Poll Shows Most OWS Supporters Drink Establishment’s Political Kool-aid

OWS Idiocy

First Word

It goes without saying the Devil never rests, and of course what this means to the initiate of self-mastery is your impulsivity is a function of life. Life is Hell, and the Satan is man. Deal with it, or in the case of Tennessee’s vortex into Hell, the Tennessee Devil’s Triangle, don’t go there if you know better. Genesis has a way of popping up in just about every domestic issue involving a con and his victim. I wonder what that’s all about? Let’s see if we can figure this out


What makes Christianity compatible with human sacrifice is Jesus, and what makes us compliant with the process is the model we were taught learning how this mythical entity was allegedly killed by government officials and we the people stood around and watched when there were probably three armed guards to literally hundreds of unarmed citizens, most of whom were women. Sound familiar? It’s all Druid symbolism.

When OUR government perped the BDSM abductions, people did likewise.
They stood around mulling this over and commenced participating in the ensuing carnival playing hide and seek with a local madman perp that didn’t exist, sought media coverage that was meaningless and enshrined their communities sacrificial cows in abduction alert posters that circulated these affairs like a Barnum-Bailey presence after the fact all the while people maintained is a state of shock and awe periodically buffeted by a TBI/FBI news release.

The point is you are being acculturated to human sacrifice involving the use of your children and young women in rituals directed at entertainment for the world’s elite. Okay, the tough question here. Why young women and children? If you are stupid enough not to know the answer to this question it is understandable why they are getting away with this. Try BDSM and pedophilia, for starters. There are monsters in the world, and they do walk among us.

You know what a tyrant is. You have heard speak of the wolf in sheep’s clothing. You are aware of monsters like Col Russell Williams, a cohort of the British monarchy and of the exploits of George Soros, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Barack Obama. These aren’t the side shows, folks. These are the main events, and while you may feel comfited by the idea that you are the audience, you are in fact part of a show where through mystification you have been psychologically engineered to believe this event was prepared for you instead of about you. Welcome to the edge of reality where plausibility occupies your imagination and your perception of your surroundings is a view to the horrific sacrifice of your own children somewhere between the world you thought you lived in and the Twilight zone, all the while you seem to be at least tolerant of the process.

Normalcy Bias and Adaptation to Occult Rendition

Difficult as it may be, try to think about and understand what events precipitated your freedom, the immensely resourced lifestyle you live and how this has contributed to your identification and preoccupation with such activities at feeding yourself, enjoying the rides and moving about at will at this circus. People laughing, playing, being entertained and their children periodically missing and eventually forgotten while you pack it in and head for home, because this is the way you are expected to behave in this milieu. ALWAYS ACT NORMAL. It is illegal to express yourself emotionally, and if you do the police are empowered interpret your behavior as combative and summarily execute you (PATRIOT Act) on the spot. Besides, good Christians watch their human sacrifice events, and the victims cooperate. It’s that simple.

What people do not understand here is the model of human sacrifice lofted on the character of a Novus is a pretext for the institutionalization of this activity broadly, and the real target of this is your children. Of course this doesn’t mobilize your conscience. You know this is wrong, but you’ve also been taught not to think in terms of morality or ethics but to acquiesce to a philosophical state of mind where critical thought has been suspended and you simply obey the law; your adaptation is achieved by following the herd as it were. Herd goes left, you follow. Herd begins bleating, you bleat. That’s it, and although you once practiced this in small groups guarded by a shepherd that was supposed to have been your conscience guide you came to unfoldment DE-MORALIZED on your churches and the only thing baiting you back to the pew being burlesque entertainment so you could continue to be educated in human sacrifice on a model that never even existed. You were ISO God. Your ministers gave you Aleister Crowley.

This is a fundamental precept of the 2nd amendment in competition with your faith. The 2nd amendment empowered you to have a life and made you aware that to achieve this you would have to stand guard against wolves that surround you all the while your religion has been teaching you to avoid confrontation, which is a paradox. The same paradox is lofted by your neopoliticians who know this game very well. They confuse and confound you. You vote for them, because you are confused, and they then kidnap and sacrifice your children.

Jesus wasn’t militarized right? Turn the other cheek, correct? The founding fathers don’t mention Jesus. They mention God, and this was for a reason. Jesus was a manifestation of the Druid occult what purpose it was to formulate a value system that united people on certain principles that would empower a tyrant, and this was achieved by a small group of philosophers you will learn more about in a moment. In the meanwhile you need to understand that tyrants are sociopaths, and they need victims, lots of them. They need wars, starvation, explosions, genocide and eugenics, and they need you to cooperate with their domestic agenda so they can have lots of this. They gave you Jesus as a model for your salvation, and you stand in line playing benevolent to a monster that in the back of your mind is a goliath albeit you have no sling to slay it.

Your sling was the 2nd amendment, folks. Not just guns, militia. Not just militia, a well regulated militia. Not just a well regulated militia, but a militia that synchronized with the issues arising in a need for a confrontation with a tyrant in the first place. But instead of understanding this you just pathetically, sadly, and miserably consent, because Jesus did, and because your political handlers who are enjoying the sacrifice rituals of your children need this behavior to maintain tight control over you so you don’t object. It’s that simple.

