Proposed Orwellian Legislation to Force COVID-19 Vaccines

A few Rhode Island Senators proposed legislation to penalize people who do not receive the COVID-19 vaccine. I could not believe that anyone who has taken an oath to support and defend the U.S. and State Constitutions would propose such an Orwellian piece of legislation. Thankfully the senators on the Health and Human Services Committee killed the bill. Below is an email I sent to the Rhode Island Senators Jonathon Acosta, Sam Bell, Tiara Mack, and Cynthia Mendes, who proposed the legislation, and the senators on the Rhode Island Senate Health and Human Services Committee. My purpose was to educate the senators so that they would not be fooled by the next scamdemic and try the same thing again.


Dear Senators Jonathon Acosta, Sam Bell, Tiara Mack, and Cynthia Mendes:

            On or about March 2022, you proposed legislation that provided, in pertinent part, that
“[e]very person of at least sixteen (16) years of age who is eligible for immunization against
COVID-19 … to be immunized against COVID-19. … Every resident of Rhode Island eligible for
immunization against COVID-19 who is under sixteen (16) years of age or under guardianship
shall be required to be immunized against COVID-19. … Any person … [who is not medically
exempted] … who violates this chapter shall be required to pay a monthly civil penalty of fifty
dollars ($50.00) and shall owe twice the amount of personal income taxes.”

            Your proposed legislation is based on false premise that the COVID-19 vaccines are safe
and effective. The evidence is that the COVID-19 vaccines are both unsafe and ineffective.
Thankfully, your proposed legislation died in committee. I am writing so that you and others will
think twice before proposing such unconstitutional, nay Orwellian, legislation in the future.

COVID-19 Vaccines are Unsafe and Ineffective

            German data from the Koch Institute revealed that there were 4,206 cases of the Omicron
variant of COVID-19 in Germany between 21 July and 27 October 2021. Of those 4,206 reported
cases, 4,020 infected people were fully vaccinated (2,883) or both fully vaccinated and boosted
(1,137) (2,883 + 1,137 = 4,020). Only 186 of the reported Omicron COVID-19 cases were
unvaccinated. Thus, more than 95% of Germany’s reported Omicron COVID-19 variant
infections were people who were fully vaccinated or both fully vaccinated and boosted.

            Dr. Günter Kampf, a Professor at the University Medicine Greifswald, Institute for
Hygiene and Environmental Medicine, wrote an article published in The Lancet explaining that
official German government data shows that COVID-19 is being spread mainly through those
who have received a COVID-19 vaccination.

            The Delta and Omicron variants of COVID-19 seem to be cover stories to explain away
antibody dependent enhancement (ADE) being suffered by COVID-19 vaccine recipients. There
is no other reasonable explanation for the fact that RKI has reported that more than 95% of all
the Omicron variant cases in Germany are from those who have received two or more doses of
the COVID-19 vaccine.

            Dr. Kampf does not address antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE), which is the actual
cause of the illnesses among those vaccinated. What is truly happening is that the vaccinated are
suffering the symptoms of antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE). The patients reporting to the
hospital with severe illnesses caused by the vaccines are testing positive for COVID-19, thus
being labeled as COVID-19 breakthrough cases. In reality, they are suffering from the ADE side
effects of the vaccine itself.

            When a vaccinated person is diagnosed with COVID-19 it is called a breakthrough case.
Even with the efforts of the CDC to under-report COVID-19 breakthrough cases involving
vaccinated persons, while at the same time inflating the unvaccinated COVID-19 infection
numbers, the data shows a growing trend of vaccinated persons being infected, hospitalized, and
dying from COVID-19. While the data shows that the vaccines are ineffective, the federal and
state governments are still pushing COVID-19 vaccines as safe and effective.

            Writing for the Gateway Pundit, Joe Hoft revealed that the state government statistics
from the Maryland Department of Health (MDH) contradict the above statement.
3 The MDH data
showed that “[b]etween Sept 22, 2021, and Oct 10, 2021, Maryland had an additional 21,864
Covid-19 cases [of] which 7,233 or 33.1% of the cases were classified as breakthrough cases. …
During this same period, Maryland lost 259 citizens to Covid-19. Of those 259 souls, 77 or
29.7% were fully vaccinated.”
4 The MDH has the temerity to claim that it is rare for fully
vaccinated people to be hospitalized or die from COVID-19, when its own statistics show that a
significant plurality of the population dying from COVID-19 are those who have been

            A significant plurality of vaccinated people, who were being diagnosed as having
COVID-19 and dying from it is stark proof that the COVID-19 vaccines are ineffective.
Assuming those deaths are actually from ADE caused by the COVID-19 vaccines proves that the
vaccines are also unsafe. But what is really disturbing is that in the face of such evidence that a
significant number of persons vaccinated with COVID-19 vaccines are dying, state health
authorities claim that “cases where fully vaccinated people are hospitalized or die from
COVID-19 are rare and vaccines remain the best way to prevent COVID-19 and its
5 That is an unconscionable lie.

