The soul-less Zionist Zombies Holocausting the Indigenous Semitic Palestinians are not descended from the Biblical Hebrews.
They are a mongrel Khazarian people who CONVERTED to the Judaic (not biblical Israel) End of Times Death Cult the remaining Hebrews in Judea turned to when they turned their backs on the Hebrew Most High God El Elyon, who Yahweh was a son of and the protecting angel of the biblical hebrew people during the times of King David and King Solomon.
The Judeans wrote the Hebrews Most High God out of their history and without his permission used Yahweh’s name for their mythical demon god which approved of raping, robbing, bashing babies brains out against rock, mass murder of all peoples surrounding them.
After the Judean cult religion had the Roman Occupiers of Judea (biblical Israel had long since disappeared into the trash pile of history and was no more) murder Jesus the Christ, they too disappeared from being a people and onto the trash pile of history.
In the year 0740 AD the current Jews (a cult religion not an ethnicity), the Khazarians in the Steppes off Russia not descended from the Biblical Hebrews CONVERTED (Mass Infected with the Zionist Zombie Virus) as per accepted historical documents in which one of their kings around 0900 AD in a letter assured one of the few remaining hebrews the Khazarians were not descended from the Hebrews but Converts to the Judaic End of Times Death Cult called the Judaic religion.
The Khazarian never met the Hebrew God, nor even the son of the Hebrew most high God, Yahweh, neither of which ever promised the mongrel red Russian Khazarians anything.
Thus there is nothing holy, Divine or God ordained in the Criminal Invasion and Holocaust of the Semitic Indigenous Palestinians people by the evil mass murdering, thieving, lying Non Semitic red Russian Turkmen Mongolian mongrel Khazarians.
The “Evangelical Christians” who maintain “God” gave the Non Semitic Jewish End of Times Death Cult Members Palestine are a cult themselves in addition to being fools who sell out their own people and land to an evil bunch of Zionist Zombie Virus infected degenerates who hate and despise the Zionist Zombie “Christians”.
This “Evangelical Christian” cult is the cult religion of the mad as a hatter Cromwell from England who’s murderous cult was them transplanted to Massachusetts when most of them got run out of England.
So the whole theft of the Semitic Palestinian’s land and their Holocaust at the hands of a bunch of red Russian cult members is all based on lies and criminally insane degenerates.
Time for this to end, time for Putin who is a Khazarian cousin of the evil bastards mass murdering the Palestinians to repatriate the cult members to their original Home Land, Russia.
The Ole Dog!
Haaretz’s investigative report – ‘Classified Docs Reveal Massacres of Palestinians in ’48 – and What Israeli Leaders Knew’ – is a must-read. It should be particularly read by any person who considers himself a ‘Zionist’ and also by people who, for whatever reason, support Israel, anywhere in the world.
“In the village of Al-Dawayima (…), troops of the 8th Brigade massacred about 100 people,” Haaretz reported, though the number of the Palestinian victims later grew to 120. One of the soldiers who witnessed that horrific event testified before a government committee in November 1948: “There was no battle and no resistance. The first conquerors killed 80 to 100 Arab men, women and children. The children were killed by smashing their skulls with sticks. There wasn’t a house without people killed in it.”
The Haaretz report of nearly 5,000 words was filled with such painful details, stories of Palestinian elders who could not flee the Zionist invasion and ethnic cleansing of historic Palestine (1947-48), who were lined up against various walls and massacred; of an older woman being shot point-blank with four bullets; of other elders who were crammed inside a home and shelled by a tank and hand grenades; of many Palestinian women raped, and other devastating stories.
Quite often, historians refer to the way that Palestine was ethnically cleansed from its native inhabitants by making this typical assertion regarding Palestinian refugees: “.. those who fled or were expelled from their homes”. The reference to the word “fled” has been exploited by supporters of Israel, by making the claim that Palestinians left Palestine on their own accord.
It was also Haaretz that, in May 2013, reported on how Israel’s founding father and first Prime Minister, David Ben Gurion, had fabricated that very history to protect Israel’s image. Document number GL-18/17028, which was found in the Israeli military archive, demonstrated how the story of the fleeing Palestinians – supposedly at the behest of Arab governments – was invented by the Israelis themselves.
Sadly, as Haaretz’s latest revelations prove, Palestinians who chose to stay, due to their disability, age or illness were not spared, and were massacred in the most horrifying way imaginable.
But something else struck me about the report: the constant emphasis by delusional Israeli leaders, then, that those who carried out the numerous grisly murders were but a few and that they hardly represent the conduct of an entire army. Note that the ‘army’ in reference here are Zionist militias, some of whom operated under the title of ‘gang’.
Moreover, much emphasis was attached to the concept of ‘morality’, for example, “Israel’s moral foundations” which, according to those early ‘ethical Zionists’, were jeopardized by the misconduct of a few soldiers.
“In my opinion, all our moral foundations have been undermined and we need to look for ways to curb these instincts,” Haim-Mosh Shapira, then-Minister of Immigration and Health, was reported by Haaretz as saying during a meeting of the government committee.
Shapira, who represented the voice of reason and ethics in Israel at the time, was not contending with Israel’s right to be established on the ruins of colonized – and eventually destroyed – Palestine. He was not questioning the killing of tens of thousands of Palestinians or the ethnic cleansing of hundreds of thousands during the Nakba, either. Instead, he was referencing and protesting the excesses of violence which followed the Nakba, now that the future of Israel and the destruction of Palestine were assured.
This branch of ‘humanistic’ Zionism, that of selective and self-serving morality, continues to exist to this day. As odd as this may seem, the editorial line of Haaretz itself is the perfect manifestation of this supposed Zionist dichotomy.
‘Previously Unknown Massacres’: Why is Israel Allowed to Own Palestinian History?
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