The Church of England gave you the LDS before they invented the Whitechapel protocol. Jon Huntsman understands this completely. Good Moron as he is, he is also a functioning satanic priest for the Vatican, which is different than the Luciferians who control Washington. Don’t be confused here. Lucifer IS God, but a different manifestation than was represented by Moses and which our founding fathers were familiar with. Today’s manifestation of God is the Druid, an adaptation of the cult of Isis and very much active in kidnapping children for torture in the US.

Ever get the urge to fight back? If you are aware of circumstances that are pressing you into a state of mind that you know is your undoing your first instinct is self-preservation, which is God’s voice in the Garden of Eden. It is a forgone conclusion that you know the difference between right and wrong and that most people will chose misfortune over their own good, because they are easily seduced by rationality, which was the Satan’s role in culling participation from Eve, but most people don’t go this far in understanding Genesis. They just adapt come what may.

In reality, Genesis is your salvation. Do you understand this? No. Do people care? No. Many times as I have taken up this conversation with a minister or priest these individuals walk off. this started when I was 8. No conversation on an issue that were people to understand it they would wouldn’t tolerate human sacrifice or the priest that promotes it, because they don’t have to, which is antithetical to mainstream Christianity, hence the anti Christ in these circumstances is someone who challenges church doctrine. As far as these monsters were concerned, I was an eight year old anti Christ that argued every point they tried to pass off as reality, one Catholic priest eventually confronting me yelling in my face, “YOU CAN’T BE TAUGHT. YOU QUESTION EVERYTHING!“ He was a pedophile. I held him off with questions.

See how perfect this is? If I say Jesus is a myth and was a character designed by the druids to cultivate your adaptation to monotheism I am immediately labeled a Satanist by Jesus freaks. I once had such a confrontation with a Campus Crusade for Christ Missionary who would immediately begin praying when I entered the classroom we shared in college. Disagree with or challenge the substance of bible, and these freaks label you the anti-Christ. The doctrine of antipathy. Although Christianity is a philosophy of hatred beautifully wrapped and so convoluted with druidism, to challenge this one faces the immediate wrath of medieval torture. Ever wonder why the King James version of the Bible is still in circulation? They still threaten torture if you attempt to challenge this version of who you are as soul. Deny it. Surely you remember hearing the phrase, “God will punish you for that!” My former mother in law was an expert on this kind of retribution, which it blew her mind when I took custody of her grand children. That lesson was her God was less powerful than my own, which only goes to prove that we will never get away form polytheism. She was Catholic.

The 2nd Amendment, a Constitutional Militia and Firearms

Back to God consciousness, which as a real feature of the human mind via reason and the ability to discriminate reality from fantasy or, in this case, reality from fanatic and sociopath, the existence of and participation in a constitutional militia is a 2nd amendment right and the responsibility of every American who owns a firearm. You didn’t know that, because although you may have read the 2nd amendment, or at least learned to parrot it, you never actually studied it. While a constitutional militia is uniformly lack in all states, gun ownership has been served with emphasis on possession of fire arms without regard to the need to assert the presence of a constitutional militia, which is a HUGE mistake! Oh, your NRA membership guide didn’t tell you this? Huh.

This model is neither recommended, nor is it safe for the preservation of free society precipitated upon a constitutional republic with a Bill of Rights which empowers it‘s citizens to redress despotism with deadly force, because it is not resourced or synchronized with the issues precipitating the need for a militia. Do the Jesus freaks respect this? Hell no. They cultivate this discrepancy so they can harvest your children for human sacrifice or promote their own sacred. Remember, if Jesus can do it, so can you … and your children, your female children in particular. Let’s talk more about the female issue here.

Research shows us that among sociopaths who rape and kill women, they are mostly a population of males. Females do kill men, for a different reason. Among the population of individuals who rape and kill children, the larger number of these, too, is male, which women represent a very small proportion of those who perpetrate these crimes. Of the women who do perpetrate sex crimes on children, they are considered to be among the most heinous criminals of our day, because they violate the maternal bond which is supposed to be in place to promote our speciation. They are predisposed for this role by having a larger brain. Well, unless that individual is a Karla Homolka or Casey Anthony, both monsters beyond belief, and both free of accountability for their crimes against female children who coincidentally were members of their own family. Let’s take a look how Jesus fits into this scenario.

Christians? Yes. Two female sacrificial victims? Yes. Anything in connection with a tree? Yes, both victims were immediate family. Public outrage or compliance after them being freed and cleared of all charges, even though they perped these crimes? None. Jesus or God consciousness? Let’s see, God commanded Adam and Eve not to eat the fruit of a certain tree. Jesus said turn the other cheek. Message? To understand this you need to understand what the tree is in the Garden of Eden.

The tree in the Garden of Eden is the human family, and the fruit is the children of this family. According to God, you aren’t supposed to sacrifice or eat your children. According to the Jesus myth, it doesn’t matter, and you are required to facilitate the process. Jesus accepted his fate, a model for humanity, and an endless resource for sociopaths who are motivated to abduct, torture, fuck and eat the remains of their child sacrifice victims.

