Christopher Cantwell
May 4, 2017
I’m on my way back from a Traditionalist Worker’s Party event in Pikeville, Kentucky. With the financial backing of audience members, I drove from New Hampshire to Kentucky on Thursday. On Friday we had dinner and a largely social gathering, and Saturday we descended upon Pikeville for the main event.Present were the Traditionalist Worker’s Party,
The National Socialist Movement, Iron March, Daily Stormer, The Right Stuff, The League of the South, Vanguard America, America First Party, White Lives Matter, and others. For the first time in all my years of being called a racist, I even got to speak to some members of the KKK. Purposely scheduled close to May Day, a celebration of the American worker, more attention than I usually find in white identitarian movements, was paid to an economic message.
As one might expect from organizations with words like “worker” and “socialist” in their name, condemnation of capitalism was prominently featured. Being something of a student of economics myself, and favoring the teachings of the Austrian school, you can imagine how uncomfortable this made me.
However, I did not attend this event for the purpose of arguing about economic policy. I didn’t event attend for the purpose of spreading my own ideas or gaining publicity for this blog or my podcast, the Radical Agenda. Primarily, I attended because I have become very concerned about violence against everyone right of Elizabeth Warren, perpetrated by unwashed communist terrorists who call themselves Antifa. Anyone who dares to state publicly that they care about the interests of white people, is quickly labeled all the worst things a communist’s vocabulary can conjure. These labels are used as an excuse for violence and other criminal behavior. In my opinion, a white person would have to be insane not to see this as a threat to their safety, and I for one aim to see that threat eliminated.
I was asked by several libertarians who found themselves around the edges of the event, how I could reconcile standing with socialists, when I myself still reluctantly identify as a libertarian. I told them about some glaringly obvious facts that I’m shocked so few libertarians have taken into account.
Anyone who attends a libertarian event, or even someone who lives in a place where government policy is not hostile to libertarian ideals, is going to notice a certain notorious demographic pattern. White people, males in particular, and usually of the heterosexual variety. Whatever excuses our leftist rivals may state for their contempt of this demographic, privilege, colonialism, patriarchy, etc… Their real complaint was made obvious by the recent uproar over a Huffington Post article out of South Africa, advocating we be denied the right to vote because we stand in the way of leftist political power.
There are plenty of ways that one can go about explaining the phenomenon, but the fact of the matter is, libertarianism is essentially white man values. Free markets, the primacy of the individual, limiting violence to self defense, and respecting the rights of others, are uniquely white, western values. White people make up roughly 8% of the world’s population, and less than 2% of the world’s population are white women of child bearing age. Leftists are advocating open immigration into white countries, wealth redistribution, anti discrimination laws, “hate crime” and “hate speech” legislation, all for the purpose of diminishing our social and political influence in the world because we are all that stands between them and their wanton lust for power. If we do not start standing up for ourselves as a race, then we will become minorities in our own countries, but it won’t stop there.
Our brothers and sisters in South Africa should be the canary in the coalmine for those of us who still control our own governments. After abolishing the white run apartheid government, and handing control over the government there to the black majority, conditions have not improved for anyone. Crime runs rampant, the economy suffers, white farmers are in greater danger of being murdered than the police, in a place where being a police officer is amongst the most dangerous professions. Even as a small ethnic minority under a democratic government, whites are still blamed for all of the country’s problems. Political figures say they aren’t calling for the slaughter of white people “yet”, indicating that such a call is just over the horizon. Advocating they be denied the right to vote, meets widespread support. Some have already begun preparing a civil defense organization, predicting a coming violent revolution in the country.
If we do not stand up for ourselves soon, this will be our future in our own homelands. If we do not stand up for ourselves then, we will have no future beyond that. This will be how we meet our extinction, and it would require belief in the supernatural to suggest our ideas would last long after our people.
It might make libertarians and conservatives feel good to feign color blindness. It might even be necessary to secure your income or social standing. But make no mistake about it, the people who stand up for white interests are doing more for libertarianism than any self identified libertarian alive today.
Issue for issue, I suspect Antifa and the Traditionalist Worker’s Party might have more in common with each other than either do with me. If I thought the existence of our people and a future for white children were already secured, I would not have much use for socialist and anti-capitalist speakers. Sadly, I can scarcely find a free market economist who will acknowledge that white people have a right to exist, much less one who is willing to stand on the street and face threats of violence to secure that existence. Until they care less about being called a racist than they do about the truth and the success of their ideas, their ideas are doomed to the dustbin of history. In what may become history’s greatest irony, those ideas might be rescued from said dustbin, only because they were rescued by National Socialists.
For years, I ran around with libertarians who advocated for things I didn’t much appreciate. Feminism, drug culture, homosexuality, transgenderism, you name it. I sidelined all those issues because I figured they were fighting for a more important goal, to diminish the power of the State over our lives. Political and social change always requires cooperation with those one disagrees with. Today, I still sometimes find myself in the company of people who advocate things I disagree with. Progressive taxation, price controls, protectionism, etc… I once again feel compelled to sideline those issues, because they are fighting for a more important goal.
My survival.
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