Saw an article this morning where the political whore guvnor of Iowa who mandated Communist Penal Code Non medical “lockdowns” for a Not proved to exist virus, ordered police to enforce her communist lockdowns, is now trying to claim she “rejected” all the hysteria and human harming pig shit of the scamdemic.
‘Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds Tries To Scrub Her Lockdown Record’
I have more respect for a prostitute who sells here ass on a street corner for twenty buck a pop than I do a political whore.
Political whores FORCE you to buy what they are selling.
Sales tax on everything you buy, gas tax, property tax, income tax.
Been saying for years if the politicians could find out how many times a year you had sex they would charge you an entertainment tax on the act.
And if you refuse to buy their wares, they will send the cops to beat you up and kidnap you, or kill you if you try to keep them from kicking you out of your own home you bought and paid for yourself.
The things you get for your money are generally things you don’t want.
Traffic citations for violating arbitrary rules, kidnappings and held for ransom for violations of raft of bull shit arbitrary rules.
Communist rules regulating away all your God Given Rights.
On the other hand a whore who stands on the street corner, does not FORCE you to buy her wares.
It is a voluntary cash for goods transaction unlike the transaction with political whores.
If you want some of what the streetwalker is selling, you give her twenty bucks, no tax added, and she gives you a few minuets of using her body to get your rocks off.
Simple voluntary transaction with no lingering ramifications.
At least if you wear a rubber.
So while a street walker is a honest businesswomen, a political prostitute is a violent laying thieving abusive murderous bitch or bastard.
America would probably be a better place to live if all the politicians were rounded up and placed in reeducation work camps, and street walkers were promoted to positions in government.
The Ole Dog!
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