Wrigleyville Man’s Throat Slashed in Random Attack
By Phil Rogers and Lindsay Smith
Police issued a community alert after Michael Schmidt was attacked by a knife-wielding man who appeared to want to watch his victim die. Phil Rogers reports.
Michael Schmidt says he has no idea why a man he passed while walking his dog Sunday night turned around and attacked him.
“He came up behind, put his left arm over my chest, took his right arm, and slashed my throat from left to right,” Schmidt explained.
The attack happened at about 11 p.m. Sunday in the 1200 block of West Byron Street. As Schmidt gripped his throat, he said his attacker just stood there for several seconds, watching his victim bleed profusely.
“He just had this sneer on his face. I think he was amazed that I didn’t drop to the ground,” Schmidt said.
The Wrigleyville man sought help from a man at a bus stop at North Clark and West Byron streets. As they were calling 911, Schmidt said his attacker re-appeared. The man was standing in the middle of the street, looking at them with his knife in his hand. He then walked away.
Paramedics took Schmidt to a nearby hospital where the four-inch gash on his neck was treated with 40 stitches.
Schmidt later met with a police sketch artist who drew up a composite. He described his attacker as a black man about 30 years old who stood about 6 feet, 1 inch or 6 feet, 2 inches tall. The man was wearing a white T-shirt with black stripes and black shorts.
The incident, Schmidt said, has strengthened his views in opposition of Illinois’ concealed carry laws.
“And now it’s justified for us to be carrying weapons,” Schmidt said. “If they are, so should we.”
Police urge area residents to alert neighbors about the crime and not to walk alone if possible. They encourage people to stay in well-lit areas and call 911 if they see any suspicious activity.
Anyone with information about the weekend incident or the man in the sketch is asked to call police at 312-744-8261.
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