Piers Morgan: George Clooney Could Be ‘A Serious Candidate for President’ Some Day

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He’s a college dropout who has yet to hold elected office.

Yet CNN’s Piers Morgan on Friday night said, “Whenever I see George Clooney, I always get a sneaking feeling that we may one day be considering him as a serious candidate for president” (video follows with transcript and commentary):

PIERS MORGAN, HOST: Finally, Rob, you’re obviously a movie man. George Clooney put on the event at his house last night. Whenever I see George Clooney, I always get a sneaking feeling that we may one day be considering him as a serious candidate for president. What do you think?

ROB REINER: Well, I don’t know what his thoughts about that are, but I knew, I do know that if he ever decides to run for elected office, he’d be terrific. I mean, he is obviously very articulate, knowledgeable. He is very passionate about issues and he does walk the walk. I mean, you saw what happened in his being arrested with his father in Washington.

He has been a very deep and caring person when it comes to the issues. So like I say, he’s very articulate. He’s not too ugly to look at. And I think he’d do very well. I don’t know that he’s interested in running for public office, but if he decided to do so, I think he’d, he’d do very well.

MORGAN: I’ve got a sneaking feeling that he will one day.

Isn’t it amazing that folks such as Morgan and Reiner think Sarah Palin despite being governor of Alaska and mayor of Wasilla wasn’t qualified to be vice president?

They probably also think that irrespective of the number of years they spent in Congress, Michele Bachmann, Newt Gingrich, and Rick Santorum aren’t qualified to be president.

And regardless of having been governor of Texas, George W. Bush likewise didn’t have what it takes to run the nation in their view.

But George Clooney, who didn’t graduate from college and has never held elected office, could some day be president.

Scarier still – most liberals in the media probably agree with them.

It’s a grave new world, isn’t it?

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