‘Putting pressure on Iran unacceptable’

Head of the People’s Voice Party (HAS) Numan Kurtulmus made the remark during a press conference on Wednesday when asked by Press TV’s correspondent about the upcoming talks between Iran and the P5+1 — the US, the UK, France, China, and Russia plus Germany.

“The nuclear issue of Iran has been taken to the international community. This is a serious injustice,” he said.

“As the Turkish Premier [Recep Tayyip Erdogan] has mentioned [from] time to time, while there are many nuclear weapons in the hands of other countries, and while there is no proof [to show] that Iran will make nuclear weapons, putting pressure on Iran over its nuclear facilities is clearly a political game,” Kurtulmus added.

The measures taken, the Turkish politician added, are like telling a country “you should not build nuclear facilities,” while some other countries possess tens of thousands of nuclear weapons.

“This is [just] imposing political pressure. This is not acceptable; this is not fair, this is not right,” Kurtulmus stated.

The news conference was held mainly to announce the HAS party’s views on the Turkish government’s approach towards Syria.

Kurtulmus warned that the policies pursued by Turkey on Syria could have grave consequences for the region.

“The most important point that we have highlighted from the beginning (of the Syrian crisis) is that the Turkish government’s lack of foresight has paved the way for its wrong steps in this regard,” he added.

“One of these [wrong steps] was Turkey’s and the US’s wrong foresight that the Assad regime could come to an end within a few weeks, and they made all their moves based on this scenario,” Kurtulmus stated.

“Moreover, the influence of Russia in the region was neglected. The influence of Russia, and also China, in the region and the support they could have offered the Assad regime at the UN Security Council were neglected from the beginning or were not regarded as very important,” he said.

Kurtulmus stressed that Turkey should not engage in any military intervention in Syria under any circumstances.

“Turkey’s intervention in Syria will fuel religious clashes in the region and unfortunately Turkey could turn into a country that will start a big, and perhaps a regional, war.” he concluded.


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