‘Proof’ that long lost Leonardo da Vinci masterpiece lies behind Florence painting

“This was a type of paint specifically used by Leonardo and not found in the
works of other artists,” said Maurizio Seracini, the leader of the team.

He claimed the discovery of the pigment was the first definitive proof that
the Leonardo work lies hidden beneath a huge battle scene subsequently
painted in the same spot by the artist Giorgio Vasari.

Leonardo was commissioned in 1503 to paint an enormous tableau, “The Battle of
Anghiari”, to decorate the walls of the Hall of the Five Hundred.

Contemporaries hailed the work, which depicted a battle between Milan and the
Italian League, led by the Republic of Florence, as “the school of the
world”, but it eventually fell out of favour.

It disappeared 60 years later when Vasari, himself an admirer of Leonardo’s
work, was commissioned to enlarge and completely remodel the hall, painting
six new murals on its walls.

One of them, “The Battle of Marciano in the Chiana Valley”, replaced
Leonardo’s work.

For centuries there was speculation that Vasari may have preserved the
Leonardo work by building a false wall on which he painted his own battle

Last year, using radar and X-ray technology, researchers found that there was
indeed a gap between the Vasari work and the original wall of the palazzo.

Prof Seracini, of the University of California at San Diego, has spent the
last 35 years trying to prove that the palazzo conceals one of the great
undiscovered treasures of the Renaissance.

He believed the existence of the lost Leonardo was indicated by a cryptic clue
which Vasari painted on his work for the benefit of future generations – a
military banner which bears the words “Cerca Trova”, or “Seek and you shall

To prove his theory, his team drilled a series of tiny holes no more than two
centimetres wide in existing cracks and fissures in the Vasari.

The scientists pushed probes and micro-cameras through the holes and
discovered traces of white, orange and black pigment.

The probes also found an organic red material which may be lacquer or varnish,
used to protect the painting, and a patch of beige material that appears to
have been applied with brush strokes.

“The data is very encouraging. Although we are still in the preliminary stages
of the research and there is a lot of work to be done to solve this mystery,
the evidence does suggest that we are searching in the right place,” Prof
Seracini said.

The scientists were only allowed to drill on the periphery of where they
believe the Battle of Anghiari is hidden – they hope to unearth more
evidence if the Italian government allows them to drill in the centre of the

Terry Garcia, an executive president of National Geographic, which sponsored
the project and is documenting the findings, said: “We’ve waited a long time
for this. This team has unlocked a mystery that has been with us for 500
years. It is important not just to Italy but to the world.”

Sceptics have said that the purported existence of the Leonardo painting is a
myth. Tomaso Montanari, a history of art professor at Naples University,
said it had “no scientific value”.

Prof Seracini said it would be possible to remove the Vasari fresco, take out
the Leonardo work and replace the Vasari without damaging it.

The question now is whether the Italian authorities will give permission for
the Vasari painting – a valuable work in its own right – to be removed from
the wall to reveal the Leonardo.

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