Police chiefs launch scathing attack on Cameron’s ‘dangerous’ drink crackdown

Kirsty Walker

Last updated at 11:21 PM on 15th February 2012

Police chiefs last night launched a scathing attack on David Cameron’s plans to tackle binge drinking, branding them ‘dangerous’ and ‘unhelpful’.

The Police Federation, which represents rank-and-file officers, also warned that forces did not have enough resources to implement the Prime Minister’s crackdown.

Mr Cameron yesterday pledged to tackle the growing ‘scandal’ of  alcohol-fuelled disorders during a visit to a hospital in Newcastle.

Prime Minister David Cameron discusses his plans to tackle binge drinking with matron Angela McNab, right, and police officer Jahangiri, left, during his visit to the Royal Victoria Infirmary Hospital in Newcastle

Prime Minister David Cameron discusses his plans to tackle binge drinking with matron Angela McNab, right, and police officer Jahangiri, left, during his visit to the Royal Victoria Infirmary Hospital in Newcastle

He confirmed the Government was considering hugely controversial plans to introduce minimum pricing for alcohol and give police more powers to tackle violence and disorder.

The crackdown includes plans for ‘drunk tanks’ – cells where those deemed incapable of walking home would be sent by police to sleep it off – and ‘booze buses’, which pick up revellers and take them to cells.

Other proposals include deploying more police to accident and emergency wards to prevent drunken violence. Health minister Ann Milton yesterday added that children also needed to be educated in schools about the dangers of alcohol.

The Prime Minister hopes to stop scenes like this one, of drunken clubbers in Bristol, from being the norm in UK city centres at the weekend

The Prime Minister hopes to stop scenes like this one, of drunken clubbers in Bristol, from being the norm in UK city centres at the weekend

The Police Federation argues that forces are already struggling to cope with their current workloads after 20 per cent cuts

The Police Federation argues that forces are already struggling to cope with their current workloads after 20 per cent cuts

However, the Police Federation warned that it was already struggling to cope with 20 per cent cuts to budgets and described plans for ‘drunk tanks’ as dangerous.

Paul McKeever, chairman of the Police Federation of England and Wales, said: ‘The Prime Minister’s suggestion of “putting more police on patrol in hospitals” to help deal with problems of drunken and anti-social behaviour would be laudable if the police service wasn’t struggling to meet the current workload.

‘We simply do not, and will not, have the police officers or the resources.’
Mr McKeever said plans to tackle alcohol purely from a health perspective without considering the implications on other public services were ‘unhelpful and likely to fail’.

He added: ‘Locking people up in  so-called “drunk tanks” to resolve the issue of binge drinking is dangerous. People who are very drunk  can be vulnerable and often require medical attention, so locking them in a confined space is not an effective solution.’

At the Royal Victoria Infirmary in Newcastle, Mr Cameron confirmed he was looking at the issue of alcohol pricing. He is known to favour plans to emulate Scotland where supermarkets and pubs are forced to charge a minimum of 45p per unit of alcohol to prevent cut-price selling.

But critics warn that the plans are illegal and would penalise moderate drinkers without having any real impact on problem drinkers.

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So now millions of people (pensioners) who have served their country in various ways, paid taxes without question are now being told they can not enjoy a tipple now and then, because a few (very few) uncontrolable individuals are under the influence of alcohol/drugs. Oh no You the Government, serve and protect everyone. The majority of the population want a peaceful life, but the laws of this land, laws that You the Government have approved / passed, have prevented the POLICE FORCES of this country from doing their job of Policing. They now have one hand tied behind their backs. Yhe famous quote from WW2 ‘Never have so many owed so much to so few’ now reads ‘ Never have so few caused so much unrest to so many’ You the Government were elected. GET IT SORTED OUT SOONEST. PS. Don’t forget the pensioners.

The Police used to be able to manage the small number of drunks..they would be seen by an on duty Police doctor, and sent to court. In fact when hubby started in the force in the 70’s the few old town drunks were grateful for a night in the cell. The pubs were well run and a handful of clubs and a strict adherence to licensing laws. More Police at the weekend and fights soon broken up, put into vans and a night in the cells and a CHARGE. Then more and more bars, slackening of licences. More binge drinking. Then they were terrified of a death in custody so gradually they ended up in AE. Then 24 hour free for all. The numbers became less manageable and still they keep opening more bars and now they are “VULNERABLE”, not breakers of law. i know what went wrong, why on earth can’t the M.P’s see it.

I’m afraid the attitude of the Police that drinkers are “VULNERABLE” is one of the main reasons we have this problem. Drunk and incapable..drunk and disorderly are OFFENCES and should have kept on being treated as such. I heard someone say they were going to issue women with flip flops because high heels can be dangerous when drunk….Ye Gods what the hell is this country coming to.

Your country has a social problem – not a drinking problem. Fix the former (plus some education) and you will fix the latter….

Does anyone have any idea what a ‘drunk tank’ actually entails ?? Doubt it. Well to start with, as soon as the drunk is brought into custody, the Police have full responsibility for the drunks safety (they’re drunk remember so they are not responsible) That means regular ‘visits’ when they have to be roused from their drunken slumbers at least every 30 mins, but often every 15mins if really drunk. Oh, and when they start coming round they want to fight with each other, then the Police who intervene in the fight, this all being in the middle of them soiling themselves and vomiting.
I guarantee that within the first week of such an absurd idea that there would be a ‘death in custody’ placing the officers on duty in jeopardy until such time as it was proven that the fatality came from drowning in their own vomit or another drunk assaulting them.
And don’t get me onto how you staff up these ‘drunk tanks’ to cope with the workload……..get real.

Drunk tanks? what a great idea, so let me see, you put about 10 drunken people with the propencity of being violent, cooped up in a confined space and expect them to behave rationally? What planet do these people live on. Then there are the welfare issues, it’s bad enough looking after one drunk alone in a cell with all the constraints of needs and rights placed on todays officers and staff, you can’t just pick someone up off the street and throw them in a ‘drunk tank’ for nothing, in this country, people, no matter what their background do have rights. If these things were implemented you would only need the first ‘drunk tank’ death or parents saying my little Jonny wasn’t drunk the nasty police just picked on him for nothing, and this forum would be full of complaints. Lets face it 99.9% of people who go out at weekends behave themselves, it’s the hard drinking culture we have as a nation that needs to be taackled and that means education and not glamourising this behaviour on TV

I’m beginning to wonder if he’s seeing how far he can push the British people before they decide on a revolution.

Here’s an idea – remember it’s a Police Force – cut the spending on waste, non-jobs and bureaucracy and use the money saved to maintain Police Officer numbers.
Get a shift system that works and provides Police Officers on the streets to deal with Public Order Licensing Offences.
Finally – when Licensees are prosecuted for selling alcohol to people who are drunk or people who have no sense of responsibility for their behaviour are before the Bench, let’s have sentences that make people think twice.
The so called “cafe culture” has allowed our Market Squares and City Centres to become “no go” areas for decent people. It’s time we took them back!

As the price of booze rises so will petty crime, which to the victim is not by any means petty. The position of the Prime Minister is to serve the country, the whole country and not a small, very small, minority. The majority of us are reasonable, sensible drinkers and will suffer for a few out of control idiots. Get a grip Cameron you can not please all of the people all of the time.

Is Cameron actually aware of what is required by being the Prime Minister? I, and possibley millions of other Brits, must think that this guy is so out of touch it’s becoming quite alarming. Being an expat and out of the country is such an eye opener when you are looking in.

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