President Trump Prepares To Strike North Korea

President Trump prepares to launch air strike against North Korea

President Donald Trump is preparing to strike North Korea amid concern over Pyongyang’s growing threat to the United States.

On Sunday, the President held two telephone conversations with leaders from Japan and China, where he discussed the potential military strategy the countries should take against North Korea going forward. reports: A White House announcement did not say what Trump would discuss with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and Chinese President Xi Jinping. The talks, however, are likely to be about Trump’s growing frustration with North Korea and its series of recent missile tests.

“The era of strategic patience with the North Korean regime has failed, many years it has failed,” Trump said recently. “Frankly, that patience is over.”

G-20 summit

The telephone conversations come ahead of this week’s meeting of G-20 leaders in Hamburg, Germany, where Trump is slated to hold bilateral meetings with Abe, Xi, South Korean President Moon Jae-in, and for the first time meet Russian President Vladimir Putin. The U.S. president met with Moon on Friday at the White House.

On Sunday, at least 10,000 people in Hamburg peacefully protested the upcoming summit — one of about 30 protests planned in the coming days — in part to protest Trump’s policies, including his announced intention to pull the U.S. out of the 2015 international Paris accord to limit greenhouse gas emissions in the coming years.

Summits of world leaders often are held in exclusive, remote resorts, the easier to control security.

But that is not the case in Hamburg, by design, where German Chancellor Angela Merkel picked the city as the summit host in part to show world leaders that protests play an accepted role in a vibrant democracy.

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