Please respect my religion!

This is a response to each of your points and is my personal opinion, which I genuinely hope you enjoy, and hope you will excuse my sense of humour, tis not intended to provoke, as I don’t see the need. :cheer:


My religion does not call people “infidels,” “heretics,” “goyim,” “heathens” or “sinners,” who are “other” and “alien,” unlike us and worthy of contempt, exploitation or worse.

Indeed. But, in truth, we are ALL sinners, because we all “miss the mark of perfect obedience”. This is not exclusive to “non-believers” but to all of us.


My religion does not call for nonbelievers to be derogated, hated, subjugated or enslaved.

Neither does mine.


My religion has no giant, anthropomorphized, male God in the sky, somewhere “out there” separate and apart from humanity who dictates our every waking moment.

Neither has mine. Instead, he is very much a part of universal consciousness and is not a dictator, but a benevolent guide. However, where necessary, he does reserve the right to discipline us, because he is Lord over all. The lower levels of universal consciousness, whilst part of the whole, do not have the right to dictate to the higher levels, because we are here to learn with humility, and not to attempt to usurp the higher levels with an arrogant contempt in the guise of intellectualism.


My religion says there are no divinely revealed facts straight from the mouth of God that represent the “one true faith.”

Then you need to pay attention, because there is such a thing as “truth”, and it is our resistance to that truth that has got us into this mess in the first place.


My religion neither promises heaven nor threatens hell, exploiting neither greed nor fear.

There is no such thing as hell, and heaven is only for a reserved few, who go there for a specific and divine purpose, so as to benefit us all. They are no better than us, and we should recognise that we are all one family.


My religion does not ask people to believe blindly and without scientific evidence in supernatural “saviors,” “prophets” or “avatars” of a particular ethnicity or culture.

Blind faith isn’t real faith, but credulity. Faith is the assured expectation of things hoped for, the evident demonstration of realities, though not beheld. The basis for such faith is reality and true science. The fact is, when you examine the scientific evidence on the level of our deepest awareness and current understanding, you will find that it rather speaks *for* the existence of God, rather than *against*. Personally, I find it absurd that entire generations are putting faith in the theory of evolution on the flimsiest of so-called evidence, which comes down to nothing but “hearsay”.


My religion objects to so-called holy texts full of violence, brutality and cruelty.

Indeed, so does mine. And the theory of evolution is the root of the modern Eugenics movement, and you can’t get more cruel than that. Love is the key to everything. Love, and reason.


My religion prohibits the murder of women and girls in order to “protect honor.”

So does mine.


My religion prohibits child marriages and other forced marriages.

So does mine.


My religion objects to forcing people to cover up simply because they have genitals of a particular gender.

So does mine. But it also objects to the other extreme which borders on harlotry, if we are being truthful, here. With true freedom comes self-responsibility, which is an issue that is conveniently brushed under the carpet by many who claim to be “free-thinkers”. That, I’m afraid, is just as disassociative as covering up from head to toe, leaving only holes for the eyes to look out through.


My religion objects to gender apartheid, in which men and women are segregated purely because of their genitals.

Methinks you have an obsession with genitals, somehow. There really is no need to be, you know. Both men and women are special in their own right and work together as a whole, bringing their own unique qualities to the table. Apartheid only exists in the minds of those who allow it. It has also been used as an excuse to go to the other extreme and to completely divorce both men and women from their naturally-assigned roles, based on their dominant qualities, in order to bring them under the same tyranny, under the seductive guise of “equality”, which is rather ironic, because neither gender is happy, now. There needs to be a balance and a respect for free will, as well as a respect for the individual qualities of both genders. No one reasonable is in favour of apartheid, because all humanity should be at one with itself and with God.


My religion prohibits the mutilation of children’s genitals of either gender, based on “religious” dictates.

So does mine.


My religion is based on consciousness, not genitalia.

So is mine. Again, you seem obsessed with genetalia. There is no need to be.


My religion values scientific observation and humane morals, not superstitious belief and violent fanaticism.

So does mine. You do not need to disown a God in order to achieve what appears to be a lofty aspiration but which, in reality, should come naturally to us when we are connected to God-consciousness.


My religion does not allow for death or other punishment for apostasy or blasphemy, etc.

My form of religion, if truly delved into, would have no need for such symptoms, and the only one who has the right to take away life is the one who created it. Humanity is not independent from the rest of the universal matrix of consciousness, so please, stop imagining that we are, and that we have a right to set our own standards. It’s what got us into this current mess in the first place.


My religion opposes invasion, rape and robbery in the name of a god.

Mine opposes it, full stop. Those who do are surely guilty of apostasy and blasphemy, no?


My religion prohibits beheading or otherwise murdering living, breathing human beings in order to defend it from “insults.”

Mine too. That is what I would anecdotally call, “a step too far”. Lol..


My religion values life more than death and prohibits killing in its name.

Mine values integrity more than even life. You obviously don’t aim high enough with your standards. People should be prepared, not to kill in the name of an ideal, but to live for it. And, if people can do that, then they should be so passionate about preserving those ideals that they are prepared to die for it, but to kill? No. Not unless universal justice itself depends on it, and that is never a decision to be taken unilaterally, but it is one that stems from the higher levels of consciousness, and is action that is usually taken by those levels. We, here on earth, are told to “wait on God” so as to avoid having unlawfully shed blood on our hands.