Consider this. Although it appears that Moses was aware of the Cult of Isis, he may not have anticipated a reaction from Egypt’s standing priesthood and the eventuality of this entity having secretly penetrated the ages through it’s SSO culture formally known as the Druids and what need for and practice of human sacrifice from which they borrowed Moses’ Satan entity (Cult of Isis) and transformed it to a savior, Jesus, in myth literature directed at circumventing God consciousness ANAI. Hello founding fathers who understood this exactly and formulated a government which gave you a modern choice between voluntarily participating in human sacrifice via the use of your own children or to put an end to it, and you have chosen the former by default.

Jesus never existed except in the mind of his creator in a plot that was engineered to seduce you into compliance with human sacrifice, which Moses warned about in Genesis. In fact, in this context, Jesus is an adaptation of the Egyptian priesthood juxtaposed righteous against a backdrop of alleged inhumanity, which was a Satanic priesthood principled on the cult of Isis and that today is understood to be human sacrifice against a backdrop of neopolitics. People tell me, “Oh, you’re attacking Jesus Christ the savior!”

I say no, I am challenging the myth, asserting that such an individual never existed and that without fully understanding this people are being led to the slaughter house on a fantasy that was engineered for this purpose.

Back to the 2nd amendment, no militia existing outside that sanctioned by the 2nd amendment is legal, which is why the Federal government can get away with events such as Waco and Ruby ridge. You don’t have a well regulated militia to fight these circumstances, which if you did this would have been resolved on the PATRIOT Act when it was first introduced to congress. What the authors of this treasonous legislation did was they convinced you that to correctly understand it you would have to use it, which guess where that irrationality comes from? And guess whose Garden of Eden has thus been forfeited to a snake?

Stupid does not describe American domestic cosmology in these circumstances. A better expression to put this across to you meaningfully is you are a recessive generation of which the Novus will eventually reemerge in greater numbers, but not here and now. Intelligence fleeting with the departure of any sense of morality or ethics predisposes you exploitation, the likes of which you cannot be rescued from, because that rescue would become a way of life. You need to learn to take responsibility, which I am afraid is going to require another 20,000 years of evolution and even possibly a few more Earth generations to perfect a state of mind that is conducive to our survival. Right now you don’t possess this state of mind, and your willingness to soldier proves this out.

The simple way to do this is to discipline the limbic brain, but that too is a complicated study in human psychology where this has to be proved out through trillions of dollars of research, bold new eugenics projects to maintain the wealthy elite in t he process of discovery and your willingness to play dupe for a few free biscuits that where you to understand the process more thoroughly you could eat better if you made your own.

Open Source Discussion

The 2nd amendment was designed to prevent the rise of tyranny within our government and to correct circumstances where leadership attempts to function more as a dictator than an executive principled on democracy subordinated to natural rights. The antithesis to this form of government is democracy supported by human rights, which is a soft dictatorship. In today’s world, the NWO, which is actually an extension of Britain’s world conquest agenda, the tyrant is offering democratic process and humanitarianism in lieu of the existing government although a strident despotism will only have been replaced by one less angular but nonetheless as oppressive.

In a constitutional militia the private army preserves the legislature and judiciary less concern for the administration, the idea being a graft administration will be targeted for exclusion having been determined by the people to no longer able to function to uphold the constitution: more pointedly, such pretext to war involves treason which can not be remedied by the legislature or judiciary.

For example, an executive order which attempts to nullify the14th amendment would be in violation of Article 5 which prohibits amendments that are not voted upon by congress. The same would be true of legislation which masks itself as a national security initiative but what powers allow it to circumvent the Bill of Rights, which the latter example is coercive enticement to beak the law. Examples of the latter are the PATRIOT Act and Department of Homeland Security.

In an alternate universe where the US actually did maintain a substantial militia, the PATRIOT Act never made it to legislation, and the administrator that attempted to force it past congress was hanged. The PATRIOT Act was authored in Wales. In our current universe, the PATRIOT Act was not only legislated, it’s been in beta test status for the past decade and has progressed to summary execution by tazer on US citizens in no less than 400 events nation wide, the worst case scenario being Kelly Thomas. By the way, the taser attacks the abdomen, which is Druid.

The PATRIOT Act is currently being used to perform occult rendition to set a legal precedence for kidnapping for torture in the UK and Rome and what recent victims are Brittanee Drexel, Megan Maxwell, Holly Bobo, Lauren Spierer and Lisa Irwin in the US and Milly Dowler in the UK, all abductions involving hands on by Barack Obama, George Soros, Arnold Schwarzenegger, their UK cohorts ANAI, and all of whom issue from Atramental Lodge 23/DC. Atramental is DC’s power SSO principled on it’s Luciferian mystic, Albert Pike. The model provocateur of this organization is Aleister Crowley, and modern adherents of this SSO are neopoliticians.

