Radio Times forced to apologise after printing image of soldier’s privates

Marcus Barnes

Last updated at 6:27 PM on 24th January 2012

They’re well known for their macho humour and often crude practical jokes, so maybe the Radio Times should have seen this one coming.

However, the TV listings magazine has been forced to apologise after it failed to notice that one cheeky member of the Royal Marines had exposed himself in a publicity picture published in last week’s magazine.

Staff at the publication mistook
the man’s private parts for a finger, even though the man’s arms are by his sides, and let the photo go to press uncensored.

Red cross and red faces at the Radio Times: The TV listings magazine was forced to apologise after printing a picture featuring a cheeky marine who had exposed himself

Red cross and red faces at the Radio Times: The TV listings magazine was forced to apologise after printing a picture featuring a cheeky marine who had exposed himself

The unidentified soldier is one of 42 marines who lined up for the photo used to promote a new documentary entitled Royal Marines: Mission Afghanistan which will be broadcast on Channel 5.

X marks the spot: Staff believed the offending appendage was the man's finger, even though his hands are by his sides

X marks the spot: Staff believed the offending appendage was the man’s finger, even though his hands are by his sides

This week, the magazine printed an apology after realising that the marine, who was not standing to attention, manage to pull off his cheeky stunt.

The apology was accompanied by a censored version of the photo, with a large red cross where the man’s genitals were on display.

In the magazine this week, an apology reads: ‘Radio Times would like to apologise for a picture that has inadvertently been published in the new issue of the magazine.

‘It has come to our attention that an apparently innocent photo of the Royal Marines’ 42 Commando unit – printed by Radio Times in good faith and issued by Channel 5’s publicity department to promote the documentary Royal Marines: Mission Afghanistan – contains the sight of one of the marines playing a prank.’

The apology continued: ‘”I know that
British soldiers serving in Afghanistan are well equipped, but seeing
the roll call of Royal Marines gives the expression a whole new
meaning,” wrote one reader in a letter to RT this morning.

unnamed marine is, like the rest of his unit, posing for the photograph
dressed only in shorts. What we took to be the marine’s finger proved,
on closer inspection, to be another part of his anatomy.

have redacted the picture above, but the 28 January issue of Radio
Times magazine – on sale today, priced £1.40 – went to press before the
mistake was noticed.

‘We apologise for any upset caused to readers by the rogue member of 42 Commando,” said Radio Times editor Ben Preston.’

The soldier will no doubt be the toast of all of his comrades in 42 Commando after pulling off the audacious stunt.

it will be red faces all round at the Radio Times, who will now likely
to be extra vigilant with photos of soldiers in particular.

Are you the marine or do you know who he is? If so, call the Daily Mail newsdesk on 0207 938 6000.


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There’s always one idiot who has to get his tadger out!

If you were offended by this then go get a life. Honestly, you are the most puritantical bunch of spike-sitters imaginable. You must have scrutinised the picture in close detail to even notice it. You sad, lonely, fraustrated, dried-up individuals.

he he; but no comments about the one on the far left who is obviously ensuring his colleague is well supported!

cain your saying some look scrawny and dont compare to the us marines. you sir are an idiot.
1) it doesn’t matter how big you are if you run in guns blazing being macho you get killed in the uk we are about precision and tactics hence america always suffers heavy losses and always shoot at us and call it friendly fire
2) go and say they look scrawny to their faces, go on i dare you, no, i double dare you
3) your from a french part of canada. shut your beak

Did anyone see the ‘Boots the Chemist’ catalogue a few years ago where a sacked advertising employee got his revenge by superimposing a mans pride and joy on a photo of a man modelling swim shorts. The catalogue was widly distributed before Boots caught on. Hilarious.

Privates on parade………:)
– TonyB, Berlin, 24/1/2012 18:33
Lmao, wrong time to be drinking tea! Haha!
As for the people who are offended please buy yourselves a sense of humour!

Toms will be toms, oh well their berets will turn to Maroon as they mature….

What is the man on the far left doing?

Page 67 of RT – it does look like a finger and nobody would have noticed if there had been no publicity as it is a small photo taken at distance!

CAIN, QUEBEC, knows nothing of which he speaks. British soldiers and Marines are not “scrawny” they are “cut”. That means they are capable of yomping or tabbing (look it up) many miles without rest, unlike their body-building US colleagues who carry too much muscle to be able to travel such extended distances. It is a fact that certain UK forces have often out-performed their North American colleagues, while on attachment and conducting combined forces manoeuvres. Get your facts right before writing such rubbish.

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