‘Pope Francis Will Resign in 2016 Following Argentina Visit’… Says Vatican Insider


Pope has transformed the Roman Catholic Church into a monstrosity that has nothing to do with teachings of Jesus Christ! ~ Leo Lyon Zagami – Video

Last week I went to visit two of my most trusted sources in the
Vatican, one a member of the Knights of the Holy Sepulchre and the
Pontifical Equestrian Order of St. Sylvester Pope, the other, a clergy
member of the Vatican Secretariat of States, the oldest dicastery in the
Roman Curia, which is the central papal governing bureaucracy of the
Roman Catholic Church. 

In two separate meetings the present situation of the Church was
discussed, as well as the ongoing Synod of Bishops which will terminate
on the 24th of October 2015.

The information that surfaced during these meetings was shocking to say the least.

Two separate reliable sources within the Vatican stated that Pope Francis will resign next year.

This will occur during his pastoral visit to his nation of
Argentina, and the two neighboring countries of Chile and Uruguay, in
the period of time that coincides with the bicentennial of the 1816
Argentine Declaration of Independence.

The date was selected with care to avoid interference, as the
Argentinian government desires this event to transpire after the 2015
presidential elections.

It has been speculated that the Pope would potentially canonize
Jose Gabriel del Rosario Brochero during this visit to Argentina, never
imagining this to be the moment that Pope Francis has chosen with his
fellow Jesuits to end his papacy.

Jorge Mario Bergoglio wishes to retire in Argentina, not the
Vatican, after completing his service as a Jesuit and Pope to the New
World Order.

He has successfully promoted Agenda 2030 (carbon taxes etc), the
breakdown of family values, as well as the sanctity of the Cross.

He has
supported growing Mexican immigration; as it makes Catholicism stronger
in the US, the European refugee crisis; which is instrumental in
destroying the birthplace of Christian civilization, ready to be
replaced by Crislam and a One World Religion. A job well done for this
puppet of the New World Order.

Pope Francis warned bishops and cardinals of the Catholic Church,
to avoid being taken in by “the hermuneutic of conspiracy,” confirming
the growing fear of the Church towards the spread of truth in the
information age.

The dark secrets of the Vatican are being exposed more and more, and Pope Francis is getting nervous.

In fact, the last few days of the Synod, Pope Francis was
questioned by influential conservative Bishops for his recent visit to
the US. In their eyes it was a complete failure that alienated
traditional Catholics in favor of a highly questionable liberal
communistic approach that of course was crafted to comply with the New
Word Order agenda.

On top of all this, there has been an unprecedented move,
orchestrated by the Vatican gay lobby in open partnership with various
LGBT Christian Activists to actually Lobby Bishops during the Synod,
with the agenda of opening up the Church to the gay reality present in
the clergy.

Two conferences were arranged in Rome for this purpose by various
Jesuits, one took place Friday, October 2nd, at the Angelicum, the
Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas, the other on October 3rd,
at the Centro Pellegrini “Santa Teresa Couderc,” in Via Vincenzo
Ambrosio with the title, “Ways of Love.”

It became not only the
foundation meeting for the Global Network of Rainbow Catholics, but also
the place chosen for the “Coming out” stunt of Father Charamsa,
arranged by the famous homosexual spin doctor, Emilio Sturla Turno, who
is said to be sentimentally involved with a Israeli intelligence asset,
demonstrating the many hidden interests involved in this operation.

It was during the “Ways of Love” conference in front of a crowd
of around 80 people that Bishop José Raúl Vera Lopez, of Saltillo,
Mexico, a liberal Dominican, seated next to the Jesuits: Pedro Labrin
from Chile, and Pino Piva from Italy, made the astonishing statement:
“The gays are the saviours of the Church.”

During the Synod of Bishops on the Family, Monsignor Giuseppe
Casale, archbishop of Foggia, stated to the Italian media: “Gay love is
not a sin and to prohibit it is an error,” also adding, “Homosexuality
adds value to the Church.” Wait a minute, isn’t sodomy a sin in the
Catholic Church?

It is no wonder that Pope Francis will announce his resignation
to the world next year, as he has transformed the Church into a
monstrosity that has nothing to do with the teachings of Jesus Christ.




October 12, 2015 – KnowTheLies.com


Leo Lyon Zagami is an Italian-based geopolitical researcher and the author of nine books, including his latest book Pope Francis: The Last Pope? which reveals the money, Masonry and occultism behind the decline of the Catholic Church.


Source Article from http://www.knowthelies.com/node/10836

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