            Hoft cites a UK Government Health report showing “that between week 37 and week 40
of 2021, there was a total of 2,805 COVID-19 deaths and 2,136 or 76.1% were fully vaccinated. These deaths happened within 28 days of a positive Covid-19 test.”
6 Yet, in the face of that data,
the British Government health officials still promote the COVID-19 vaccines as effective in
preventing COVID-19, and they claim that the COVID-19 vaccines provide a high level of
protection against death from COVID-19.
7 The UK Government dares to recommend the
COVID-19 vaccines despite official UK Government statistics that reveal that those who had
been vaccinated are dying at more than twice the rate of those who remained unvaccinated.


            The official data from the UK Government shows that those vaccinated with two doses of
the COVID-19 vaccine have a mortality rate of 1.4%, which is almost twice the mortality rate
(0.76%) of those who are unvaccinated. The average death rate for the entire English population,
which includes vaccinated and unvaccinated, is 0.94%. Thus, the unvaccinated die at a lower rate
than the general population. In contrast, the vaccinated persons die at a greater rate than the
general population.

            The FDA’s 242-page manual titled Communicating Risks and Benefits: An
Evidence-Based User’s Guide
explains that the “number needed to treat” (NNT) is one of the
three most important statistics for describing the risk and benefits of any drug or vaccine.
9 Toby
Rogers, Ph.D., explains that the CDC and the FDA violated their own standards and the
fundamental norms of science by not revealing the NNT when reviewing the Emergency Use
Authorizations (EUA) and Biologics License Application from Pfizer-BioNTech when reviewing
its COVID-19 vaccine for use in children ages 5 to 11.

            Dr. Rogers explains that the pharmaceutical industry hates talking about NNT. They hate
talking about NNT even more when it comes to COVID-19 vaccines because the NNT is so high
that the COVID-19 vaccines could not pass any honest risk-benefit analysis.

            The NNT can be reported for any number of variables, such as deaths, ICU admissions,
hospitalizations, etc. Taking death as an example, the death NNT for 5 to 11 year-olds from
COVID-19 would tell the researchers and the public how many children need to be vaccinated to
prevent a single death from COVID-19.

            The lower the risk from the disease, the higher the NNT. Children ages 5 to 11 are at
extremely low risk of hospitalization, ICU admission, or death from COVID-19. Indeed, there
were no hospitalizations, ICU admissions, or deaths in either the vaccine group or the control
group in the Pfizer-BioNTech trials involving 5 to 11 year-olds. Dr. Rogers explains:


[The NNT] is calculated by dividing 1 by the Absolute Risk Reduction. But there
was no risk reduction in hospitalizations, ICU admissions, nor death for 5 to 11
year olds. So if one remembers grade school math, 1/0 is “undefined” since one
cannot divide by zero.


This means one could vaccinate every child age 5 to 11 in the U.S. and not
prevent a single hospitalization, ICU admission, or death from coronavirus —
according to Pfizer’s own clinical trial data as submitted to the FDA.


It appears Pfizer was not even trying to conduct a responsible clinical trial of its
mRNA shot in kids ages 5 to 11. Pfizer submitted an EUA application to the FDA
showing no health benefit in children ages 5 to 11 and the FDA’s Vaccines and
Related Biologics Products Advisory Committee approved it anyway, 17 – 0 with
1 abstention.

            Dr. Rogers assumed a very generous 80% efficacy in preventing hospitalizations and
deaths of 5 to 11-year-olds. He extrapolated that efficacy rate from the FDA claim that
Pfizer-BioNTech has an 80% efficacy rate for COVID-associated hospitalizations for ages 20+
years old. The FDA used that 80% figure to estimate the efficacy rate for the Pfizer-BioNTech
COVID-19 vaccine for 5 to 11-year-olds. Using the FDA’s very optimistic benefit of the
Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine, Dr. Rogers calculated the death NNT for children 5 to 11
years old.

            Dr. Rogers used the optimistically reported efficacy of 80% from the FDA and applied
that figure to the reported fatalities for COVID-19 for 5 to 11-year-olds and calculated the death
NNT for the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine was 630,775. That means that the vaccine
must be given to 630,775 children to save one child.

            But that astronomical death NNT does not tell the whole story. We must compare that
death NNT to the death risk from the vaccine. Dr. Rogers used the nearest age group vaccine risk
data (12 to 15-year-olds) available and applied that data to the 5 to 11-year-olds. This is known
as immuno-bridging of data. The VAERS data under-reports adverse events by a factor of 100.
But Dr. Rogers multiplied the reported death numbers by a more conservative 41 times. By doing
that, he determined that there were 5,248 deaths in the 12-15-year-old age group from the
COVID-19 vaccines. Dr. Rogers compared the death rate to the death NNT and concluded:


Simply put, the Biden administration plan would kill 5,248 children via Pfizer
mRNA shots in order to save 45 children from dying of coronavirus.


For every one child saved by the shot, another 117 would be killed by the


The Pfizer mRNA shot fails any honest risk-benefit analysis in children ages 5 to




The Biden Administration, the FDA, and the CDC claim they “follow the science”
and yet they violate their own standards and scientific norms in order to
exaggerate the benefits and hide the harms from vaccines.