My religion does not allow for hand amputations for theft or stonings and hangings for adultery.

Mine neither. Though, both theft and adultery are not trends we should be happy to tolerate either, because they are usually symptoms of an unhappy existence. Should we not much rather deal with the causes of those unhappinesses so as to prevent them in the first place?


My religion prohibits homosexuals from being hanged or otherwise murdered simply because of their sexual orientation.

Mine too, though, again, when you look into the scientific studies of epigenetics, you will soon see that our present reality is merely a reflection of an unhealthy environment, which has also been genetically modified in order to promote the current status quo. Bisphenol-A alone is responsible for feminising males and ultra-feminising females. Surely, when you consider that we do not have the right to alter the fertility rate of humanity nor its orientation, it is, in fact, a breach of humanity’s rights to do so. However, when people find themselves in the unfortunate circumstances of falling victim to either the Eugenics programme or other such modification of the human genome so that behaviours are modified also in an attempt to change the very nature of man, you do not speak up against this but, instead, focus on the popular “gay-rights” issues. Well, to answer your statement, we should love ALL human beings, no matter what condition they are in. But at the same time we should treat the symptoms of modification instead of indulging them.


My religion treats children with kindness, love and affection, not beating them and teaching them hatred of others.

So does mine. Like I said before, it’s up to us as individuals as to whether we avail ourselves of the benefit of spiritual education. However, discipline is also part of teaching them, and correcting our children is also important. A smack on the hand may be sometimes needed when the child refuses to listen, because he does need to respect the authority of his guardians, but this doesn’t encompass beating, as there is an obvious difference. Parents do need to sympathise with the needs of the child, however, and to not traumatise their childhood, and this can also be done without laying a finger on them. One shouldn’t generally have children until one has dealt with one’s own unresolved childhood traumas first – that would be the wise course to take, because society is now in such a mess that to simultaneously raise healthy children whilst trying to untangle ourselves from the culmination of the symptoms of spiritual illness is a very risky task to undertake, and will only serve to traumatise the child, in any event. I don’t think it is possible to raise truly healthy children in an unhealthy “brave new world” type of environment, and I think they deserve better from us as their parents. We should be creating the type of world which is hospitable to their needs, before endeavouring to pro-create – is my *personal* opinion.


My religion does not require prayer, once, five times or any other amount per day.

Neither does mine. It’s like your parents ordering you to phone them 5 times a day at certain times, I mean, who does that? A conversation should be spontaneous, not scheduled, and if a person is spiritual, then no doubt they will approach God throughout the day, whenever the need arises, and not because some “priest” tells them to do so.


My religion is not interested in mind control, so what you do within the privacy of your own mind is up to you, but my religion says that disrupting the public square and workplace for prayer is antisocial, aggressive and obnoxious.

I couldn’t agree more. Still, you may agree with me that we live in a spiritual vacuum and that people do need to start paying attention to their spirituality more. Which is why we try to avail ourselves and encourage people to talk about spirituality, should they be looking to do so. It is never forced, however, but it is important for a society, which has been mind-controlled to shut-down access to spirituality, to have that opportunity. That is not antisocial, but neighbourly and loving. Not everyone will want to avail themselves of the provision, or it may be inconvenient one moment and much needed another moment. We are all just tools of consciousness, at the end of the day, extending the opportunity or reminding others to reconnect with their higher power, creator, or God.


My religion objects to loud ringing of bells and shouting through loudspeakers, tormenting neighbors and causing divisiveness.

Indeed. But, you might also be surprised at how even atheism can cause division in a community. Again, all things weighed in the balance, if discussing spirituality (something which should come naturally to spiritual beings) has become a torment, then perhaps that illustrates just how far we have drifted from our original centred spiritual state of being.


My religion exhorts people to expose and speak out against oppression, censorship, human-rights violations and animal abuse wherever they may be found, in whatever culture or country and practiced by whatever ethnicity or religion.

Indeed, if everybody did this, there would be no violations against which to speak out against. When a society, through its individual members, allow these sorts of things to take place, it is a reflection of their own spirituality. None of these violations are a natural part of a spiritual society, and indeed nor will they be when humanity’s spirit is restored to its full potential, under God’s Kingdom rulership, when all levels of consciousness are, once again, resonating as one, before the great chasm served to divide us all and to ruin us.


My religion calls for people to object to religious beliefs that are vicious, hateful, sexist and violent, regardless of the religion, faith, sect or cult.

Again, love and reason are the keys to everything. There would be no such beliefs if people actually took care of their spiritual needs, instead of neglecting them and then allowing such beliefs to flourish.


My religion calls for dignity and respect for the individual, who is free to believe or disbelieve at any given moment, as opposed to being forced to adhere to a particular religion through threats of violence and hellfire.

Again, so does mine. Free will is a gift from God, and it is one where he honours the same. But, in all honesty, violence and hellfire aside for they are not part of God’s purpose in any event, who in their right mind would want to disbelieve in something which they have not only found to be true and sustainable, but also loving and beautiful? If we are surrounded by dignity and respect, not only for the individual but more particularly for the sanctity of life and for God and all levels of his principles, and we finally create the paradise we have always dreamed of, both literal and spiritual, who would want to give that up?

My religion encourages singing, dancing, joy and general freedom to love life.

As well it should.

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