Planning shake-up ‘won’t help economy’ but could harm public wellbeing, ministers are told

Kirsty Walker

Last updated at 11:39 PM on 12th February 2012

Radical plans to shake up Britain’s planning system will do little or nothing to boost growth and may even damage public well-being, a study has found.

It casts doubt on claims by senior ministers, including Chancellor George Osborne, that the reforms are essential to kick-start the economy.

But the study by business consultancy Vivid Economics says there is no evidence that changes to the planning system would have any effect on productivity or employment and the measures may have a ‘significant’ adverse impact on individuals’ happiness. 

Government reforms approved by David Cameron could punish the economy

Government reforms approved by David Cameron could punish the economy

Ministers have enraged countryside campaigners with proposals that local councils should approve all building projects unless there is a strong reason to refuse them.

The proposals represent the biggest change in planning law for more than 50 years and aim to ‘dramatically’ simplify the system by slashing 1,000 pages of policy to just 52.

The most significant change is that local authorities would adopt a default position of answering ‘yes’ to proposals for  developments.

But a coalition of campaigners, including the National Trust, English Heritage and the Campaign to Protect Rural England, says the plans will lead to developers declaring ‘open season’ on the countryside.

Mr Osborne has argued that the reforms are vital to boost the economy by stimulating growth and jobs and has dismissed critics as representing ‘vested interests’.

Eric Pickles said the Government is considering negotiations

Eric Pickles said the Government is considering negotiations

However, Communities and Local Government Secretary Eric Pickles indicated yesterday that the Government may be prepared to offer concessions.

In an interview, he said: ‘I’m pretty confident we will produce something at the end of the process which balances the need for economic growth and the need to protect our environment.’ The report said: ‘The Government expects its reforms to bring forward development and create employment.

‘It expects that changes to the planning system will increase the amount of land developed and thus “enable businesses to start and grow, creating jobs across all business sectors”.’

But it concludes: ‘There is no evidence available that planning has large, economy-wide effects on productivity or employment.

‘It seems unlikely that the draft NPPF [National Planning Policy Framework] will have much effect on growth or employment in the short run.’

The report, ‘Inexpensive Progress?’, was commissioned jointly by the CPRE, the National Trust and the RSPB.

Neil Sinden of the CPRE said: ‘To many of us the benefits of the planning system seem obvious. It allows us to take account of the needs of the whole community, while facilitating necessary development that protects and enhances the environment.

‘Sadly, these benefits are often ignored by those who can only see the red tape standing in the way of their bulldozers.’

Stephen Joseph of the Campaign for Better Transport added: ‘This report shows cutting back on the planning system won’t help the economy in the way the Government has been claiming.

‘Planning reforms should be based on evidence rather than assertions, promoting genuinely sustainable development rather than a vain dash for growth at any cost.’

The RSPB’s Martin Harper  said: ‘The Government has a big challenge in steering us out of economic difficulties, but this must be achieved without sacrificing the countryside and coast many of us hold so dear.’

Shadow communities secretary Hilary Benn said: ‘George Osborne says these Tory planning reforms promote growth and protect our countryside. Now we know that’s not true.’

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So many things that CAN help the economy are dismissed and ignored by the Government in their “race for the bottom”.

the truth is out

The man from the council he say YES…..oops will we need anyone in the council. If that’s a no then Yes gets my vote.

Not of Tory makeing?? Who are these LUNATICS think got us into the EU?Who do they Think destroyed British Inustry and manufactiuring.Todays the Legacy from THATCHER and the TORIES.When ever have the TORIES done ANYTING RIGHT ?Other than make the rich richer and the poor poorer.And kill off as many aged pensioners as they can.TORY VOTERS THAT HAVE ANY DECENCY WILL NEVER VOTE TORY AGAIN.

Stuff the economy, I want house prices corrected.

Planning Changes will help the economy if you want to buy a house. My little 4 acre plot will take 20 houses. But its in the Green Belt. It wasent in the Green Belt when I bought it in 1980 but in those days land was included without proper consultation and it was included in 1983. You can build a semi-detached house for £60K. The land 20K. Builders Profit £20K House for sale £100K. At the Estate Agents in my area there is nothing for sale under £140K. First time buyers on low incomes dont stand a chance. But they would if they released Green Belt Land specifically for “Low Cost Housing”

This isn’t of Tory making but as usual it’s the Tories left to sort it out. They need to get on with it.
– Trudi, Worcs, 13/2/2012 03:49—————and Cameron is a Tory? Some disasters in the life of British politics, Jim Callaghan,Denis Healey, Ted, Lawson,Lamont,Blair and Brown. Now we have what will go down in history as two of the most awareness challenged politicians in our long history – Cameron and Osborne, sort it out – yea I’ll bet.

We have spent the last 15 years turning shops, factories, warehouses hospitals and offices into housing. Now we need jobs, quelle surprise, and extra land will have to be zoned to replace what has been lost. It was always inevitable what with gross rises in population. This isn’t of Tory making but as usual it’s the Tories left to sort it out. They need to get on with it.

The “vested interests” Osborne is complaining about are charities supported by millions of ordinary Britons. What about the vested and utterly unaccountable interests of the major developers who helped to draft this new “guidance”?

The report, ‘Inexpensive Progress?’, was commissioned jointly by the CPRE, the National Trust and the RSPB.
In short, by 3 single-issue pressure groups.

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