Neopoliticians are stealth flight and ambush predators, and they pride themselves on the use of Britain’s occult protocol, the double bind, from which issues a Pandora’s box of extreme prejudice, violent and destructive militancy and deadly sabotage. If you watched Janet Reno’s interview with congress regarding her role in Waco, you observed her laughter as she described how the tank plowing through the walls of the Davidians compound looked like little toy trucks. there were living children on the other side of that wall. Explosives, fire, child victims, more than likely those children wet and defecated on themselves while they were tortured and killed in this firefight. Reno laughing. Macdonald’s protocol, folks. Look it up. Not just sociopathy. Extreme sociopathy perpetrated against children by a female. Genesis protocol? Don’t do this. How to prevent it? A well regulated militia. How did Americans respond? Entertainment via the news, baby, and huge numbers of people who watched this were 2nd amendment empowered by owning firearms, albeit they were helpless to stop this macabre without a militia that could synchronize and at least protected the lives of the women and children who were psychologically under the control of a madman. Least we forget, David Karesh was a Christian no less. the children who were sacrificed in this event weren’t old enough to make a choice.

Briefly, Obama brags about his HIS children are protected by secret service. If you are familiar with sociopathy, these monsters do protect their own but will sacrifice yours on a moment’s notice. They are mortal. They acknowledge this in public and deny it during ritual sacrifice.

Now process this carefully. Diffidence will get you nowhere. Practiced narrative reading will increase your comprehension and help you develop critical thinking based on moral reasoning and ethics, both of which are loathed by Atramental 23 and neither of which are featured in your reeducation principled on the PATRIOT Act. there is not readily available literature on the PATRIOT Act. It’s a Druid legislation. Remember, in the past this entity never kept written records, and they minimize it today.

Unfortunately, a constitutional militia is not a product of an overnight think tank, so it will do you no good to do a fireworks display the effect of which would be child’s play against the resources of a Federal government that would love an excuse to send NATO at you, and the consequence for this would be marshal control against which not only would you lose your freedom, many would end up dead or in concentration camps being reeducated on the PARTIOT Act and Department of Homeland Security. Notwithstanding, and I was having this conversation with an individual yesterday, US soldiers would not discriminate you from any international organization what orders are to shoot on site. In other words, Americans are already being principled in this legislation, and one of the best examples of this is TSA (Touch, Seduce and Accost). SSO clever, eh?

SSO is Secret Society Organization. It’s also Soros, Schwarzenegger and Obama. Surprised?

Schwarzenegger spent his career trafficking arms to central America. How many weapons do you think this was? Eight years, folks. Daily, weekly, monthly shipments of arms to Central America from points around the globe. He was implicated in these affairs April 22 this year what response from the Federal government was to leak Fast and Furious as a diversionary tactic all the while Perry ratified NAFTA. Do you think TSA has stationed itself to protect the US from terrorism? Do you know what a mask is? Do you know phony form the real? You don’t. You have been cultivated as human sacrifice culture.

Do know that NAFTA has opened a corridor through which arms are going to be distributed throughout the US in an insurgency that will overwhelm you while you sleep. You are going to wake up to your communications systems having been shut down, the streets populated with NATO and foreign soldiers and the only radio broadcast you hear is Obama’s voice telling America to exercise care and caution in interacting with soldiers who are there to protect you form a terrorist threat. You will be booked into concentration camps, for your protection, and when you have been fully sequestered and accounted for they will begin your extermination through immunizations the death fall from which will be 75% of those immunized. They will be immunizing you to protect you from terrorist biochemical warfare. That’s why the FEMA casket liners. They aren’t going to bury you. They are going to use your remains to feed their algae project in the gulf of Mexico. All foretold in Genesis.

Clearly, Americans have not read the Bill of Rights to understanding, what consequence is your current circumstances which have placed you ideologically in competition with your tyrant and with absolutely no way to stop the US from being repatriated to a charter government under an NWO agenda and completely at the will of Britain. You bought guns, did a cursory read of the Bill of Rights and lofted your 2nd amendment civil liberties on the idea that YOU are a militia of one, and good luck with that, idiots!

Atramental 23 believes power should reside in the 30-33 degree masons only, because people below this level are believed by their organization to be too stupid to attain self-mastery, which I will prove this is true to you in a moment. In the meanwhile it is important for you to know that among the candidates running for election in 2012, the only one that is NOT Atramental 23 is Ron Paul. While Michelle Bachman is not Atramental, she was nonetheless recruited by this SSO as a diversion, which she is playing her role to perfection in order to remain in her position as a congresswoman. She’s part of the game.

Regarding Ron Paul, he is a mason, but he redirects to the pre EU masons, the Masons who founded the US in contrast to those were consolidated under Quatuor Coronati in 1886, where the EU masons thus disposed are the elite of Britain, Ireland and Scotland. You will become more familiar with this by studying Britain’s flag.

The 33rd degree Mason was invented by Pike and exclusive to the EU masons. It is also Druid, which the three is derived from the oak leaf having 5 to 7 lobes what numerologically translates to 7+5, 12 and 3. 33 is two leaves of the tree, or two female sacrifices. Masons at this level have presided over many sacrifices of children and young women and initiate 30th-33rd degree Masons. Their victims number in the tens of thousands in the last five decades alone.

