Qnexa Anti-Obesity Drug a Poor Substitute for Diet, Exercise

COMMENTARY | The Food and Drug Administration has approved the anti-obesity drug Qnexa for weight loss. Qnexa, an anticonvulsant plus appetite suppressant cocktail, has risks, says the LA Times. The FDA says being fat is a bigger threat to health than those issues, though.

I disagree, but not just because of the potential for birth defect and heart problems. Qnexa or any other diet pill is a placebo, an enabler. It doesn’t address the real problems with obesity which are eating too much and doing too little.

Think this is simplistic? Think there’s more to weight problems? Sure, there are other health problems, like Prader-Willi Syndrome, which makes people eat too much. PWS is rare and being overweight is not, however; it accounts for only a fraction of the obesity problem. Even with PWS people can make positive health choices.

Then there’s the oft-touted “fat gene.” It’s true, says the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, that fat parents usually have fat kids. It’s convenient to think that obesity isn’t my fault, but someone else’s along the family tree. However, the United States is three times fatter than it’s ever been, says the Center for Disease Control, so genetic or not, we’ve taken obesity to new heights. Also, if obesity runs in the family, I suggest it’s due to nurture more than nature.

Sedentary lifestyles, fast food addictions, cupboards full of junk food, lack of portion control, too few vegetables: these are what we have to thank for obesity. Qnexa may help people lose weight temporarily, but it won’t change those lifestyle or eating habits. In fact, it may make them worse; I suspect it would be very easy to rely on the magic bean drug and forget about the dieting and exercise that are supposed to go with it.

How often have I seen shopping carts with Slim-fast and soda, Dexatrim and junk food? Even if the junk food is for children, what habits are they, the future fat, learning? Abuse food, play video games all day, get overweight and start diet pills as soon as you’re old enough?

Change comes from within. It’s about rethinking what you do and don’t put in your mouth. It’s about getting off the Hoveround and onto the treadmill. We’ve got to quit looking for Band-Aids and start practicing preventative maintenance with the obesity epidemic.

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