September 11, 2015
Comments for “Planned Parenthood’s Monstrous “Sideline””
Al Thompson said (September 11, 2015):
Abortion is murder; there’s no other way to describe it. My question is this: If people are so outraged by the selling of fetal body parts, then why aren’t they equally outraged by the abortion itself? The government sponsors Planned Parenthood so it must advocate abortion too. This is a part of the movement to limit the growth of the population. What Planned Parenthood should be in troble for is the committing of murder. The selling of the body parts is simply the outcropping of something worse. All bad choices has their payback and the people who advocate the abortion idea are criminals. This is a result of not paying attention to God’s commandments. In my view, the abortion is more monstrous than selling the body parts. Advocates of PPA are the excrement of society.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
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Tony B said (September 11, 2015):
It will never come out but you can bet the Johnny come lately statutes against selling “fetal tissue” is actually a monopoly plum to planned non-parenthood handed to those ghouls by our satanically criminal congress.
Also, someone needs to ask the question of just who are these “consumers who request certain body parts” and for what use? Fits right in with satanic rituals, etc.
Another giant question: Just exactly why have these revelations not stirred any real discussion of how can these “body parts” be in demand if these babies are not living human beings? It’s way past time for the damned (by God) world to quit fooling itself about “women’s rights” to murder their own children as though new souls are just an unwanted extension of the selfish, heartless woman. Only a brain dead asshole could ever truly believe that in the first place.
People know better. They’ve always known better. They know murder of the unborn is a hard to out-do major evil. There hardly exists a worse evil than toleration of evil. . . . Oh, but my country is “God’s country,” ask any idiotic, robotic flag waver as America’s families become ever more dysfunctional, even ever rarer, thanks in large part to this murder of the unborn.