Barack Obama is a 33rd degree Mason. He presided over the sacrifice of 10 year old Christina Taylor-Green. Know who was renditioned 1300 aerial miles from Casas Adobes? Get a compass and a map. Scale off 1300 miles and scribe an arc from the northern the southern US borders. If you’ve been paying attention to the news, even the patsy media, this location will stand out on the map like a cabin lofting chimney smoke against the backdrop of the Great Smoky mountains. Welcome to Parson’s, Tennessee, and abductee Holly Bobo where 276 miles equidistant north east to Camp Atterbury and due east to Newport you will discover the Tennessee Devil’s Triangle. Near Camp Atterbury is a little community where Lauren Speirer was abducted from Bloomington, Indiana. Not convinced? Brittanne, Megan, Holly and Laruen are all names which redirect to Druid mythology.

Mark a line on the map at Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, and measure 35 miles southwest along the coastline. There’s an airport there. This is the last known location of Brittanee Drexel’s cell phone. If you know the abduction and recovery sites of Megan Maxwell, mark these points on the map near Newport and connect the dots. They line up perfectly with Drexel’s cell phone coordinates. STILL NOT COINVINCED?

Get on Google Earth and make points on the sites discussed. Form a Triangle between Newport, Tennessee, Parson’s Tennessee and Camp Atterbury. This is the Tennessee Devil’s Triangle. Now measure north west from Parsons 276 miles and the same distance south west from Camp Atterbury to endpoints where these lines intersect, which will give you another equilateral triangle. You should be hovering over or near St. Charles. I know, coincidence. Now do the same for Myrtle Beach and Newport, just orient eastward. You should be hovering over Prince Edward. Call THAT a coincidence! Not only this, but these abductions are numerologically perfect with the birthdates of these two individuals, which is a statistical impossibility except by the hand of intelligence.

TBI Fusion Center and the FBI are denying any connection between these abductions although these organizations released this information to president Obama, George Soros and Arnold Schwarzenegger April 22 which precipitated their myriad of domestic issues commencing May 1. Arianna Huffington became implicated in these affairs arising in Murdoch’s phony collapse after having been discovered publishing abduction data on these victims shortly afterward, US policing organizations STILL denying involvement from Atramental 23, except Myrtle Beach where reality seems to be thriving in their determination to locate a potential perp. What they have is a dupe, a perp that has probably since been assassinated by Atramental 23 because his cover was blown, although he probably never even knew he was being used for this purpose. the circumstances here are these monsters are highly covert, and where you may find yourself being invited to buy a paper form a complete stranger, doing so provides that individual with your domestic/social profile.

Needless to say, Ray Moody (3) and his moniker, Mr. Clean (3), which is 33, is Atramental 23, and if correct this individual perped BOTH Brittanee Drexel AND Megan Maxwell. Bobo and Spierer were perped by another individual, but all four nonetheless matrixed with Fusion Center, Camp Atterbury and the US Army Corps of Engineers in connection with Atramental 23.

Rick Perry lofted Hardin in an attempt to run cover by pushing legislation that would censor my reports to TBI. And who shows up in this mission to protect the national security? The Texan Rangers! You figure and hope for some evidence that human race that is principled in the ability to function on high moral and ethical ground, then you read about how American hero shoots a puppy during a police raid, not a Ranger, but close. The devil never rests.

Oslo/Utoya and the London riots were directed at creating a diversion that shielded the British monarchy from involvement in kidnapping for torture not only of the 200+ children that have disappeared from the London area over the past couple of years, but for involvement in the abductions of Brittan Drexel, Megan Maxwell, Holly Bobo and Lauren Spierer who were subsequently flown across domestic and international borders for ritual sacrifice in the UK and Rome. Schwarzenegger was directed to release Bobo, which his response was to hide out in Austria and return to the US to begin filming a new movie in New Mexico.

Do you know what a druid sacrifice look like? Take a look at the Whitechapel murders. The Druid sacrifice is disembowelment which originated with the rendition of a live fetus from cesarean birth perfected in Egypt. Kill the mother, take the fetus. Druid. And this has been institutionalized for all their sacrifice victims. Typically, they will kidnap you, hold you on ice and later wake you up standing between two posts where they begin disemboweling you by slashing your abdomen with a scalpel or machete, depending on how much pain they want to inflict. You’ll be fully conscious if you can handle the pain and psychological state of mind this produces, and if you are lucky they will have sedated you with morphine so they can literally rip your heart while you watch. The idea here is the act tortures your soul to make you too frightened to come back to life to confront them. With females, depending on the age, they are tortured, raped and sacrificed. If pregnant, the infant is rendered laying down, but the procedure is the same. Atramental 23, folks. Your local Federal government at work using your taxes to protect you from terrorism.

Remember Robert Gibbs remark about using a blow out preventer to silence Sarah Palin? Druid, which is why he made a rather abrupt exit from the White House. What he was referring to was occult rendition in the tradition of disembowelment accompanied by rapid removal of the hearty while the body bleeds out. Reference to the use of a blowout preventer was signaling sabotage that would render her in these circumstances if she didn’t back off. That’s Robert Wormwood Gibbs. His mentor, Karl Screwtape Rove, knows this procedure well. Again, Genesis, and all you have to do to put a stop to this is say no to the devil, or in this case this entities representatives, but you won’t. Not yet.