The FDA refused to calculate an [NNT], not because it forgot, but because agency
officials knew the number and corresponding side effects are so high it would
destroy the case for mRNA vaccines in children this age.
12 (emphasis added)

         Sudden Adult Death Syndrome

            The ADE and myocarditis suffered by vaccine recipients is causing them to unexpctedly
die in large numbers. The sudden deaths of young people in the prime of health cannot be
ignored. Edward Dowd, in his book, “Cause Unknown,” The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021
and 2022
, reveals that in 2006, a systematic review was done of sudden cardiac death by young
athletes over a period of 38 years.
13 Experts at the Division of Pediatric Cardiology at the
University Hospital of Lausanne, Switzerland, looked at the data on deaths between 1966 and
2004. They found that there were 1,101 total cases of sudden cardiac deaths over that period.
That amounts to an average rate of 29 sudden cardiac deaths per year.

            Fast forward to 2021 and 2022, and we find that the rate of cardiac deaths among young
athletes exceeds 29 deaths per “month.” Indeed, Dowd reveals that not a single month during
2021 and 2022 had fewer than 29 cardiac deaths among young athletes. For example, in
December 2021, there were 90 deaths, and about the same number the next month.

            The prevalence of those deaths is forcing the hand of the media to report on them. But the
mass media is trying to conceal the cause of the sudden deaths of thousands of young people by
labeling the deaths “sudden adult death syndrome (SADS). It is sometimes also called “sudden
arrhythmic death syndrome (SADS). The medical establishment and the media engage in all sorts
of conjecture, including blaming the sudden premature deaths on a genetic condition.
15 But they
do not ever mention the elephant in the room, the COVID-19 vaccines, as a suspected cause for
the deaths. Ethan Huff, writing for Natural News, explains:


In an attempt to explain away the rash of deaths occurring in otherwise
healthy-seeming adults who got “vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus
(COVID-19), the medical establishment has coined a new term called “Sudden
Adult Death Syndrome,” or SADS, that it is pretending appeared out of nowhere
with no explanation.


Much like Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), which was also made up out of
thin air to explain away infant deaths caused by vaccines, SADS is being called a
“mystery” condition that could strike anyone at any time for no apparent reason.

            It is quite strange that the apparent culprits, the COVID-19 vaccines, are not even
mentioned in the major media. They report the sudden premature deaths and essentially leave the
readers to guess why young people are keeling over dead in the prime of their lives. Ethan Huff
explains the obvious:


They will never admit to it, but the sudden rise in SADS directly coincides with
the unleashing of Operation Warp Speed, which has turned hundreds of millions
of Americans into deadly spike protein factories. These spike proteins are ripping
apart their cardiovascular systems and leaving them prone to early death.

            Attached is a document that provides more helpful information about vaccines. Thank

Edward Hendrie

Author of Vaccine Danger: Quackery and Sin



RI S2552, Relating To Health And Safety- Immunization Against Covid-19, (last visited on April 8, 2024).


Stunning Omicron Data Emerges From Germany Showing Negative COVID-19 Vaccine
Efficacy, January 1, 2022,


Joe Hoft, EXCLUSIVE: Analysis Shows More COVID Deaths in 2021 than 2020 with Large
Percent of 2021 Deaths Fully Vaccinated, October 22, 2021,


Joe Hoft, EXCLUSIVE: Analysis Shows More COVID Deaths in 2021 than 2020 with Large
Percent of 2021 Deaths Fully Vaccinated, October 22, 2021,


Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Outbreak, Maryland Department of Health, (last visited on October 24, 2021).


Joe Hoft, October 22, 2021, supra.


The United Kingdom Health Security Agency COVID-19 Vaccine Surveillance Report,
Publishing Reference: GOV-10158, at 4-6, October 14, 2021,


Alex Berenson, Vaccinated English Adults under 60 Are Dying at Twice the Rate of
Unvaccinated People the Same Age, Novemer 20, 2021,


Baruch Fischoff, et al., (editors), FDA, 2011, Communicating Risks and Benefits: An
Evidence-Based User’s Guide,


Toby Rogers, Pfizer COVID Vaccine Fails Risk-Benefit Analysis in Children 5 to 11, The
Defender, November 5, 2021,


Toby Rogers, November 5, 2021, supra.


Toby Rogers, November 5, 2021, supra.


Edward Dowd, “Cause Unknown,” The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 and 2022, at 33


Edward Dowd, “Cause Unknown,” The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 and 2022, at 33


E.g., Kevin Airs, Shattered wife relives the horrific moment her fit husband, 35, dropped dead
in front of her from a condition linked to Sudden Adult Death Syndrome – and shares the ONE
test that could have saved him, Daily Mail, June 18, 2022,


Ethan Huff, Sudden Adult Death Syndrome is the new name for vaccine deaths in the medical
establishment’s play-pretend reality, Natural News, June 10, 2022,


Ethan Huff, June 10, 2022, supra.


Ethan Huff, June 10, 2022, Supra.

The post Proposed Orwellian Legislation to Force COVID-19 Vaccines first appeared on Great Mountain Publishing.


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