‘Qur’an desecrators, mentally ill’

Press TV has conducted an interview with Gordon Duff, the senior editor of the Veterans Today, from Ohio to further discuss the issue of the recent Qur’an burning by American forces at the US airbase in Afghanistan.

The video also offers the opinions of two other guests: Dignity, Human rights and Peace organizer, Dr. Randy Short from Washington and Reverend Nadim Nassar, director of Awareness Foundation from London.

What follows is an approximate transcript of the interview.

Press TV: Gordon Duff, let’s look at the apologies, double apologies from the US defense secretary [Leon Panetta ] the US NATO commander [General John Allen] did not calm things down.

Not to be supporting of what the Taliban has reacted in terms of their explanation, but they have said: instead of backing the beliefs of its people and condemning or preventing such actions, it endorses them by shooting and dispersing the Muslim demonstrators. In some regards don’t they have a point there?

Duff: I agree with much of what the last caller had to say but there is one extreme inconsistency here we are ignoring- that these Qur’ans supposedly were taken from Taliban prisoners.

The problem we have is that at Bagram air force base Afghan citizens have been tortured for the last ten years including Doctor Aafia from Pakistan.

At Veterans Today we have an afghan study group we have been running since 2003 which includes Khalil Nouri, who hopes to be a candidate for president of Afghanistan.

Imran khan, who is the leading candidate for president of Pakistan, Colonel Eugene Khrushchev, former first secretary of the Soviet and Russian embassies, General Hamed Gul former head of the ISI.

None of the people in our group agree with one another about anything but around this we have, it is an old American thing; we are ignoring the elephant in the room.

The pipe line or oil whatever or gas in Afghanistan or their tremendous Gem wealth has not been what’s keeping the US there for 10, 11, 12 years.

It is eighty billion dollars worth of Heroin used to be opium paste the Taliban had eliminated this, its processed to Heroin it is being distributed.

Anyone who doesn’t think it has been distributed by the central intelligence agency [CIA] with funds being shared by governments across the Middle east, including Israel, Switzerland and Islamic governments are sharing in this and they are allowing this war to continue there is no rationale for this.

As far as the Americans depending on American military being trained or following any rules whatsoever the discipline level of American troops is extremely low, many of these people have been to Afghanistan as many as ten times.

Thirty percent of the people that we have serving there are on antipsychotic drugs when they come back to the US over 26,000 of our troops who had served in Afghanistan or in Iraq have committed suicide.

500,000 have applied for permanent disability based on psychological problems. These are the troops serving in Afghanistan.

The acts that you are seeing are by people, by a military, that is no longer capable of functioning there and as other callers have said the US had no right to go there in the first place. No one from Afghanistan had ever attacked the United States.

I am a very strong believer, and I come from America’s intelligence community, that 9/11 involved no highjackers whatsoever was a staged false flag event that the invasion of Afghanistan, Iraq and Iran was planned well in advance- that the invasion of Iran was never able to materialize.

Press TV: Gordon Duff, you talked about some of the reasons why the US is inside Afghanistan.

You mentioned some of the minerals that Afghanistan is rich with. But what about US bases? That is something not discussed. 450, the last estimate, one billion dollars in expansion of which in Kandahar and in Bagram it is said to be expansions in the works of which they are going to be Robotic warfare to include also the use of these assassination drones.

Is that what Afghanistan stands for, for the US which puts into question their so-called 2014 withdrawal?

Duff: Well, the withdrawal has been moved forward to 2013. It has been accelerated because of the deterioration of relationships with Pakistan [which] had severely cut down the deliveries of fuels.

The US has had curtailed around four weeks ago and I do not know if you have read the reports or not.

But most combat operations in Afghanistan are being wound down right now; the US has begun an unannounced staged pullout of Afghanistan, which is in fact an admission that we have hopelessly lost the war that we have totally as your last caller would agree- we have totally alienated the people of Afghanistan.

Now, Afghanistan is a polyglot society, created by the Russians and the British based on their regional 1903 Duran line, areas of Soviet influence; you have the northern Tajik, Uzbek people you have a lot of Farsi speakers of course near your border.

You have the Durani tribes in the center. The Pashtuns who go normally to southern Afghanistan but well in the Pakistan where they have as many as twenty millions there and you have a society that is very much built on royal family.


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