OWS Idiocy

Proof that Americas are stupid is a simple analysis of the circumstances surrounding the OWS protest. This activity has increased in complexity in the manner that would ordinarily compose a militia. Protestors initially stood their ground principled on the belief that Wall Street was the entity mostly responsible for the bank bailouts and our economic crisis. It seemed like a good idea, and it took root in a festive effort reminiscent of the party culture of the mid 1970s. PARTAE! Small party group or large, it was fun. OWS was fun, when it started.

OWS organized allegedly as a protest but began to take on the complexity of a militia under the auspices of the 1st amendment, which means agent provocateurs have been at work trying to manufacture an insurgency all the while police and protestors have been losing a grip on why they are doing this in the first place. You don’t do militia on a protest, particularly a constitutional militia, which the federal government knows this all too well.

Like I said, party culture. The party starts to wind down when people get tired, and there isn’t really enough moral to transform this to a full blown revolution, nor would this be advisable under the circumstances. The reason for this is revolutions are principled in critical thinking through the use of moral and ethical reasoning and are an attempt to redress issues involving tyrannical leadership not economic crisis. People jumped the gun with OWS and weren’t thinking at all. Our tyrannical leadership is hoping OWS is stupid enough to pull weapons into this. That what this movement was designed to do, besides populating New York with victims for the CIA’s next 9/11. In fact, Wall Street isn’t a protest issue at all. It’s a boycott issue, albeit people will not discriminate between these which is showing their ineptitude with understanding the issues that are collapsing their government. I have to say Britain is marvelously professional in this agenda. I don’t ever disrespect intelligence: however I do stand against ritual human sacrifice. I admire the fighting prowess of the British military, but I have no regard whatsoever for their involvement in ritual human sacrifice.

The correct protest is the Fed, but protestors haven’t been led to that confrontation and they won’t be, which also means OWS has a marketing promoter who is one of the same individuals involved in the BDSM abductions, George Soros. You see, people really are stupid. Soros is a Luciferian genius having made his bidding on the ritual sacrifice of four young women from the Tennessee area. He’s very good at fleecing you of your life, which for this reason alone Britain will make him an economic lion even though he’s a complete idiot. He’s articulate with a ghost writer, but he possess the same wooden demeanor exhibited by Obama AND Schwarzenegger, and a feature of which is their notable lack of range of emotion when speaking extemporaneously. Fact.

Bloomberg has been trying to move people away from the OWS protest for a reason. It is common knowledge that the CIA has planted several small nuclear devices in the areas around New York which they are going to detonate the way they blew up the World Trade Center. The US death fall on this event is going to be astronomical and will be used as a pretext for war with Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan. To what end? Genocide and extermination, ours and theirs.

We have Central America having been armed by Schwarzenegger and penetrating our borders via NAFTA all the while the CIA is commencing it’s US genocide project and our inevitable confrontation with Iran, all Druid. All SSO. All precipitated by the willingness of our own politicians, neopoliticians, to destroy our lives so they can own and control the world.

EU/US Masons

The Masons came into existence late 1500 as a meld between the mystery religions and Knights Templar. This formed a very powerful SSO which spread fairly rapidly throughout Europe and was the support system for US secession from Britain. While the mystery religions were largely a Cult of Isis affair, the Templars were monastic, militarized and focused their faith on monotheism, what beliefs served mystery religions philosophy, since they had human sacrifice in common with the Templars. For the mystery religions, this was ultimately the Druids and their coveted two females. Christ was the templar’s forfeit, which brings us to a crossroads in understanding the role of Christianity in these sordid affairs.

There is no physical record of Christ having ever having existed, none. Much of what we know about this entity is what was portrayed about him in Matthew, and the author of that narrative is allegedly unknown. Christ was written into the New Testament, but not from records that were available during his lifetime, and he allegedly never wrote anything down. Neither did the Druids. According to legend, he was sacrificed, one of two. Judas allegedly sacrificed himself. Two sacrifices are also druid ritual, with the exception that males were narrated in Matthew, and this is a clue that the narrator was not druid although the myth created in Matthew is a Druid plot beginning to end, including the use of trees to kill both individuals, and introduces the New Testament under the control of King James. Remember, Druids don’t keep physical records, so whoever developed the Christ narrative was not one himself but had a highly detailed knowledge of this entities activities.

Early attempts to learn the origin of Matthew center on three individuals: Pliney the Elder, Cassuis and Tacitus (PCT). The recorded testimony of these individuals is second hand, they having allegedly heard from other sources which these three have been quoted often as credible groundwork for assessing the validity the reality of Jesus, although again there are no physical records to substantiate this story. Needless to say, their narratives do more to cull monotheism into existence as a means to control an increasingly dense population that under Rome’s previous tolerance for polytheism was partly responsible for it’s disintegration. A messiah provided the basis to bring people under a common umbrella which acculturated them to a Celtic despot.

With this in mind, geniuses do periodically arise in the population the likes of which during AD 1 may have been an Einstein entity which served as a model for Jesus albeit was not so adapt at performing miracles except through the ability to describe life with the clarity of a scientist. Christ-like? Who knows. According to physical records their was rebellion, but none of it centered on a Christ entity.

Also, Mohammad would have been on Moses’ calendar. Not only this, but this realist entity exhibited the same clarity of mind as Moses, which is a compelling study of the cycle of reincarnation. In this regard, Muhammad would be a truer prophet than Christ, because Jesus was a mythical figure where the former was a living breathing individual like Moses and appears to have been an improvement over the ancient.

