Pippa Middleton and Suzi Quatro among stars criticised for peddling ‘silly science’

Tamara Cohen

Last updated at 12:05 AM on 28th December 2011

Their day jobs involve looking glamorous and posing for the cameras – and perhaps they should stick to them.

When celebrities turn their attention to solving our health problems, a report suggests, their contribution is, at best, questionable.

Tamara Ecclestone, Suzi Quatro, Gwyneth Paltrow and even the Duchess of Cambridge and her little sister Pippa are among those named and shamed for peddling what the report calls ‘silly science’.

Moonshine: Pippa Middleton's claims that cold water made her hair glossy were slammed by scientists

Named and shamed: Singer Suzi Quatro came in for criticism for saying sore throats start in the colon

Named and shamed: Pippa Middleton’s claim that cold water made her hair glossy and singer Suzi Quatro’s announcement that sore throats start in the colon were slammed by scientists

The organisation Sense about Science highlighted Miss Quatro’s claim that her sore throats were cured by a ‘colon cleansing’ powder.

The American singer-songwriter said: ‘I used to get a lot of sore throats and then one of my sisters told me that all illnesses start in the colon. I started taking a daily colon cleaner powder mixed with fresh juice every morning and it made an enormous difference.’

But Dr Melita Gordon, a consultant gastroenterologist, said: ‘Sore throats do not come from your colon; they are caused by viruses that come in through your nose and mouth. The colon…certainly is not the cause of all illnesses.’

Pippa Middleton was abruptly corrected after crediting her glossy hair to rinsing it in cold water.

Miss Middleton, 28, claimed: ‘It closes the pores and gives it a lift and shine… it really works.’  

Sense about Science pointed out that hair does not have pores, and its smoothness is unaffected by water, hot or cold.

Her sister Kate, the Duchess of Cambridge, featured in the report for saying that spending more time with horses had made her less allergic to them.

Dr Pamela Ewen, of the allergy department at Addenbrooke’s  Hospital, in Cambridge, conceded that, in cases of mild allergy, Kate might be right.


What the report found

But she added: ‘If the allergy is more severe, re-exposure usually makes it worse.’

Heiress Miss Ecclestone came under fire for saying acupuncture stopped her getting ill.

She said: ‘I have acupuncture to boost my immune system every month or so.’

Professor Peter Lachmann, an immunologist at Cambridge University, said: ‘There are ways to enhance different types of immune response – though acupuncture is not one of them.’

Gwyneth Paltrow, who has previously made comments about shampoo causing cancer and is a fan of a bizarre Chinese medicine treatment called ‘cupping’, was also on the hitlist for claiming that a ‘detox diet’ helped her liver and gave her ‘mental clarity’.

Simon Cowell also featured for saying that he found vitamin injections ‘calming’.

And Snooki Polizzi, star of U.S. reality TV show Jersey Shore, claimed whale sperm was what made the sea salty. Tracey Brown, of Sense about Science, said: ‘It’s tempting to dismiss celebrity comments on science and health, but their views travel far and wide and, once uttered, a celebrity cancer prevention idea or environmental claim is hard to reverse.’

The charity did congratulate one celebrity for making a helpful contribution. 

Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, was praised for her comments in the Daily Mail about the link between a poor diet and osteoporosis. The duchess said: ‘What particularly concerns me is the rise of osteoporosis in young people and its link with eating disorders.’

Sian Porter, of the British Dietetic Association, said: ‘It is very important to strengthen bones in the first 30 years of life to “stockpile” calcium and other minerals. Her Royal Highness is clearly well informed.

‘Unfortunately this is not the case with many celebrities who give advice.’

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Uh-oh, I wonder if I can get that seventy quid back that I spent on rejuvenating anti-wrinkle cream made from the tears of baby seals. That Andie MacDowell swears by it and she looks so young!


Well the Middleton sisters aren’t known for their brains. If I was going to take any advice from them, it would only be about how to snag a rich husband.

So are these esteamed scientists denying these women know their own bodies, and because they do not resort to the phamacutical companies drugs, they can’t possibly get the results they claim.
Are these same scientists funded by big pharma by chance?

Ms Quatro is clearly confusing her throat and her colon – talking out of the latter for sure.

Clever clogs

Well it about time that someone named and shamed Miss Middleton as a fake.

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