Miller was safe inside an operable squad car and a backup officer was available to assist her.

Bolinger’s family argues that she had plenty of non-lethal ways to deal with him.

The lawsuit

The case filed by the Bolinger family alleges negligence, violation and deprivation of constitutional rights, negligent training and supervision, battery and wrongful death.
Attorney Brett Beattie is representing them in the lawsuit.

“In this case, there was no consideration given to Ryan’s rights, he was just shot and killed,” he says.

Beattie also commented that although the victim’s behavior was strange, there was no way that his actions could be perceived as a deadly threat.

“He didn’t run into cars, he didn’t try to run over pedestrians, he didn’t brandish weapons, he didn’t throw anything out of his car, he didn’t flash signs… He didn’t speak threats.

So to hold or state he posed a threat of killing another person is, in my view, quite frankly ridiculous.”

Watch the video below:

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