Reddit vs. Darrell Issa: Congressman Explains His SOPA Alternative Online

California’s Rep. Darrell Issa, self-proclaimed “Internet defender,” held a live interview with Reddit users on Thursday known as an “AMA,” or “Ask Me Anything.”

The Republican congressman was challenged on digital piracy, his idea for a SOPA alternative and warrantless wiretapping of citizen’s phones.

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In his original post, Issa promoted his entrepreneurial credentials — he owns the 37 patents, including one for the Dodge Viper’s alarm system — and his efforts in the fight against the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement, or ACTA. Issa recently put the entirety of that treaty online.

Issa answered questions about his OPEN Act, a bill that he believes to present a sensible policy towards online piracy but has thus far failed to gain traction in Congress. The OPEN Act is open to public comment, critique and suggestions on Madison, an online public forum for discussing legislation.

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“Any solution needs to be inclusive of everyone involved or impacted — content producers, copyright holders, individual Internet users, digital job creators, etc.,” wrote Issa. “I think the OPEN Act is a good balance of increasing protections for our inventors and artists without giving government new, invasive and Internet-destabilizing powers. Check it out…would love your input and feedback.”

Redditors aren’t known for holding back, and the top-voted question was a doozy. “As a defender of the internet, why did you vote for warrantless wiretapping and retroactive telecom immunity in 2008?” asked “Routerbox” to more than 1500 nods of approval from other participants.

Rep. Issa responded by invoking the attacks of September 11, 2011. “After 9/11, an extraordinary amount of cooperation by our communications industry was necessary to find out who was responsible for the deaths of thousands of Americans, and who continued to pose an active threat to Americans in our country and around the world,” wrote Issa.

“Americans in the telecom industry were called into classified sessions and asked to help in this effort and were asked to tell no one, not even their own coworkers. Some would say Bush had no right to do that, but that’s a fight (between) the Executive Branch and Congress.”

Another user asked Issa why he or she can’t make digital copies of his DVDs for “personal use.” Issa pointed out that’s completely legal.

“The MPAA always takes the view that your rights are limited, but for non-commercial use, making a digital copy like you suggest is a-okay,” wrote Issa.

Issa was prodded to go deeper on why he thinks “publishing companies are trying to limit our freedoms on the Internet” by Reddit user “venividivixi.”

“Publishers and all intellectual property owners will always take the most strident position, in an attempt to maximize their return on their investment,” wrote Issa. “The Internet will always have those who will seek less restrictions on intellectual property, regardless for the need for a return on the investment of the IP creator.”

Rep. Issa, with his background as a technology entrepreneur, is certainly one of the more tech-savvy members of Congress. But why does he think so many of his colleagues seem so tech illiterate?

“Few people in Congress have private-sector tech experience. . .They never got their hands dirty innovating and even really personally using technology,” wrote Issa. “But there are, in fact, members who didn’t work in tech pre-Congress who do get it, championing policies that support tech/innovation…particularly protecting the Internet.”

What do you think about Rep. Darrell Issa’s “Ask Me Anything?” Sound off in the comments below.

Images courtesy of Flickr, Gage Skidmore

This story originally published on Mashable here.

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