In this confusing scenario, 70 years hence of Jesus’ alleged death we saw the emergence of what appears to have been the first literary attempt to formulate an NWO (PCT). 70 years hence of Einstein’s death we see the same formulation taking place by modern day PCTs Soros, Schwarzenegger and Obama. Should we have listened to Einstein?

Atramental 23 is Druid or at least functions same. The US was partly founded upon this philosophy with the exception that the founding fathers who were masons applied themselves more to the monastic functions of this organization giving it a nobility unprecedented in history, and they were not 33rd degree masons in any way connected to Albert Pike. Pike came later and although was the inspiration for Astral 23 was also a manifestation of by then the EU Masons consolidated under Quatuor Coronati, which this entity actually engaged the occult in greater depth. In the meanwhile, Templar Novus nobility emerged upon the American continent with a Declaration of Independence, Constitution and Bill of Rights, a full embodiment of their monasticism albeit unknown to Britain until the early 1800s. Notwithstanding early Druid Influence is the American Eagle, which predatory birds were their fascination. Believe it or not, your lifestyle is to a large degree Templar one with the exception that you don’t seem to have a grip on the relationship between the 1st and 2nd amendments. and that to a lesser degree you are minimally influenced by this organization with this understanding.

As an aside, Adders Breivik was NOT a Templar in the traditional sense but is in fact a member of a three person sedition/assassin cohort, the other two of which are Jason Assange and Lana Wachowski. Obama’s presence in Hollywood today was no accident, and if it helps clear the air, this event should and aught to give credibility to Randy Quaid’s assertion that there is an assassin cartel in Hollywood whacking actors and ruining careers. Obama’s presence there conforms this to be Atramental 23, and this entities victims include David Carradine and Keith Ledger in the US and Amy Winehouse in the UK. The monarchy threw a tantrum, which was the backdrop for the London Riots and Winehouse’s death. Atramental 23 perped Deepwater Horizon.

Know why Druids don’t kill real prophets? Real prophets are very powerful and can invoke punishment, so they make up prophets they kill to make it appear as tough they are fearless and tough. Prophets aren’t afraid of death, but sociopaths are, and both sociopaths and psychopaths have an Achilles heal. A crocodile’s limitation is it’s inability to flex defensive posturing. It’s got one attack move only, surprise, speed and overwhelming power, which is the strike force of Atramental’s Breivik’s. T They blend in well, which is like a crocodile hiding ’neath the surface of the water waiting to spring on it’s victim. They are a kind of stealth, ambush, pounce predator, which when you apply this model to an Anders Breivik you just need to be able to recognize it and allow nature to take it’s course when you take him down. You still don’t know what this entities Achilles heal is, although I just told you. You are stupid.

The founding fathers understood the efficacy of the mystery religions in connection with asserting leadership over the masses but subordinated it to Templar domestic interests, a phenomenon that was reversed in the EU when the Masons subordinated to Quatuor Coronati. The Masons were thus officially split US/EU with the more virulent of the two being EU in connection with Irish and Scottish SSOs which practiced human sacrifice according to Druid tradition. Two cows are featured in Druid sacrifice which are human female victims. Sacrifice rituals involve splitting of the abdomen, which was featured in both the Bible’s account of the death of Judas (Act’ 1:18) and Britain’s Whitechapel murders.

John and Thomas Chapman

I am feeling tired now, since I just spent two hours writing this, so I may make an error in a naming here. Let’s hope my memory serves this narrative accurately.

Jack the Ripper was a celebratory sacrifice of a woman targeted for infant rendition that after her fetus was cut from the womb in a horrific attack was handed off to adoptive parents and raised TE Lawrence. The murder of Mary Anne Nichols was embedded in shock doctrine where the women who were killed around her were engineered to avoid detection of these macabre circumstances. The ripper was two entities, John (Jack) and Thomas Chapman. John perped the murders, while Thomas laid them out cartographically, which by the way cartography thus became a function of SSO occult rendition. John was a ships carpenter, which explains the often rough appearance of the victims injuries with the exception of Nichols whose rendition was assisted by the doctor who showed up late for her autopsy.

To rip is to snatch, which in this case was the rendition of a fetus from it’s mother, hence Jack the Ripper, or John the snatcher as it were. Today, Druid kidnappings are laid out on a cartographic map and occult date baseline which leave their signature. To quote one source, “When the details of an event are so arranged to contain certain occult numbers or number combinations this is an occult signature on the event.” The occult signature on the abductions of Drexel, Maxwell, Bobo and Spierer are Prince Edward and Prince Charles, and you can prove this to yourself through the use of map and compass.

For Ripper buffs, you will understand this more remembering that Sarah Junner Lawrence was alleged to have been pregnant but that no one could confirm this, because she was out of sight for the period of time that she was supposed to have carried a child. There is no proof that she carried or delivered. Nichols infant was renditioned August 31, Sarah Junner Lawrence’s birth date. TE Lawrence’s birth date is therefore August 31 and not the 16th as has been recorded. Also, it is likely that TE Lawrence’s father was John Chapman. The monarchy absolutely hates me at this point and has been assured of my rendition and eventual punishment for reveling this entity as the source of the BDSM adduction and other crimes which they have perpetrated in the US ANAI. This is going to be a mess, to say the least.

