Re-Educating Your Children the MONSANTO WAY… ‘Biotechnology Basics Activity Book’ Just for Your Kids!



In response to mounting public backlash from the older generation, the
biotechnology industry has launched a new propaganda campaign aimed at
convincing children that genetically-modified (GM) crops are not only
safe, but also an improvement over natural agriculture. ~ Ethan A Huff

Monsanto, Dow,
Bayer, and five other major biotechnology companies and associations
have collectively released the Biotechnology Basics Activity Book, a colorful guide designed to re-educate children into the false dogma of biotechnology.


16-page guide — which includes word scrambles, fill-in-the-blank
puzzles, and matching games — contains an introductory paragraph that
claims biotechnology boosts crop yields, improves environmental
conditions, and leads to more nutritious food.

Throughout the book,
children are told that biotechnology is changing the world for the
better, which is a complete contradiction to all available independent
science. And yet this guide is reportedly slated for inclusion in some
school curriculums.

“This is an activity book for young people
like you about biotechnology — a really neat topic,” says the first
page of the book. “Why is it such a neat topic? Because biotechnology is
helping to improve the health of the Earth and the people who call it

You can view the entire activity book for yourself at:

The guide was produced by a group known as the Council for Biotechnology Information
(CBI), a pro-GMO coalition of the world’s largest biotechnology
companies and organizations.

CBI routinely ignores independent science
that shows GMOs and their growing chemicals to be dangerous, and
continues to purvey the lie that GMO technologies are not only safe, but
that they are superior to conventional and organic growing methods.

Independent science has proven GMOs are a human, environmental health hazard…

crop systems are inherently unsustainable in every way, as they require
massive amounts of chemical inputs in order to grow. They have also
been shown in numerous scientific studies to cause organ damage,
digestive disorders, autoimmune diseases, reproductive problems, and
various other conditions.

Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide, the
active ingredient of which is the weedkiller glyphosate, was recently
exposed as a destroyer of testosterone and male fertility (

Not only is Roundup responsible for spurring the massive “superweed”
epidemic that now plagues millions of acres of American cropland, but
the chemical concoction was also recently shown to trigger dozens of
plant diseases (

Even when diluted by 99.8 percent, the Roundup formula is still toxic to human DNA, having been shown in a recent Archives of Toxicology study to have definitive cytotoxic and DNA-damaging properties (

Environmentally, Roundup is highly persistent, and has been found in
air, rainwater, and rivers all across the U.S., and particularly in the
“bread belt” of the Midwest (

far as GMOs themselves, there have been countless studies and reviews
that have revealed serious problems with the way they are digested.

2004 study published in Nature Biotechnology found that the
genetic code of GM soy can actually alter the genetic code of gut
microbiota when consumed, which can cause long-term digestive problems (

None of these facts are published in the Biotechnology Basics Activity Book,
of course, which makes quite the opposite claims without even a shred
of proof to back them.

Since young children are the book’s target
audience, the biotechnology liars behind its publishing apparently hope
that colorful pictures and fun word games will be enough to sway the
opinion of the next generation.

Ethan A Huff – March 25, 2012 – NaturalNews


References include…



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