Accusations that former-British PM was paid-off by JP Morgan for Iraq War should be investigated.
by Tony Cartalucci
Land Destroyer Report
May 29, 2012 – A protester who interrupted the Leveson inquiry in England, called former-British Prime Minister Tony Blair a war criminal before accusing Blair of receiving a large yearly payment from JP Morgan for his role in initiating the 2003 Iraq War – a war that gave control over the oil-rich Iraqi banking system to JP Morgan. Blair presided over the UK’s participation in the US-led invasion and subsequent occupation of Iraq, now exposed as being based on willful lies told using fabricated intelligence. The war has cost over a million Iraq lives, as well as those of thousands of Western troops.
In 2011, applying the Nuremberg Principles established in the wake of WWII to prosecute Nazi war criminals, a tribunal held by legal and human rights professionals from around the world found Blair, as well as former-US President George W. Bush guilty of war crimes for waging a war of aggression against Iraq.
While many may be quick to write this off as yet another public confrontation between a notoriously corrupt politician and the angry citizenry, the accusations made against Blair regarding being paid-off for the Iraq War by JP Morgan warrants investigation.
In 2008, while British troops were still occupying Iraq, Blair secured an “advisory” position at JP Morgan. According to the Daily Telegraph he would, “earn around £2 million a year in his part-time role as adviser to the Wall Street bank JP Morgan without ever having to go into the office.” The inexplicable amount of money confounded members of the British Parliament, including MP Ian Gibson who stated, “What does he know about banking anyway? What use is he to JP Morgan other than a face and a mouth?” The Telegraph also notes that JP Morgan did indeed play a key role in the despoiling of conquered Iraq, “appointed to operate a US-created bank in Iraq to manage billions of dollars in imports and exports from the oil-rich nation.”
With this in mind, we must consider again the accusations leveled against Blair this week, to which Blair responded, “can I just say, actually, on the record, what he said about Iraq and JP Morgan is completely and totally untrue. I’ve never had a discussion with them about that, or any relationship between them…”
JP Morgan, as one of the largest banks on earth, has played a key role in every major US and British War since World War I, not only financing them, but arranging the procurement of supplies and armament contracts, and as stated by the Telegraph in regards to the Iraq War, managing the pillaging of national resources after a targeted nation’s institutions have been destroyed. And since WWI the bankers at JP Morgan have had direct lines to senior government representatives on both sides of the Atlantic.
Blair’s denial of receiving funds from JP Morgan for the Iraq War is one matter, but for Blair to deny any consorting at all with JP Morgan as Prime Minister of England before launching a major war, a war JP Morgan played an active, participatory role in, contradicts 100 years of documented history, not to mention common sense.
While an inquiry official demanded an investigation into how a protester gained access to a secured courtroom, an investigation should instead be launched to determine to what degree Tony Blair has just lied in regards to his involvement with JP Morgan, the inexplicably large sums of cash he received for an “advisory” position, and how they may relate to the Iraq War.
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