As for the parents of these victims, you need to wake up pretty quick. You are a powerful link in these issues that where you demure under pressure form TBI/FBI you will have missed the opportunity to not only expose these monstrous circumstances, you child will be lost to the occult without so much as a breath of resistance form you, which will become state of the art in abduction technology for Atramental 23. the two parents I have talked to, Drexel and Bobo, are convinced that their children were perped by a local madman, and they are only interested in confirming this with a capture. This kind of non-thinking will produce a scapegoat where the real perpetrators are able to successfully evade not only these abduction but will continue to prep on an audience that had been largely institutionalized not to respond correctly to these horrible events.

So what does this mean to the US at this time? In reality, I could care less who controls the world. What I have a problem with is ritual sacrifice and the fact that I can read these events in the crime scene. I care enough about humanity to know this is morally and ethically wrong, but I also realize people are really to thick to figure this out, which my work ends with providing you with this information. Believe me, I am not on a crusade to save mankind. Life is Karma, and if you can’t figure this out you’ll just have to go through it to understand it so it sticks permanently to your soul.

My former father in law was NSB and CIA and I can tell you these entities are every part Luciferian described in the literature albeit they hide in the status quo. They are highly covert, and human life is of no consequence to them. They are motivated entirely by self interest and live outside the common law. In my father in laws case, he once turned the dogs lose on a couple of my former wife’s friends during an after school visit to their home. Bear in mind all were practicing Catholics. The visitors were black. In case anyone is curious about Bohemian Grove’s Owl, this entity is Druid, cult of Isis and very much an extension of Atramental 23, which is also KKK. You can follow up on the KKK . In reality, this male dominated organization was the brainchild of Albert Pike in connection with Britain, the first US terrorist organization, and melded with and is a function of Bohemian Grove and Skull and Bones. Confederacy reorganized under Atramental 23? No, but close!

Druid Psychopathy

Druids alleged to be able to shape shift, and some people believe in this. I can tell you this, shape shifting is a physical impossibility, although Druids would have you believe this is a reality for high level Masons in the EU system. In truth, what they can do, and what they learn to do during the ritual sacrifice of a young woman or infant, is act completely natural while they are torturing, raping and cutting the liver and heart out of their victim, which makes them damn good liars. They can shape shift a psychological state of mind, but not a physical presence. hahaha

Ritual sacrifice is how they practice the lie and become so good at it they actually believe themselves to be able to become a different entity in the process of dealing with the public, just they are only visible to themselves. Do you know what this is? I do. This is a very profound form of sociopathy where the perp detaches from reality during the commission of a crime, and they master this technique through ritual sacrifice. If you watched Gadhafi’s assassin in an altered state of mind just before he killed this man, this is an example of extreme sociopathy. It’s a function of the limbic brain, and people who can do this are coveted and protected by Atramental 23. It’s insanity, but who’s knowing one way or another at the present time. Right now people are acting like, “What assassination?”
These are the are the monsters you have been electing to congress and the presidency who immediately turn around and kidnap your child in celebration of their ability to pull one over on you. Drexel, Maxwell and Bobo fall on an occult calendar issuing on Obama’s inauguration, but who fucking cares. Their parents don’t care. Very sad.

You don’t see the lie, which redirects to the 2nd amendment. The lie there is you have a right to bear arms and thus stated is a lie. You have a right to formulate a synchronized militia which as such you have a right to bear arms for this purpose. Let me put it another way. 3= 6. Doesn’t make sense, does it? What if the 6 was 6 ounces of gold? You would make a grab for it regardless. This is how you’ve become accustomed to the 2nd amendment. Guns= 2n’d amendment rights, which is absurd, simple minded and portrays you as fools for not having the intelligence to understand this. Remember what I said about how you are viewed by the elite? This is why. You really are dense, and like in Moses’ narrative of the fall of man, your engineered lack of moral reasoning and ethics has predisposed your generation gut loaded on Crowley’s self-aggrandizement having absolutely no connection to your constitutional republic, and you currently wandering around New York just coming to your senses that there is something wrong with OWS, you just can’t put your finger on it. KAMOOM! Too late.

How did 3000 people end up on the top floor of a WTC building that was mostly empty and had been prepped for demolition? Tough question, eh? How about this. Druids were notorious poison assassins. What element of our culture are you aware of where this has prevailed in your health? Simple as the answer is you don’t know. What was Obama pushing his first year in office? Forgot? Uh huh.

You think OWS is going to change this? Some other kind of protest? They are going to keep moving you along a work in progress reformulating one event to the next until they have worked out a plan where they can institutionalize on a model where you will attempt an armed insurgency during a protest, which is insane, and your agent provocateurs will have disappeared completely by then leaving you holding the bag and confronting your worst nightmare, your untimely death. It’s just a big extermination event for them. And your constitutional militia? An alternate universe where the people are smarter, possess more robust character and know the importance of self-mastery principled on morality and ethics, which this universe is sorely lacking, figured this out several thousand years ago while you were busy building pyramids in a diet of onions.

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