Police swoop on stunned couple after sniffer dog mistakes legal garden plant for cannabis

Katherine Faulkner

Last updated at 12:36 AM on 27th December 2011

As drug raid targets go, they were hardly the usual suspects.

Chris and Anne Vincent, a respectable couple in their late fifties, answered the door of their village home to find police demanding access to their garden.

Neighbours had reported how streams of local teenagers had been knocking on the couple’s door asking to buy marijuana.

An unlikely Mr Big: Village shopkeeper Chris Vincent with a sample of the moss phlox which drove a drug dog ¿berserk¿

An unlikely Mr Big: Village shopkeeper Chris Vincent with a sample of the moss phlox which drove a drug dog ¿berserk¿

And police dogs had picked up the waft
of cannabis coming from the Vincents’ flower bed in the Warwickshire
village of Bidford-on-Avon.

Nonplussed, the couple allowed the drug squad into their detached, four-bedroom home – and the mystery was solved.

The source of the smell was not marijuana plants but a common evergreen creeper,  moss phlox.

Mrs Vincent, 57, a cashier with the  Nationwide, had been cultivating the flowering plant for years.

Her 58-year-old husband, a shopkeeper, said: ‘My wife’s a keen gardener.
When we bought the house, the plant was already there – but then it
grew and grew.

‘We didn’t know what it was – we just thought it was quite pretty. But
teenagers kept coming to the door saying, “Sorry, mate, we can smell
ganja … you got any?”

‘I’d say, “No, I haven’t got anything”.  They were real hoodies but also
strangely polite, obviously thinking that I was some mean drug dealer.’

Drug demands: The couple say teenagers kept on asking them if they had cannabis for sale

Drug demands: The couple say teenagers kept on asking them if they had cannabis for sale

One teenager even turned up three times after he refused to take No for an answer.

‘It’s happened loads of times over the past couple of years and most
recently just a few weeks ago before the police showed up,’ added Mr

‘It’s unbelievable – I’ve never even smoked a joint in my life.’

Although moss phlox looks nothing like cannabis and grows vivid pink
flowers in the spring, the plant gives off a similarly potent aroma.

Police swooped on the Vincents’ home after a drug dog ‘went berserk’ at the smell.

A neighbour said: ‘Drug cops were crawling up and down the alleyway that borders their house.

‘They were peering over the fence and trying to take cuttings from the
plant. A sniffer dog was there too, barking whenever it got close to
their garden.

‘It was bizarre – it was like being in a dodgy inner-city estate, not what you expect at all in rural Warwickshire.’

Chris Vincent with some of the pungent moss phlox plant that gives off the smell of cannabis

Chris Vincent with some of the pungent moss phlox plant that gives off the smell of cannabis

Although the plant is not illegal, police confirmed that they had
advised the couple to get rid of it to prevent more unwanted attention.

They have now agreed to take it to the local dump.

Mr Vincent said: ‘They asked if we were having any bother with local
kids and we said yes, we’re always having trouble with them. When the
police saw the moss phlox, they knew exactly what it was.

‘Apparently an old lady who was growing it nearby got robbed a while back after criminals thought it was actually cannabis.

‘Funnily enough we never really smelt its aroma before we dug it up, when it was really strong.’

He added: ‘It didn’t look like  marijuana, it just looked like a fern
with lovely flowers and anyway, we didn’t even really know what cannabis
smelt like.’

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I would refuse to dig up the plant if I liked it.
I would also plant some in the front garden so the drug addicts of the future can see for themselves that its not cannabis.
I also find it odd that the dogs thought it was cannabis. A dog has the ability to differentuate between the most complicated of smells.

Watch your birdseed, folks. We had a fine crop of the five fingered friend last year. Took ages to get rid of it.

In short, pot heads and cops smelt cannabis from that house that wasn’t cannabis.
And besides, I imagine a policeman so-called ‘swooping’on the house to happen quickly, and not after after ‘a couple of years’.
This sounds like sensationalist reporting of what is really just a dull story.

Ha ha, at least they finally found out why all those youngsters kept coming to them. But I’d have ‘smelt’ something funny if this kept happening to me over years.

Why does it matter what class they are, would it make a difference if they lived on a council estate? just because someone is middle class does not make them better than anyone else, dm is implying that just because there middle class they couldn’t have been growing cannabis.

Am I missing something here? If the plants were causing him grief because they smell like canabis, being raided by the police could hardly be a surprise. Why didn’t this numpty just dig them up??

So there was a strong smell of cannabis and a stream of people looking to buy cannabis, but because this couple were “respectable” the police shouldn’t even have bothered investigating? Bookmark this story to bring out again next time a “respectable” person is found to be growing real cannabis will you? Especially if the police initially ignored identical evidence? Not really a story this, is it?

Man told to destroy perfectly legal plant. Why don’t the cops arrest God, for creating smells? One more step towards police state UK.

Warwickshire Police confirmed they had requested Chris remove the plant. — And why is that any of their business?

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